1.Symbol: Intervention or Escaption——Porbe into the Poetics of Yeats s Symbolic Poetry;象征:介入还是逃逸——叶芝象征主义诗学理论初探
2.On Studying a Poet s Mind: A Review of The Phoenix Nest upon the Tree of Life: W. B. Yeats s Aesthetics of Symbols in Poetry;论诗人思想研究兼评蒲度戎的《生命树上凤凰巢——叶芝诗歌象征美学研究》
3.Yeats Idea on Drama: Decolonized Poetics;叶芝的戏剧理念:去殖民化的诗学

1.William Butler Yeats威廉?巴特勒?叶芝
2."Right. Good stuff, Yeats.“对,叶芝的东西真好。
3.In 1887 the family returned to Bedford Park, and Yeats devoted himself to writing.1887年叶芝全家又迁往贝德福德,叶芝开始致力于写作。
4.All empty souls tend to extreme opinion. --William Butler Yeats心灵空虚的人爱走极端。——叶芝
5.an old man's eagle mind(William Butler Yeats.老人鹰般敏锐的思维(威廉 巴特勒 叶芝)。
6.in the manner of William Butler Yeats.以威廉·巴特勒·叶芝的方式的。
7.Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned. --William Butler Yeats人心只能赢得,不能靠人馈赠。——叶芝
8.She looked over at him. "W. B. Yeats, 'The Song of Wandering Engus'."她望着他说:“W.b.叶芝‘流浪者安古斯之歌'。”
9.Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned.-Yeats, William Batter人心只有赢得,不能靠人馈赠。--叶芝
10.An Analysis of Archetypes in W.B. Yeats Late Poems;W.B.叶芝后期诗歌中的神话原型
11.From Imitation to Construction--the Transformation of Symbolism in the Poems of W.B.Yeats从摹仿到构建——叶芝诗歌中的象征转向
12.Time drops in decay, like a candle burnt out. --Wiliam Butler Yeats时间一点一滴凋谢,犹如蜡烛慢慢燃尽。——叶芝
13."Got your note. W. B. Yeats as a messenger and all that.“收到你的字条了,w. B.叶芝作信使,以及种种一切。
14.When You Are Old William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)当你已老去 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(1865-1939) 王道余 译
15.Prisoners of Patriarchy: Images of Women in Yeats Poetry;父权制的囚徒—论叶芝诗歌中的女性形象
16.Symbol: Intervention or Escaption--Porbe into the Poetics of Yeats s Symbolic Poetry;象征:介入还是逃逸——叶芝象征主义诗学理论初探
17.Illustration of the Artistic Symbology Yeats Poetty;拜占庭、老人、金枝——叶芝诗歌的艺术符号学解读
18.The Lake Isle of Innisfree: A Pastoral in Memory of Paradise Lost;一曲回望天堂的牧歌——评叶芝的《茵内斯弗利湖岛》

1.Preparatory Searches on Epic Feature of W.B.Yeats Early Poetry;叶芝早期诗歌的史诗性面貌初探
2.Lyricism in Poetical Creation of W.B.Yeats;论叶芝诗歌创作中的抒情性
3)sesame leaves芝麻叶
1.Optimum extraction technology of flavonoids in sesame leaves;芝麻叶中总黄酮的最佳提取工艺研究
2.The optimum conditions for the ultrasound-assisted extraction of crude flavonoids from sesame leaves were determined.采用超声辅助提取芝麻叶中黄酮类化合物。
3.The purification technology of flavonoids from sesame leaves by means of absorbent resin chromatography was studied in this paper.本文探讨了用树脂吸附法对芝麻叶总黄酮进行纯化的工艺。
4)W.B. YeatsW.B.叶芝
1.An Analysis of Archetypes in W.B. Yeats Late Poems;W.B.叶芝后期诗歌中的神话原型
5)Yeats's poems叶芝诗歌
6)leaf number of main culm芝叶数
