核进程,nuclear progression
1)nuclear progression核进程

1.Research and Improvement of Scheduler Inside Linux KernelLinux内核进程调度的研究与改进
2.Model Checking Research for LINUX Kernel Interprocess CommunicationLINUX内核进程间通信的模型检测研究
3.Analysis and Improvement of Linux Kernel 2.6 Process SchedulerLinux内核2.6进程调度分析与改进
4.Multi-Process Application Develop Based on Linux Kernel;基于Linux内核的多进程应用程序的开发
5.Nuclear proliferations have speeded space war.核扩散使空间战进程加快了速度。
6.Audit the sublease agreement and responsible for following up the process审核分租合同,负责跟进相关流程
7.The buffer cache is implemented in fs/buffer.c along with the update kernel daemon.buffer cache 和update核心后台进程在fs/buffer.c中实现。
8.Improving Martin Hou Equation of State with Soft Core Perturbation Theory用软核微扰理论改进马丁-侯状态方程
9.A Progress Survey of Qinshan Phase Ⅲ (CANDU) Nuclear Power Plant Project秦山三期(重水堆)核电站工程进展概况
10.The Research of Process Control for NPQJVC Phase II Extension Project;秦山核电二期扩建工程进度控制研究
11.On the Implementation of Windows Process Running in Linux System;在Linux内核上实现Windows进程的研究
12.Several Thoughts on Improving the Procedure of Checking Death Penalty;进一步完善死刑复核程序的几点思考
13.Work Engineering Budget and Settlement well,Advance the Company ecnomic Reckoning;搞好工程预决算 促进企业经济核算
14.To Advance the Progress of Education Industry through Introducing Cost Accounting;引入成本核算 推动教育产业化进程
15.Research of Process Checkpoint Technology Based on Linux Kernel基于Linux内核的进程检查点技术研究
16.A Preliminary Study of Teacher Cost Accounting in the Process of Educational Informatization教育信息化进程中教师成本核算初探
17.The CTBT is an important milestone in the process of international nuclear disarmament.《全面禁止核试验条约》是国际核裁军进程中的一个重要里程碑。
18.Research on the Government s Roles in Executing Green Accounting;论政府在推进实施绿色会计核算进程中的作用

kernel process内核进程
1.We mainly analyze kernel process data structure,kernel process establishment,system scheduling and clock all the above with XYZ/AE.建立并分析了Open Solaris内核进程模型,采用XYZ/E语言对模型进行了形式化描述。
3)kernel process object内核进程对象
4)Kernel process environment block(KPEB)内核进程环境控制块
5)Schedule management of nuclear Power Project核电工程进度管理
1.Political and Legal Process of Building a Circular Economic Type City——Shanghai as a Case in Point;上海建设循环经济型城市的政治法律进程
2.the mechanism of process schedule in linux;Linux的进程调度机制
3.Research of Interprocess Communications of Distributed Systems;分布式系统进程通信的研究
