软脑膜,cerebral pia mater
1)cerebral pia mater软脑膜
1.Effects of thrombin subarachnoid injection on collagenous fiber thickness of cerebral pia mater in rats;凝血酶蛛网膜下腔注射对大鼠软脑膜胶原纤维厚度的影响
2.Object The model of the rat mesentery、cerebral pia mater and mouse cerebral piamater microcirculation disturbance was set up by high polymer dextran and adrenaline.方法:实验采用高分子右旋糖酐及肾上腺素法,建立大鼠肠系膜、软脑膜和小鼠耳廓微循环障碍模型,并观察了正常小鼠耳廓微循环。

1.The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the pia mater.脉络丝由软脑膜的疏松结缔组织构成。
2.Effects of Ahalysantinfarctase on Pia Mater Microcirculation in Monglial Gerbils Cerebral Ischemia蝮蛇抗栓酶对沙鼠脑缺血软脑膜微循环的作用
3.Various part of brain substance was: medulla (pars ventralis), cortax(pars dorsalis), pia mater encephali.脑内组织依次为:髓质(被盖部)、皮质(基底部)、软脑膜
4.Blockade of Cervical Lymphatic Deteriorate Pial Microcirculation of Rat with Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage阻断颈淋巴加重实验性蛛网膜下腔出血软脑膜脑微循环异常
5.Between the pia mater and the neural elements is a thin layer of neuroglial processes, firmly adherent to the pia mater.软脑脊膜同神经组织之间有一薄层神经胶质细胞突起牢牢地附着在软脑膜上。
7.Dynamic Alteration and Significance on Pia Mater Microcirculation After High-voltage Electric Burn实验高压电烧伤软脑膜微循环动态变化和意义
8.Experiment Study on Pia Mater Microcirculationafter High-voltage Electrical Burn;高压电烧伤兔软脑膜微循环的实验研究
9.Primary culture and identification of leptomeningeal mesothelial cells in rats大鼠软脑膜间皮细胞的原代培养与鉴定
10.The effect of Zhenxuan Granules on leptomeningeal microcirculation of vertebrobasilar insufficiency rat镇眩颗粒对VBI模型大鼠软脑膜微循环的影响
11.Ischemic postconditioning ameliorates pia mater microcirculation in rats subjected to cerebral ischemia reperfusion缺血后处理改善脑缺血再灌注大鼠软脑膜微循环
12.Effects of TouTongNing-Capsule to Mouse on Cerebral Pia Mater Microcirculation, Relieving Pain, Anti-inflammatory and Toxicological Experimental Study;头痛宁胶囊对小鼠软脑膜微循环、镇痛抗炎的影响及毒理实验研究
13.White Microthrombus and Vascular Endothelium Function in Pia Mater Microvessel of Rabbit Model with Hyperhomocysteinemia高同型半胱氨酸兔软脑膜微循环血栓形成与血管内皮功能
14.Study on Praxiological Characters and Blood Lipid and Cerebral Microcirculation and Pathological Change of Brain of Apolipoprotein E Gene Knockout Mice;载脂蛋白E基因敲除小鼠的行为学、血脂、软脑膜微循环及脑组织病理形态学研究
15.Effect on Expression of Connective Tissue Growth Factor in Rat Leptomeningeal Mesothelial Cells Induced by Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1转化生长因子-β1对大鼠软脑膜间皮细胞结缔组织生长因子表达的影响
16.A delicate membrane that encloses the spinal cord and brain, and lies between the pia mater and dura mater.蛛网膜包围脊髓或脑的精细膜,位于软脑脊膜及硬膜之间
17.the dura mater membranes was reconstructed with frontal bone periosteum flap, nasal septa membrane-cartilage flap and nosepiece membrane flap.额部骨膜瓣、鼻中隔黏软骨膜瓣、鼻甲黏膜瓣修补硬脑膜 ;
18.A network of extremely small blood vessels passing between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex.大脑绒被从软膜和大脑皮层之间穿过的极细的小血管形成的网

Pia[英]['pi:?][美]['pa??, 'pi?]软脑膜
1.Effects of MCAO on Pial Microvascular Diameter and Velocity in Rats;大脑中动脉阻断对大鼠软脑膜微血管管径及血流速度的影响
2.The therapeutic effect of frequency spectrum equipment of the rat epilepsy model and the influence on the pia microcirculatory blood flow volume;WS-频谱治疗仪照射对大鼠癫痫模型软脑膜微循环血流量的影响及其治疗作用
3)Pia mater软脑膜
1.Effect of 70 Wei Zhen Zhu Wan on microcirculation in rabbit′s bulbar conjunctive and pia mater;七十味珍珠丸对兔球结膜及软脑膜微循环的影响
4)pia mater encephali软脑膜
1.A case of giant congenital pigmented nevus with malignant melanoma on the pia mater encephali;巨大先天性色素痣伴软脑膜恶性黑素瘤1例
5)pia mater软膜;软脑膜;软脑脊膜
6)pia mater软脑脊膜

软炸软丝条中文名称: 软炸软丝条出处: 川辣子产地: 四川类别: 菜谱制作方法title 制作方法软炸软丝条【材料】墨鱼300克、红辣椒2支、大蒜2瓣、葱1根、花生1大匙、蛋黄粉1杯调味料盐1茶匙、糖1茶匙、酱油膏少许、味精少许【作法】1.墨鱼洗净切成条状,拌入蛋黄粉,入油锅炸熟备用。2.红辣椒切段,大蒜切片,葱切段,入锅爆香,加入炸好的墨鱼、花生及调味料即可。