羊血,sheep blood
1)sheep blood羊血
1.Studies on removing hemoglobin technique in processing of extracting SOD of sheep blood提取羊血SOD过程中除血红蛋白工艺的研究
2.Studies on the technique of removing hemoglobin in the process of extracting sheep blood of SOD with response surface analysis响应面法优化提取羊血SOD除血红蛋白工艺研究
3.Based on single factor tests,the optimum heating denatureation extraction conditions of SOD from sheep blood were obtained through Box-benhnken central combination design and RSM.利用响应面分析法(Response Surface Methodology)对羊血中SOD的热变性提纯工艺进行优化。

1.Nonspecific bindings were blocked by treating slides with normal rabbit serum for 30 mins.10%正常羊血清室温作用30分钟;
2.Activity and Isozymes of Serum Amylase in First Filial Generation of Charolais and Tibetan Sheep夏×藏一代羊血清淀粉酶活性及同工酶
3.Compared with blood biochemistry targets between high and low production cashmere goats高低产绒山羊血液生化指标比较试验
4.Clinical Application of Naemorhedus goral Hardwicke and Euphorbia Helioscopia in Traumatology山羊血、泽漆药对在伤科的临床应用
5.Determination of SOD activity in sheep blood羊血中超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)活性的测定
6.Studies on removing hemoglobin technique in processing of extracting SOD of sheep blood提取羊血SOD过程中除血红蛋白工艺的研究
7.Studies on the technique of removing hemoglobin in the process of extracting sheep blood of SOD with response surface analysis响应面法优化提取羊血SOD除血红蛋白工艺研究
8.Then the brothers killed a sheep and dipped his coat in its blood.然后,众兄弟杀了一只羊,把约瑟夫的上衣浸在羊血里。
9.Investigation on Polymorphism of Haemoglobin in Charolais Breeding Rams and First Filial Generation of Charolais and Tibetan Sheep夏洛来种公羊和夏×藏一代羊血红蛋白多态性的研究
10.Hydrolysis Production of Small Peptide from Sheep Blood and Effect of It on the Metabolism of Nitrogen in Rumen;羊血水解小肽的制备及其对绵羊瘤胃氮代谢的影响
11.Effect of Early Weaning on Biochemistry Indicators in Serum of Chinese Merino(Xinjiang type) Lamb早期断奶对中国美利奴羊(新疆型)羔羊血清生化指标的影响
12.Comparison of the Ovine Sperm Capacitation and Fertilization in vitro among the Different Concentrations of Serum Collected from Their Different Estrous Stages不同发情阶段的绵羊血清对绵羊精子获能和体外受精的影响
13.The Study on the Levels of SP-A in Cord Blood, Maternal Blood and Amniotic Fluid;脐血、母血及羊水SP-A水平的研究
14.Hemodynamic and respiratory effects of amniotic fluid embolism in the pregnant goats孕羊羊水栓塞后血液动力学、呼吸的改变
15.a deadly form of septicemia in cattle and sheep; involves high fever and pneumonia; contracted under conditions of exposure or exhaustion (as often happens when the animals are shipped to market).牛或羊患染的一种致命的败血
16.and he put it to death; and Moses put some of the blood on and round the altar.就宰了公羊。摩西把血洒在坛的周围,
17.The Serological Detection and PCR Identification of Goat Poxvirus;山羊痘病毒的血清学检测与PCR鉴定
18.Studies on the Blood Protein Polymorphism of Shandong Goat Breeds;山东山羊品种血液蛋白多态性的研究

goat serum山羊血清
3)lamb sera羊血清
1.The application of chlamydia McAb on lamb sera diagnosis;衣原体单克隆抗体在羊血清诊断上的应用
4)Sheep serum绵羊血清
5)sheep plasma羊血浆
1.Purpose To develop a method for the potency determination of heparin sodium with sheep plasma and to compare it with the method of rabbit whole blood.目的建立用羊血浆法测定肝素钠及其制剂效价方法,并与现行药典的兔全血法比较。

羊血【通用名称】羊血【其他名称】羊血 (《唐本草》) 【来源】为牛科动物山羊或绵羊的血,动物形态,详"羊肉"条。 【化学成分】主要成分(除含水约4/5外)为多种蛋白质。此外,尚含少量脂类(包括磷脂和胆甾醇)、葡萄糖及无机盐等。蛋白质主要是血红蛋白,其次是血清白蛋白、血清球蛋白和少量纤维蛋白。 羊血豆腐(羊血凝块)的组成,每100克约含水分82克、蛋白质16.4克、脂肪0.5克、碳水化物0.1克。 【性味】《纲目》:"咸,平,无毒。" 【功用主治】止血,祛瘀。治吐血,衄血,肠风痔血,妇女崩漏,产后血晕,外伤出血,跌打损伤。 ①《唐本草》:"主女人中风,血虚闷,产后血运、闷欲绝者,生饮一升。" ②《医学入门》:"治卒惊悸;九窍出血,取新热血饮。" ③《纲目》:"治产后血攻,下胎衣。" ④《随息居饮食谱》:"生饮止诸血,解诸毒。熟食但止血,患肠风痔血者宜之。" 【用法与用量】内服:煮食或以鲜血饮之。 【选方】①治吐血、衄血,积日不止:新羊血,热饮一、二小盏。(《圣惠方》) ②治大便下血:羊血煮熟,拌醋食最效。(《便民食疗》) ③治产后余血攻心,或下血不止,心闷,面青,身冷,气欲绝:新羊血一盏,饮之三两服。(《梅师集验方》) ④治外伤出血:羊血炭十份,血余炭十份,黄芩粉两份。制法:将新鲜羊血放置12小时后,取其血块放入锅内,用火炒至膏状,再另扣上一锅作盖,在两锅周边用黄泥封严,于上锅底贴一张白纸,用火煅至白纸呈黄色为度,待锅凉后取炭压成细末;然后加入血余炭和黄芩细末,混匀。用法:敷药后,马上用纱布块敷盖加压止血,三分钟后再包扎。小伤口上药一次即可。(内蒙古《中草药新医疗法资料选编》)