序贯培养法,sequential culture
1)sequential culture序贯培养法
1.The neural induction of the mouse embryonic stem cells by the sequential culture method序贯培养法诱导小鼠胚胎干细胞向神经细胞分化的研究

1.Observation and Research of Sequential Culture Technique for in Vitro Culture of Mouse Embryos;用序贯培养法对小鼠胚胎进行体外培养的观察与研究
2.The neural induction of the mouse embryonic stem cells by the sequential culture method序贯培养法诱导小鼠胚胎干细胞向神经细胞分化的研究
3.Implementing the New Fire Law and Strengthening the Training of Fire Professional Personnel贯彻落实新消防法 加强消防技术人才培养
4.Effect of Sequential Co-culture System on the Development and Quality of Murine Embryos Fertilization in Vitro;序贯共培养体系对小鼠体外受精胚胎发育效果的影响
5.sequential unconstrained minimization technique序贯无约束极小化方法
6.Adopting the Methods of Teaching Students According to Their Talents and Training them for the Creativity --Practical Reform of Teaching Methods for the Course Mechanics of Materials;贯彻因材施教 培养创新人才——材料力学课程教学方法改革实践
7.Cultivation and Observation of Gametophyte Development of Cyrtomium caryotideum and C.fortunei刺齿贯众及贯众配子体发育的培养观察
8.Face Ability Raise C Language Programming Teaching Method Research;面向能力培养的C语言程序设计教学方法研究
9.Teaching methods focusing on cultivating practical ability in course of programming突出实践能力培养的程序设计课程教学方法
10.Exploration and Study on the Run-through Cultivation of the Undergraduate Student and Graduate Student;本科生-研究生贯通培养的实践与探索
11.Cultivate the Students Awareness of Discourse Coherence, Improve Their English Writing Ability;培养语篇连贯意识,提高英语写作水平
12.Carrying out the thought of "the three representatives" Developing the first-class highly-qualified talents;贯彻“三个代表”思想 培养一流高等人才
13.Implementing 1215,constructing machinery design and training students′ engineering quality;贯彻1215思想 搞好课程建设培养学生工程素养
14.Experimental Study of Intracebral Hemorrhage by Sequential Recipe in Rats;贯序疗法治疗大鼠脑出血的实验研究
15.The study on Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Using Sequential Therapy序贯疗法根除幽门螺杆菌的临床分析
16.New algorithm for solving equilibria of two-player sequential games一种求解二人序贯博弈均衡的新算法
17.Simulation Results Analysis of Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithm序贯Monte Carlo算法仿真结果分析
18.Determination of Computation Order with Sequential Modular Approach in Simulation of Phenol Synthesis序贯模块法模拟苯酚合成计算顺序的确定

sequential culture序贯培养
1.Effect of different bovine serum types on development of domestic rabbit embryo from pronuclear stage to implantation in sequential culture;不同型牛血清对家兔原核胚序贯培养体外发育的影响
2.Also, the culture system developed from simple culture to sequential culture, coculture and microfluid culture.在过去的 2 5年中 ,培养液的构成及应用已经发生了很大的变化 ,培养体系也从单一培养发展到序贯培养、共培养和微流体培养。
3.In the experiments,the rabbit pronuclear embryo was cultured with 10% FBS+RPMI1640 and 10% FBS+mRPMI1640 by sequential culture,and the control is with 10% FBS+RD by single culture.采用添加 10 % FBS的 RPMI16 4 0培养液和 m RPMI16 4 0培养液对兔原核期受精卵进行了体外序贯培养 ,并与添加 10 % FBS的 RD培养液单一培养作了比较。
3)sequential co-culture序贯共培养
1.Effect of sequential co-culture system on the development and quality of marine embryos in vitro;序贯共培养体系对小鼠早期胚胎体外发育效果的影响
4)procedural nutrition therapy序贯营养支持法
1.Application of procedural nutrition therapy during treatment on serious craniocerebral injury;序贯营养支持法在重度颅脑损伤代谢紊乱患者治疗中的应用
5)run-through cultivation贯通培养
1.The undergraduate student -graduate student run-through cultivation is different from Masses s personnel training and Ecad personnel training.本科生-研究生贯通培养与一般大众型、适应型人才培养有明显不同,把对学生科研能力和创新意识的培养贯穿于本科、研究生的全过程,属于"精英型"教育模式。

不合格百分率计数检验的序贯抽样方案不合格百分率计数检验的序贯抽样方案sequential sampling plans for inspection by attributes for percent nonconforming  加hege比ifen.o Jishu Jianvan dex叩uanC伙泪四叩fa叩’On不合格百分率计数检验的序贯抽样方案(se-quenti吐~plingp】川15 for inspection场attributesforpe二ni nonconfo丽ng)逐个地(或成组地)抽取个体,但事先并不固定它们的个数,根据事先规定的规则,直到可以做出接收或拒收批的决定为止。作为代表性的是IEC 1 123:l卯l标准。 设在n.抽试产品中出现;个不合格,且抽样方案给出:,h两数。判决规则如下:①如;n一h〕r,则接收;②如:n一h