人才培养基地,talents training base
1)talents training base人才培养基地

1.On Deepening Talent Cultivation Mode Reform and Building Cultivation Base for Modern Service Industry深化应用型人才培养模式改革 打造现代服务业人才培养基地
2.Seeking Favorable Teaching-research Interactions to Develop the Training Center for Children s-Literature Talents;教学科研良性互动,构筑儿童文学人才培养基地
3.The Building of a National Mathematics Training Base Laboratory and the Training of People;国家数学人才基地实验室建设与人才培养
4.Create High Level Base and Train Talented Person with High Skill;创建高水平基地 培养高技能人才
5.Constructing the First-Class Practice Base,to Train the innovation characteristic talents;建设一流实践基地 培养创新特色人才
6.With Labovatory as a Training Base to Educate Creative Talents for Manufacture Industry;以实验室为基地 培养制造业创新人才
7.Construction of experimental practicing base to train innovative talents建设教学实习基地 培养创新型人才
8.-- Training personnel competent both for military and civilian services.--培养军地两用人才。
9.Comprehensive Study on Present Talents Trained Mode in the Art Science Bases of Local Normal Universities;地方师范院校文科基地现行人才培养模式综述
10.Building in the Underdeveloped Area a Base for the Training of High-Level Personnel;建设欠发达地区高层次人才的培养基地
11.Discussion on the Countermeasure of Talents Training Based on Advanced Manufacturing Industry Base;基于先进制造业基地建设的人才培养对策探讨
12.Practice of the Talents Cultivation Mode Based on Enterprise's Practice Base基于企业实践基地人才培养模式的实践
13.Research for Cultivated Pattern of Applied Talent Person s on the Northeast Old Industrial Base;东北老工业基地应用型人才培养模式研究
14.The Study of the Advanced Innovative Talents Training of the Old Industry Base in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江老工业基地高层次创新人才培养研究
15.The Analysis and Thinking on Science Base Talents Training in Chinese Universities;对高校理科基地人才培养的分析与思考
16.To Strengthen Cultivation of Practical Talents by Building a Series of Practice Bases;构建系列实践基地强化应用型人才培养
17.Enhance the Cooperation Between School and Company,Strengthen the Practice Base Establishing and Innovate the New Education Model;深化校企合作加强基地建设创新人才培养模式
18.Enforce the Construction of Practice Teaching Base,Enhance the Cultivating Quality of Medical Students;加强实践教学基地建设 提高医学人才培养质量

talent cultivation人才培养
1.On orientation and talent cultivation mode of industrial engineering specialty;工业工程专业定位和人才培养模式研究
2.Modern education concept and talent cultivation;现代教育理念与人才培养
3.Regional of higher vocational education and study of the talent cultivation mudel;高职教育的区域性与人才培养模式的研究
3)talents cultivation人才培养
1.Research on optimization of talents cultivation in engineering departments in normal universities;高师院校工科院系人才培养的优化研究
2.A research on the talents cultivation mechanism of hard majors as geosciences and mining;地矿类艰苦专业人才培养机制探索
3.Strategic Objective and Practice Mode of Talents Cultivation in Trusteeship Hospitals.;托管制医院人才培养战略目标与实践模式
4)fostering talents培养人才
5)talents training人才培养
1.Construction and practice of high-level and applied talents training system with internationalized background;具有国际化背景的高层次应用型人才培养体系的构建与实践
2.On strengthening the educational teaching reform and improving the quality of talents training;加强教育教学改革 提高人才培养质量
3.Practice and consideration of level assessment on talents training in higher vocational colleges;高职高专人才培养工作水平评估的实践与思考
6)talent training人才培养
1.Strengthening the practice teaching Improving the talent training quality of the electrical information class specialized Students;加强实践教学环节 提高电气信息类专业人才培养质量
2.On the talent training direction of architectural specialty in the new century;新世纪建筑学专业人才培养方向
3.The Enlightenment from the Higher Education and Talent Training Mode of Singapore;新加坡高等教育人才培养的几点启迪

军事人才培养军事人才培养military personnel development and training  西安政治学院获硕士学位的毕业学员:vel-攀通受人工作iunshi reneai PeiyQng军事人才培养(mili:ary personneld{opment and training)中国人民解放过教育、训练,造就军事斗争和军队建才的实践活动。中国人民解放军政治的重要内容。 简况第一次国内革命战争时期国共产党参与创建黄埔军校,并派出干部进人各类军事学校学习和参加军动。土地革命战争时期,中国工农红立随营学校,创办工农红军大学,培一批从事武装斗争的骨干。抗日战期,创办中国人民抗日军事政治大学分布在各根据地的12所分校,培训了万名各类军事人才。解放战争时期,靠实战锻炼,从战争中学习战争,造众多军政兼优、文武相济的治军人才华人民共和国建立后,为加强中国人中秀活建了时其余要了中解 尤薪翼右甲孙丈灯仁优兄总政治邵和教育部有关部门负责人出席为军队培养干部意向书签字仪式解放军画报社供稿变质”两大历l题,着力培养就高素质新型二人才群体。具不容和要求是:(有良好的全刁质,包括思想习素质、军事专2质、科学文化空和身体心理素打一赢未来高技;争一,保持人民鉴的性质、本色习风,要求军事放军革命化、现代化、正规化建设,创建各级各类军事院校和教导队,形成了较为规范的军事教育体系和相对稳定的培训体制。中国共产党第十届三中全会后,中国人民解放军实现了军队建设指导思想的战略性转变,确立厂建设一支强大的现代化、正规化革命军队的总目标。全军恢复和建立各类院校,建立健全初、中、高3级培训体制和各种制度。90年代后期,根据世纪之交国际国内形势对军队建设的新要求,中央军委采取了一系列培养军事人才的重大举措:加快院校教育改革,进行院校体制编制调整改革;借助地方院校的优势,依托普通高等教育培养军队干部;加强继续教育,增强干部发展后劲;开展全军性的科技练兵活动,在训练实践中强化人才的素质养成;加大干部交流力度,培养复合型人才;选拔优秀人才出国考察、深造等。新时期跨世纪军事人才建设取得突出成绩,人民解放军质量建设得到加强。 指导方针新时期军事人才培养工作坚持“面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”的指导方针。