1.Karma and Moral Belief——Concurrent remark on religion as moral assurance;因果报应与道德信仰——兼评宗教作为道德的保证
2.Ideal of karma runs through the whole early Chinese translation of Buddhist sutra.因果报应观念贯穿了整个初传汉译佛经叙事。
3.The karma is one of the chief religious doctrine of Buddhism.因果报应是佛教主要教义之一,它于东汉末年随佛学东渐,登陆中土,与中国固有的因果报应意识相结合,形成具有中国特色的因果报应观。

1.No cell is free of karma.没有免于因缘(因果报应)的细胞。
2.In nature there are no rewards or punishments; there are consequences.自然界中?奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应
3.As the logic of Chinese-translated Buddhist scripture, the idea of karma permeates into all the narration of the scripture.因果报应的观念贯穿了整个佛经叙事,因果报应观念成了汉译佛经的叙事逻辑。
4.Karma and Moral Belief--Concurrent remark on religion as moral assurance因果报应与道德信仰——兼评宗教作为道德的保证
5.The Sexual Ethics in the Concept of Comeuppance Expressed in the Erotic Fictions in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清艳情小说因果报应观念中的性别伦理
6.The Impact of the Tibetan Buddhist Karma Theory On Mongolian Moral Views;藏传佛教因果报应说对蒙古族道德观的影响
7.A Brief study in Chinese Ancient Novels and Traditional Operas;略论中国古代小说、戏曲中的因果报应观念
8.A Brief Study of the Idea of “Yinguo Baoying” in Ancient Chinese Novels and Traditional Operas;略论中国古代小说和戏曲中的因果报应观念
9.They are not attached to the fruits of karma, and are but one step from Buddhahood.他们不附上因果报应的果实,而只是成佛的一个台阶。
10.In nature there are no rewards or punishments; there are consequences.--Horacl Annexley Vachell, British writer自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。英国作家瓦谢尔
11.In nature there are no rewards or punishments; there are consequences. ----H. A. Vachell, British writer自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。----英国作家瓦谢尔HA
12.A Common Structure Model of Comeuppance Thinking and Ancient Chinese Novels;因果报应思想与中国古代小说中的常见结构模式
13.Interpreting the Content of Buddhism Culture of Professor Fang Litian: Taking the Cause and Effect Idea as an Example;解读方立天先生的佛教文化内涵——以因果报应思想为例
14.Karma and Reincarnation--Reflection on Gilmore s Choice of Death in "Executioner s Song";因果报应与轮回转世——对《刽子手之歌》中吉尔摩死亡选择的思考
15.On the Reunion Conclusion of the Chinese Classical Tragedy ──Also Taking Account of the Causality in the Classical Tragedy;浅论中国古典悲剧的大团圆结局──兼论古典悲剧中的因果报应问题
16.Karmic patterning refers to the karmic pre-conditioning that we have brought into this lifetime to work with and master.因缘(因果报应)模式指的是前世的因缘会带来进入这一生共同起作用和掌控。
17.One who knows in this way, he never becomes entangled by reactions to fruitive actions.一个人如果明了这样的理,他就永远也不会受到利益活动因果报应的束缚。
18.If you believe in karma, then you believe everything a person does is a cause.假如您相信因果报应的存在,那麽您就相信人所做的每件事情都是一个起因。

1.Buddhist retribution is "essence" and "root" of Buddhism,There is on further meaning for Buddhism True theory and Fundamental principles without retribution theory,7,000 volumes of the "Buddhist scriptures," are just specially detailed explanation for Buddhist retribution.因果报应说是佛教的“实理”和“根要”,排除因果报应学说,也就排除了佛教的真实理论和根本要义,七千卷《大藏经》也只是对因果报应圆融详尽的阐释而已。
2.It is influenced by Buddhism in such ways:two sub-stories stemming from Buddhism and the new story constituted by two sub-stories using the structure of Buddhist stories Lunhui-Zhuanshi,absorbing the idea of retribution.《月明和尚度柳翠》是《喻世明言》中的一篇作品,佛教对其影响体现在:作品中的两个子故事来源于佛教;两个子故事嫁接后产生的新故事借鉴了佛本生故事轮回转世的结构,在主题上宣扬了佛教因果报应的思想。
3.The conculsion of the author is that value of virginity and the law of retribution fuction as spiritual shackles.贞节观与因果报应现念合流,可以共同起到精神控制作用。
1.The substance of comeuppance in both novels is creditable.《续金瓶梅》中刻画的应伯爵形象和《金瓶梅》中塑造的应伯爵形象都是成功的,二者有承袭和发展关系,在把握劝善惩恶因果报应的主旨上都是准确的。
4)buddhism retribution因果报应
1.After KANG Sheng-hui,as one of the foreign Buddhist monks, had arrived in Jianye, he built Buddhist pagoda and moulded statues of Buddha and by the propaganda of Buddhism retribution doctrine, he integrated the outside Buddhism with the Chinese traditional Confucianism, as a result, Buddhism spread widely in the south.康僧会来到建业后 ,创建塔寺 ,设立佛像 ,又通过宣传因果报应说 ,将中国传统的儒学和外来佛教二者相结合 ,从而使佛教得以在江南民间广泛流传。
5)the viewpoint ofretribution因果报应观
6)Rebirth Principle因果报应论
1.The Comparative Analysis between Chengfu Doctrine and Rebirth Principle;承负说与因果报应论的比较分析

法报应【法报应】 (术语)佛之三身,即法身报身应身是也。(参见:三身)