父权社会,patriarchal society
1)patriarchal society父权社会
1.Comparison of Tragic Characters of Dou E and Anna Christie Female's the Other Status in Patriarchal Society窦娥与安娜·克里斯蒂的悲剧角色比较——女性在父权社会中的他者地位
2.As a slave prostitute belonging to the extremely weak group in American patriarchal society,she suffers from racial,social and sexual oppression.身为弱者的扶桑,遭受着来自种族、社会和性别的多重压迫,却以人类远古至纯至善的母性力量,超越近代父权社会对她犯下的罪孽,引导堕落的现代灵魂进行深刻反思,其至善、庇护和受难的特质,唤起了人类心灵深处关于大母神记忆的集体无意识。
3.From a feminist perspective, this paper points out that in the narration exists sexual discrimination,and analyzes that it is the patriarchal society at that time,Peter as well as the author himself that treat Peter s wife,Emma unjust and make her the really oppressed person.分析了当时美国的父权社会、彼得以及作者本人对彼得的妻子艾玛的不公正,指出了艾玛才是真正的受压抑者。

1.Brett Ashley:A Victim with the Sense of Rebellion of Patriarchy;勃莱特·阿斯利:父权社会里的受害者
2.Images of women in male-dominated society;父权社会下的女性形象——解读《黑暗的心》
3.Conflicts Between Rebellious and Conservative Ideology --On Jane Austen Who Worked Hard for Feminism in The Patriarchy;叛道与守道——论在父权社会中艰难跋涉的奥斯丁
4.Mouthpiece of Patriarchy;父权社会的代言人——张爱玲笔下曹七巧、梁太太形象新解
5.Catherine Earnshaw is a new image of androgyny and plays an important role in deconstructing the binary antagonism in patriarchal society.凯瑟琳是一个双性同体的新形象,对瓦解父权社会的性别二元对立论有重要的作用。
6.Comparison of Tragic Characters of Dou E and Anna Christie Female's the Other Status in Patriarchal Society窦娥与安娜·克里斯蒂的悲剧角色比较——女性在父权社会中的他者地位
7.An Interpretation of the"Patriarchal"Society of Chinatown in Eat a Bowl of Tea解读《吃碗茶》中的唐人街“父权制”社会
8.Post-patriarchical Society on Post-modernist Feminist Model of Society;后父权制社会——后现代女权主义的理想模式述评
9.A family, community, or society based on this system or governed by men.父亲权社会(家)以这种制度为根基或支配的家族、社区或社会
10.A social system in which the father is the head of the family and descent is traced through the father's side of the family.父权制社会制度一种社会制度,父亲是家族的首脑,后代按父方家族的血统追溯
11.The Theoretical Pioneer of the Culture Subverting Father s Rights System --On the Theory of Social Sex;颠覆父权制文化的理论先锋——社会性别理论评析
12.The nineteenth century America was an industrial society as well as a patriarchal society.十九世纪的美国处于工业社会,同时又是父权制社会。
13.The patriarchal clan system is a major representation of the traditional personality\|authority\|personality.宗法制父权家庭塑造了传统社会基本人格结构———权威人格。
14.China in Post- patriarchy Times--Society and the Changes of Internal Power Relationship in Urban Families“后父权制时代”的中国——城市家庭内部权力关系变迁与社会
15.Rulers in Pre-Qin times endow this father-oriented system in“ Wu Fu” system and aims to maintain and strengthen the rule of patriarchy.其目的在于维系和巩固父权家长制的统治和宗法家族社会的稳定。
16.Oppressed and Fettered Females in Patriarchy Society in Kate Chopin's Works从肖邦作品看传统父权制社会对女性的压迫与束缚
17.Societies which advocated the abolition of ancestor worship were generally considered revolutionary and hence a threat to the patriarchal state power.取消了祖先崇拜的组织会社被认为是造反的,因此也是对父系政权的一种威胁。
18.The Patriarchy Dominating Family and Urban Society:Interpreting The Earthquake in Chile by Heinrich von Kleist;主宰家庭和城市社会的父权机制——解读克莱斯特的叙事文本《智利地震》

1.Mouthpiece of Patriarchy;父权社会的代言人——张爱玲笔下曹七巧、梁太太形象新解
2.Women have been living in the chain of patriarchy,and have been discriminated against politically, culturally as well as economically.女性一直生活在父权社会的梏桎中,长期受到经济的、政治的、文化的歧视。
3.By analyzing the phenomena,the author pins down the historical background of patriarchy,the origin,formation and development of which the social fundamental and the ideological system.该文以宗教文化为背景,列举了宗教文化对妇女的种种歧视现象,通过对歧视妇女的具体个例的分析,探究了父权社会形成的历史根源、父权社会思想体系的起源、形成、发展的社会基础以及社会背景,旨在消除父权社会歧视妇女的现象,从而使男女两性和平相处,和谐发展,共同进步。
3)patriarchy society父权社会
1.Through Jane s words, the narration of her being against her family and the indomitable revolt it negated the pressure on women from the patriarchy society.夏洛蒂·勃朗特以独特的叙事形式创造了一部完全自信的、充满挑战性的强有力的现实主义小说《简·爱》 ,她通过简·爱的个人言说、反家庭的叙述 ,让简·爱顽强地一路“反抗”、“否定”了父权社会给女性施加的压力。
2.Through Jane s words,dual character,her rebel against the family and the indomitable revolt against the pressure from the patriarchy society,the author succeeded in turning Jane from an orphan into a female tutor and finally a self-supporting wife.充满挑战性的强有力的现实主义小说《简·爱》通过主人翁简·爱的个人言说、双重性格的体现、反家庭的叙述,让简·爱顽强地一路"反抗"、"否定"了父权社会给女性施加的压力,并且在"反抗"、"否定"父权社会的过程中完成了由"孤女"到"家庭女教师"到"自立的妻子"的角色转变,从而使两性平等、女性自我的确立成为可能。
3.In her recent novel By the Light of My Father’s Smile,she creates images of two black sisters with different vivid characters and criticizes the persecution of famales under patriarchy society.艾丽丝·沃克是杰出的美国女性文学及黑人文学作家之一,其近作《父亲的微笑之光》有力地抨击了父权社会对女性的摧残这一主题,成功地塑造了一对性格鲜明、别具一格的黑人姐妹的形象。
4)a patriarchal society父权社会.
5)patriarchal society父权制社会
1.Taking the marriages of Janie, the female protagonist, into consideration, the author discusses the phases of her growth with a feminist critical point of view, tries to explicate how she breaks the bond of patriarchal society, searches for her identity, and develops from an innocent girl into a woman with feminist consciousness.本文以女主人公珍妮的婚姻问题为线索,运用女性主义批评的观点,讨论她成长的几个阶段,说明她如何冲破父权制社会的束缚,不断地寻求自我,从一个不谙世事的姑娘逐步成为一位具有女性主义意识的成熟妇女。
6)patriarchal world父权与夫权社会

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决