1.discusses Nora of Ibsen s ET DUKKCHJEM to leave in a hurry;论易卜生《玩偶之家》中出走的娜拉
2.A Reconstruction of a Classical Work?——Unscrambling the Androgyny Consciousness in Nora:What Happened after Nora Left Her Husband,or,Pillars of Society by Jelinek;一部对经典的重构?——解读耶利内克《娜拉出走以后》的“双性同体”意识
3.Discourse on Nora and Nora s Discourse:Gender and Women s Story-telling during the May 4th;言说娜拉娜拉言说——论五四新女性的叙事与性别

1.Nora of Pre-Nora Times--About Lv Bicheng;“前娜拉”时代的娜拉——关于吕碧城
2.Comparative Study on the Tragic Destiny of Anna, Fan Yi and Nora安娜、蘩漪、娜拉悲剧命运的分析比较
3.Love and life: viewed from love tragedies of three women;生命与爱情——从娜拉、安娜、子君谈起
4.She played the part of Nala, a lion.在剧中扮演狮子娜拉
5.Nora has a gift for singing.娜拉有唱歌的天赋。
6.WOMEN S LIVING CIRCUMSTANCES AND MENTAL EXPERIENCE ──Comparison Among Madame de Renal, Anna Karenina and Nala;女性的存在境遇与心路历程──试论德·莱纳夫人、安娜·卡列尼娜与娜拉
7.Discourse on Nora and Nora s Discourse:Gender and Women s Story-telling during the May 4th;言说娜拉娜拉言说——论五四新女性的叙事与性别
8.Nora with Her Wings Cut--Analysis of Hedda Gabler’s Image in Comparison with Nora剪了翅膀的娜拉——与娜拉比较谈谈海达·高布乐的形象
9.Lines from Ibsen's play A Doll's House ....原来她正翻到易卜生的剧本《娜拉》。
10.Zola s realness: Discussing from Nana;左拉的“真”——从小说《娜娜》谈起
11.KHAN, Ra'Ana Liaguat Ali拉安娜·里加特·阿里·汗
12.Pallas Athena [goddess of wisdom]巴拉斯雅典娜[智慧女神
13.KRASIKOVA, Tetiana O.捷季娅娜·克拉西科娃
14.I yanked at Helena's sleeve and we ran.我拉了拉海伦娜的衣袖,便一起跑了。
15.He gave a tug at a glistening, pale piece of her hair.他拉了拉安娜一缕暗淡闪光的头发。
16.Nadyezhda Philaretovna Nadyezhda, however, had been delighted at the meeting.娜蒂契达·维拉蕾托夫娜厂娜蒂契达对这次的见面倒很高兴。
17.Anna and Vera entered for a three-legged race .安娜和维拉报名参加三足赛跑。
18.Martina Navratilorva玛蒂娜·纳芙拉蒂洛娃(Czech捷克)

1.Leaving Their Home and Revolt: the Rebel Women s Road ——Comparing Nala with Najia;出走与反抗:叛逆女性之路——娜拉与娜嘉形象之比较
2.Cannot Nala Find Out Another Brand-new Exist;娜拉“不可能有新的出路”吗?
3.The identity of doll is located in the the character image of Nala in the past.《玩偶之家》是易卜生"社会戏剧"中最早的一部讨论家庭关系的戏剧作品,以往对玩偶的身份界定都是定格在娜拉这一人物形象之上。
4)La Nina拉尼娜
1.Effects of El Nio,La Nina and solar activities on the outbreaks of the summer locust in Hebei Province;厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜事件及太阳活动对河北省夏蝗大发生的影响分析
2.Analysis of La Nina Effect on Local Climate;拉尼娜现象对本地气候影响的分析
3.Relation between Solar Eclipses and El Nino and La Nina Events;日食与厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜现象
1.Two times solar eclipse in low latitude or once in equator forms the LaNina Using this and the material of solar eclipso and draught and Waterlogging, the relation of the great draught and Waterlogging in the receut 500 years in our country with the the solar eclipse is finded.连续四次极地日食或连续三次极地日食加中纬日食形成厄尔尼诺 ,而两次低纬日食或一次赤道日食即可形成拉尼娜 ,以此从日食资料和旱涝资料找出了 50 0年来我国的大旱大涝多发生在厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜年的规律 。
2.From July 28, 1998 to August 25, 1998, operation of Binzhou railway was interrupted twice by the flood; according to the natural law, the phenomena of Einino and Lanina will occur every 2~7 years.1998年7月28日至8月25日,滨洲线因洪水两次中断行车,今后,厄尔尼诺现象和拉尼娜现象按自然规律还要每隔2~7年发生一次。
1.Taking Shaanxi province as an example, analysis is made on the relation of changes of precipitation and air temperature, El-nino, La-nina and sunspot with crop diseases and insect pests.分析了陕西省降水、气温变化以及厄尔尼诺事件、拉尼娜事件、太阳黑子活动与农作物病虫害的关系 ,认为 :陕西省农作物病虫害与气温变化存在显著的正相关关系 ;气候条件是病虫害发生或流行的主要控制因子 ;厄尔尼诺事件、拉尼娜事件以及太阳黑子活动与农作物病虫害的发生或流行存在密切的关系。
2.The changing tendency of temperature and precipitation is analyzed as well as relationship of El-nino and La-nina and drought since 1950s,the results indicate that there is positive correlate between climatic warm and drought,El-nino and La-nina are closely related with the occurrence or prevalence of drought disease.采用陕甘宁地区41个县市1951-2000年的降水及气温资料,分析了20世纪50年代以来陕甘宁地区气温、降水的变化趋势及厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜事件与干旱的关系。
