细胞替代治疗,cell replacement therapy
1)cell replacement therapy细胞替代治疗
1.Fetal brain cells, which have been proven to be successful in substituting the damaged neural cells and treating neurodegenerations, were considered as the focus of cell replacement therapy.细胞替代治疗是重建受损神经系统的组织结构,恢复神经系统功能的一种有效策略。
2)replacement treatment替代治疗
1.The secondary hypothyroidism after radioiodine therapy and the replacement treatment;~(131)I治疗甲亢后的继发甲减及替代治疗

1.Does hormone replacement therapy prevent epithelial ovarian cancer?激素替代治疗能预防卵巢上皮癌吗?
2.How to use progestin in hormone replacement therapy: an animal experiment激素替代治疗中如何加用孕激素 ?(英文)
3.Review and Philosophical Thoughts on Hormone Replacement Therapy in Postmenopausal Women;绝经妇女激素替代治疗的回顾与思考
4.The Effect of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Coronary Heart Disease;性激素替代治疗在冠心病防治中的作用
5.Clinical study of CRRT in patients with critically ill连续性肾替代治疗救治危重患者的临床研究
6.Treatment of TB infection in patients with CRF and undergoing replacement therapy慢性肾功能衰竭及接受替代治疗者并发结核感染的治疗
7.Puzzle of hormone replacement therapy and prospect of the role of traditional Chinese medicine in treating postmenopausal syndrome绝经妇女激素替代治疗的困境与中医药治疗更年期综合征的前景
8.Analysis of Hemoperfusion Combined with Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis血液灌流联合连续性肾脏替代治疗技术治疗重症胰腺炎
9.Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Curative Effect of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for Refractory Heart Failure持续性肾脏替代治疗难治性心衰疗效的影响因素分析
10.Study on Female Hormone Replacement Therapy For Climacteric Syndrome更年期综合征妇女雌激素替代治疗的研究
11.The Study on Comprehensive Care Model with Low-dose Factor Replacement for Children with Heamophilia;血友病儿童低剂量替代治疗综合关怀模式研究
12.Effects of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy on Inflammatory Mediators in Patients with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome连续性肾脏替代治疗对MODS患者炎症介质的影响
13.Blood purification in the therapeutic strategy of kidney replacement for multiple injury in children儿童多发性创伤血液净化与肾脏替代治疗策略
14.Continuous renal replacement therapy in the treatment of septic shock连续性肾脏替代治疗在感染性休克中的应用
15.The prescription and anticoagulation of Continuous renal replacement therapies.持续性肾脏替代治疗处方的设定和抗凝策略
16.Application of continuous renal replacement therapy in simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation: One case report胰肾联合移植后应用连续性肾脏替代治疗1例
17.They are used along with--rather than instead of--main-stream care.互补疗法是协助主流治疗而不是替代主流治疗。
18.The Clinical Trial in Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of CRRT in the Treatment of Burn Sepsis;连续肾替代疗法对烧伤脓毒症治疗的临床研究

replacement treatment替代治疗
1.The secondary hypothyroidism after radioiodine therapy and the replacement treatment;~(131)I治疗甲亢后的继发甲减及替代治疗
3)substitute therapy替代治疗
1.In China, the substitute therapy mainly consists of hemo dialysis,peritoneal dialysis and renal trans-plantation.终末期肾脏病是一种常见的导致劳动力丧失的疾病,在我国主要靠血液透析、腹膜透析或肾移植等替代治疗,医疗资源的不平衡分布致使只有部分患者能得以治疗,长期的替代治疗给患者的家庭造成巨大的经济负担,使患者对医护人员家庭成员等产生强烈的依赖感,从而使其处于焦虑、抑郁等负面心理状态,影响家庭与社会的稳定。
4)Replacement therapy替代治疗
1.【Objective】 To study the effect L-T4 replacement therapy to carotid artery intima-media thickness(IMT).目的评价左旋甲状腺素(L-T4)替代治疗对亚临床甲减患者颈动脉内中膜厚度(IMT)的影响。
5)cell replacement细胞替代
6)cell therapy细胞治疗
1.The mechanisms of epilepsyl remain unknown and the gene therapy and cell therapy provide a new method for curing epileptic syndromes caused by mutations of voltage-gated salium channels.基因和细胞治疗为治疗离子通道基因突变引起的癫痫提供了新的思路。
2.Rigorous investigation of these topics will lead to realistic approaches for stem cell therapy in the .并指出应用成体干细胞治疗人类疾病具有广阔的应用前景。
3.With the multipotential of differentiating into various types of cells and easy expansion, MSCs have been considered as prospective adult stem cells in tissue engineering, cell therapy and gene therapy.因此 ,间充质干细胞在组织工程、细胞治疗和基因治疗中具有广阔的应用前景。

诱导癌细胞分化治疗诱导癌细胞分化治疗differentiation therapy of cancer cell induced  经研究表明某些恶性疾病,如白血病、胚胎瘤、鳞状细胞癌及神经母细胞瘤等,可被化学物质诱导分化成正常细胞或近似正常细胞,许多肿瘤细胞能被激素、维生素、某些小剂量细胞毒药物、生长因子等诱导而产生分化。目前已有若干种分化诱导剂进入临床Ⅰ、Ⅱ期试验,例如新维甲类化合物维胺酸栓剂,可阻断宫颈癌前病变的发展;全反式维甲酸单独使用能缓解急性早幼粒细胞白血病。