食品学科,Food Subject
1)Food Subject食品学科
1.Starting from the characteristics of food subject and the general requirements on teacher\'s quality,this paper analyzed the major problems existing in current young teacher training program for food subject in colleges and universities.本文从食品学科的特点及其对教师综合素质的要求入手,分析了目前高校食品学科青年教师培养中存在的主要问题,结合多年从事高等教育和青年教师培养工作的经验,提出了"以老带新、企业实训、进修学习、学术交流"的青年教师培养方案。

1.Graduate-level Course Designing for the Discipline of Food Science and Technology;关于食品学科研究生课程建设的思考
2.Investigation of Young Teacher Training Model for Food Subject in Colleges and Universities高校食品学科青年教师培养模式探索
3.A Study on Cultivation Quality Evaluation of Food Science PhD Students in China;我国食品学科博士生培养质量评估研究
4.Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology中国食品科学技术学会
5.Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science (JSNFS)日本营养学与食品科学会
6.Teaching Approaches of Microbiology in Undergraduate with Food Science Major;食品科学专业本科生微生物学的教学方法
7.Countermeasures of Bilingual Education in Subject of Food Science and Engineering;食品科学与工程学科开展双语教学的思考
8.International Union of Food Science and Technology国际食品科学与技术联合会
9.Scientific Appraisal and Social Repercussions of Genetically Modified Foods;对转基因食品的科学评价及社会反应
10.Food Sensory Science and Technology:A Historical Opportunity and Challenge for Development食品感官科学技术:发展的机遇和挑战
11.Searching Food Science Information on InternetInternet上食品科学信息的检索
12.Exploration on the Necessity of Offering the Course "Food Safety" in Food Science and Engineering Specialty食品科学与工程专业开设《食品安全学》课程的探讨
13.The Reform Study of the Technological Experiment Class of Food Science and Engineering食品科学与工程专业工艺学实验课改革研究
14.Research on the Double-subject Teaching System with CAI of Food Science and Engineering Specialty;食品科学与工程专业CAI双主教学体系探讨
15.New Classification of Teaching Contents of Food Chemistry for Graduate Students;本科生食品化学课程教学内容的新分类
16.Establishment of New Practice Teaching System about "Food Science and Project" Specialty in Colleges and Universities;高校“食品科学与工程专业”新的实践教学体系
17.Some Discussions of the Reform of the Teaching System of Food Science and Engineering;食品科学与工程专业教学体系改革探索
18.Investigation on the design of bachelor degree of food science and engineering specialized subject;食品科学与工程专业大学生毕业设计工作思考

food science食品科学
1.Investigation on the design of bachelor degree of food science and engineering specialized subject;食品科学与工程专业大学生毕业设计工作思考
2.In this paper,the applications and some recent advances of Raman spectroscopy in food science were reviewed,including the applications in the detection of pesticide residue,the quality analyses of meat products,the determination of fake and bad quality food,etc.本文综述了激光喇曼光谱技术在食品科学中的应用及其新进展。
3.The characteristics of running food science and engineering speciality determine that practical teaching, especially graduation thesis writing link has its special position and role in the cultivation of specialized personnel.食品科学与工程专业的特点,决定了实践性教学,尤其是毕业论文环节在其专业人才培养过程中的特殊地位和作用。
4)magnified food science大食品科学
1.In recent years we have observed a tendency of viewing it as one branch of magnified food science system.烹饪科学的归属问题已经讨论了数十年,近几年趋向于将烹饪科学归属于大食品科学体系中,但随着我国餐饮业的迅猛发展,餐饮科学体系日见端倪,因此有必要重新审视烹饪科学的归属问题。
5)food science and engineering食品科学与工程
1.Exploration of education reform of food science and engineering specialty;食品科学与工程专业教学改革初探
2.The exploration and practice of the course system of food science and engineering major;食品科学与工程专业课程体系的探索与实践
3.Prelimilary Study on Establishment of Practice Teaching System on Food Science and Engineering Specialty食品科学与工程专业实践教学体系构建研究初探
6)food science and technology食品科学与工程

《标准化是一门新学科》《标准化是一门新学科》Standardization-a New Discipline  B心卫hunhua Shi Yimen XinxLJek6《标准化是一门新学科》(%26翔叨阮心必以蜘一aN‘JD改动红配)首次较系统地论述标准化是一门学科的著作。印度囚C.魏尔曼著,1盯2年发表。由苏锡田、张玉麟等译成中文,科学技术文献出版社于1980年出版。全书共26章。主要内容包括:标准化的目的和作用,标准化的领域和内容,企业、行业、国家、地区和国际各级标准化的组织和工作程序,标准的计划、编制和贯彻执行,计量制度和单位,质量认证标志与说明性标签,标准化教育与训练,标准化的经济效果,标准化的数理手段,发展中国家和消费者标准化问题等。同时,对未来标准化工作的发展也作了展望。 (赵全仁崔华)