地方师范院校,local teachers colleges
1)local teachers colleges地方师范院校
1.Student employment of local teachers colleges;地方师范院校学生就业问题分析
2.The reform and development of Chinas higher education push the local teachers colleges into harsh competition in the contradiction between the enlarged enrollment and the social demand, and between the students ability and their social adaptation.随着中国高等教育的改革与发展 ,地方师范院校面临着同其它院校进行竞争的严峻形势 ,从而引发出扩大招生与社会需求、师范生的能力与社会适应性的矛盾。
3.The prospect of biotechnology profession was fine,but the prospect of students′employment in local teachers colleges was dim.生物技术专业前景看好,但地方师范院校学生的就业前景却略显黯淡,本文就如何提高地方师范院校生物技术专业学生的科研素质以适应社会需求,从五个方面进行了探讨:(一)深化教学改革、优化课程体系;(二)不断提高教师的科研素质;(三)成立学生科研小组有组织地进行科研活动;(四)努力探索产、学、研合作的培养模式;(五)结合毕业设计培养学生的科研素质。

1.Exploration on School Running Positioning of the Newly Established Local Normal Universities in Western China;西部新建地方师范院校办学定位探析
2.Reflections on Pedagogical Courses Reform of Local Teacher s College;地方师范院校教育类课程改革的思考
3.The Means to Advance the Development of the Teachers Specialty in Local Teachers Colleges;浅议地方师范院校教师专业发展的促进方式
4.Exercise of General Education in Teacher Education in Local Teachers Colleges;地方师范院校教师教育专业的通识教育研究
5.The New-Type Teachers Education System and the Transition of Local Normal Educational Institutions;新型教师教育体系与地方师范院校的转型
6.Problems of Teacher Education in the Transition of Local Teachers' Colleges地方师范院校教师教育在转型中的困惑和对策
7.On the Problems in Teacher Education in Local Normal Universities地方师范院校转型后教师教育面临的问题探析
8.Local Teachers Colleges Development Strategies during the Period of University Regrouping;论高校重组期地方师范院校的发展战略
9.Comprehensive Study on Present Talents Trained Mode in the Art Science Bases of Local Normal Universities;地方师范院校文科基地现行人才培养模式综述
10.The Development Strategy for Local Normal College on the Background of Free Normal Education师范生免费教育背景下地方师范院校的对策与发展思路
11.Normal local institutions should strengthen management of construction and materials;地方师范院校应加强教材建设与管理工作
12.Thoughts on the Reform and Development of Local Universities and Colleges in the Transformation Period;对转型时期地方师范院校改革与发展的思考
13.Carry Out the Scientific View of Development and Push on the Continuous Development of Local Normal Colleges and Universities;落实科学发展观——推进地方师范院校可持续发展
14.Employment Problems for Graduates of Regional Colleges;地方师范院校专科毕业生就业弱势探析
15.Research on the Cultivation of Physical Education Students in Region Normal Universities;浅析地方师范院校体育专业学生的培养
16.On the Choice of Strategies to Running Provincial Normal Colleges in Transferring Period;论地方师范院校转型中的办学策略选择
17.The Study of Issues in Normal Characteristics of Provincial Higher Teacher s Education in Teacher s Education Transition;教师教育转型期地方高师院校师范性问题研究
18.About the Development of the Scientific and Technological Research in Local Nomal Colleges and Schools;论地方高等师范院校科技工作的发展

local normal university地方师范院校
1.The local normal university should transform the educational theory, broaden the living space, exert the superiority, and stress the pedagogy,at the same time strength the application so as to adapt to the challenge of economy globalization.地方师范院校应转变教育观念,发挥 自身优势,以培养教师为主要目标的同时,不断拓宽面向,加强应用性,以应对经济全球化的挑战。
2.This paper analyzes the main problems existing in current local normal university, and connecting with the practice, advances some suggestions on the library services.分析了当前地方师范院校图书馆服务存在的问题,并结合实际对图书馆服务工作提出了几点建议。
3)local teachers college地方师范院校
1.To set up this course in local teachers college,we should know the position of the course to improve the teaching quality and so to provide suitable talents for the construction of local education,culture and economy.地方师范院校在开设大学语文课程时必须明确其办学定位,以提高办学质量,为地方的教育文化事业和经济的发展提供强有力的人才和智力支持。
2.The discipline of local teachers college become comprehensive in the transition period is one of the basic features.基于学科的学院制是地方师范院校加强学科建设管理的组织保证。
4)local normal universities地方师范院校
1.Exploration of comprehensive chemistry experiment in local normal universities地方师范院校综合化学实验的探索
5)non-normal college非师范地方院校
1.Nowadays the teachers education in non-normal colleges is facing some problems,such as how to meet the needs of teachers education development in rural areas,how to facilitate teachers professional development,and how to make the best use of teachers education in non-normal colleges.我国非师范地方院校教师教育面临三个基本任务,即有效满足农村基础教育师资发展要求,有效促进教师专业化发展及充分发挥非师范院校教师教育优势等。
6)local normal colleges地方性师范院校

地方部队(见地方军)地方部队(见地方军)regional forces difang budui地方部队(regional forces)见地方军。