延边牛,Yanbian cattle
1)Yanbian cattle延边牛
1.Study of mtDNA D-loop sequence polymorphism in Yanbian cattle;延边牛线粒体DNA D-loop序列多态性研究
2)Yanbian Yellow Cattle延边黄牛
1.Effect of optimized diet on the inner ruminal environment of Yanbian Yellow Cattle nursing cows;延边黄牛哺乳母牛优化日粮对瘤胃内环境的影响
2.Study on activation conditions of somatic cell cloning in Yanbian Yellow Cattle;延边黄牛体细胞克隆激活条件的研究
3.Analysis of growth regularity of Yanbian Yellow Cattle and young Hanyan F1 Cattle;延边黄牛与韩延F_1幼牛生长发育规律分析

1.Analyse on the Chromosomal Karyotype of Embryo Cloned from Somatic Cells of Yanbian Yellow Cattle延边黄牛体细胞克隆胚胎的核型分析
2.Study of fusion condition of somatic cell cloning of Yanbian Yellow Cattle延边黄牛体细胞克隆融合条件的研究
3.Effect of Total Mixed Ration on Development of Complex Stomach of Yanbian Yellow Calf完全混合日粮对延边黄牛犊牛复胃发育的影响
4.Study on Growth and Development Rule of F1 of Hanwoo×Yanbian Cattle and Yanbian Yellow Cattle;韩延一代牛与延边黄牛生长发育规律的比较研究
5.Comparative Study on Growth Performance and Carcass Meat Quality of Yanbian Yellow Cattle and F_1 of Germany×Yanbian Yellow Cattle延边黄牛和德延F_1牛的生长性能及胴体品质的比较研究
6.Study on Optimized Diet of Yanbian Yellow Cattle Pregnant Cows and Milk Replacer;延边黄牛妊娠母牛优化日粮与犊牛代乳料的研究
7.Studies on Cytogenetics and Blood Protein Polymorphism in Yanbian Yellow Cattle;延边黄牛细胞遗传与血液蛋白多态性的研究
8.Effect of Fibroblast on YanBian Yellow Cattle Efficiency of Somatic Cell Cloning成纤维细胞对延边黄牛体细胞克隆效率的影响
9.Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of the Yanbian Cattle Interferon-gamma延边黄牛干扰素-γ基因的克隆与原核表达
10.Effect on Inner Environment of Rumen of Adding the Heat Treatment Barley in Yanbian Yellow Cattles补饲热处理大麦对延边黄牛瘤胃内环境的影响
11.A Study on Oxidative Damage to Reconstructed Embryos from Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Yanbian Cattle延边黄牛体细胞克隆胚胎氧化损伤的初步研究
12.Effect of Meat-producing Performance and Beef Quality on Different Feed Combination in Yanbian Yellow Cattle;不同日粮组合对延边黄牛产肉性能和牛肉品质的影响
13.Studies of Alcohol-Fermented Feedstuff on Quality Meat Production Effect in Yanbian Yellow Cattle;酒精发酵饲料对延边黄牛优质牛肉生产效应的研究
14.Effect of Supplemental TMR on Performance of Growth and Development of Stomachus Compositus of Yanbian Calf补饲TMR对延边黄牛犊牛生长性能及复胃发育的影响
15.The Effect of Supplement of Tempered Barley on Beef Performance and Quality of Yanbian Yellow Steers补饲热处理大麦对延边黄牛产肉性能及牛肉品质的影响
16.Research on color and antioxidant properties of Yanbian yellow cattle's fermented jerky during storage延边黄牛发酵牛肉干在贮藏期间颜色及氧化稳定性的研究
17.Making Meat Color and Fat Color Standard Map of Molar Grade Standard of Yanbian Cattle延边黄牛牛肉质量分级肉色脂肪色标准图谱的制作
18.Effect of Different Levels of Mixed Vegetable Oils on Inner Rumen Environment of Yanbian Yellow Cattle and Fatty Acids in Plasma;不同水平植物油对延边黄牛瘤胃内环境及血液脂肪酸成分的影响

Yanbian Yellow Cattle延边黄牛
1.Effect of optimized diet on the inner ruminal environment of Yanbian Yellow Cattle nursing cows;延边黄牛哺乳母牛优化日粮对瘤胃内环境的影响
2.Study on activation conditions of somatic cell cloning in Yanbian Yellow Cattle;延边黄牛体细胞克隆激活条件的研究
3.Analysis of growth regularity of Yanbian Yellow Cattle and young Hanyan F1 Cattle;延边黄牛与韩延F_1幼牛生长发育规律分析
3)Yanbian cattle延边黄牛
1.On the present situation and countermeasure of Yanbian cattle variety resources protection;延边黄牛品种资源保护的现状及其对策
2.Effect of alcohol-fermented feedstuff to the meat production of Yanbian cattle;酒精发酵饲料对延边黄牛产肉性能的影响
3.Chromosome of Yanbian cattle and Liyan hybrid cattle;延边黄牛及利延杂交牛的染色体研究
4)Yanbian Yellow Cattle calves延边黄牛犊牛
1.Effects of milk replacer for Yanbian Yellow Cattle calves;延边黄牛犊牛代乳料饲喂效果的研究
5)Yanbian local cattle延边本地黄牛
6)F1 of Hanwoo×Yanbian cattle(Hanwoo ♂ × Yanbian yellow cattle ♀)韩延F1犊牛(韩牛♂×延边黄牛♀)

延边牛延边牛——延边牛是东北地区优良地方牛种之一。  ——延边牛产于东北三省东部的狭长地啧,分布于吉林省延边朝鲜族自治区的延吉、和龙、汪清、珲春及毗邻各县;黑龙江省的宁安、海林、东宁、林口、汤元、桦南、桦川、依兰、勃利、五常、尚志、延寿、通河,辽宁省宽甸县及沿鸭江一带,据1982年统计总计有21万头。延边牛是朝鲜与本地牛长期杂交的结果,也混有蒙古牛的血液。延边牛体质结实,抗寒性能良好,适宜于林间放牧,冬季都有暖棚,是北方水稻田的重要耕畜,是寒温带的优良品种。  ——在生产性能上,延边牛自18月龄育肥6个月,日增重为813克,胴体重265.8千古,屠宰率57.7,净肉率47.23,眼肌面积75.8平方厘米。  ——在体型外貌上,延边牛属役肉兼用品种。胸部深宽,骨骼坚实,被毛长而密,皮厚而有弹力。公牛额宽,头方正,角基粗大,多向后方伸展,成一字形或倒八字角,颈厚而隆起,肌肉发达。母牛头大小适中,角细而长,多为龙门角。毛色多呈浓淡有同的黄色,其中浓黄色占16.3,黄色占74.8,淡黄色占6.7,其他占2.2.鼻镜一般呈淡褐色,带有黑点。  ——在繁殖性能上,母牛初情期为8-9月龄,性成熟期平均为13月龄;公牛平均为14月龄。母牛发情周期平均为20.5天,发情持续期12-36小时,平均20小时。母牛终年发情,7-8月份为旺季。常规初配时间为20-24月龄。  ——延边牛耐寒,在—26℃时牛吸才出现明显不安,但能保持正常食欲和反刍。