1.The tragic fates of the heroine in Regret for the Past and the hero in Something by Tolstoi are discussed in.本文从写作技巧的运用,两部小说所包含的文化因素以及中美两国妇女思想解放的程度三个方面比较了中国作家鲁迅的《伤逝》同美国作家威廉·田纳西的《或许是托尔斯泰的》两部短篇小说的相同与不同之处,文章也就小说中男女主人公的命运发表了看法,认为性格的改变和环境的变化有可能阻止悲剧的发生。
2.The two novels are different in style but similar to the main line-love story,especially in describing the heroines.奥斯丁的代表作,它以男女青年的恋爱婚姻为题材,以男女主人公的爱情纠葛为主线,描写了四起姻缘,情节起伏曲折,故事饶有趣味,通篇充满着机智与幽默,是简。
3.The novel,with its peculiar structural arrangement,explores the process of the heroine s spiritual evolution.作者从女主人公对人生经验与自我认识之间差距的思索、对文学创作目的的思索、由理想与现实的巨大落差导致的写作障碍三个方面,剖析了女主人公写作理想破灭的整个过程。

1.He attempts to rape the heroine.他想去强奸女主人公
2.Decoding the Feminist Consciousness in the Heroine O-lan of the Good Earth;解读《大地》女主人公阿兰的女性意识
3.here, the hero is melodramatically reunited with the heroine.这时,男主人公和女主人公戏剧般地再次结合了。
4.A tragedy always concludes with the hero's or the heroine's death.悲剧总是随男主人公或 女主人公的死亡而告终.
5.Feminist Interpretation on Ruth in Martin Eden;《马丁·伊登》女主人公露丝的女性主义解读
6.The Awakened Woman: A Study of Edna in the Awakening from the Perspective of Socialist Feminism觉醒的女性:从社会主义女性主义角度解读《觉醒》的女主人公爱德娜
7.A Comparative Interpretation of Breakfast at Tiffany's and Summer Crossing《夏日十字路口》的女主人公解读——兼与《蒂凡尼的早餐》女主人公比较
8.The tripartive personality analysis of Jane Eyre;《简·爱》女主人公的“三部人格”解析
9.The Unification of Masculinity and Femininity in The Lives of Girls and Women;《姑娘与女士的生活》中女主人公的阳刚与阴柔
10.I identified with the heroine of the novel.我与小说中的那个女主人公感同身受。
11.She is offered as heroine, with all sorts of apologies and qualifications.她被塑造成德才兼备的女主人公
12.The hero and heroine just arrived from his father's yacht.男女主人公刚从他父亲的游艇上下来。
13.She identified with the heroine of the novel.她对这部小说中的女主人公很同情。
14.The heroine was a tall, slim blonde with lily - white skin.女主人公长得很高,身材苗条,皮肤洁白。
15.The author did a good job of touching off the character of the heroine.作者把女主人公的性格刻划得很细腻。
16.The story follows on from the death of the heroine.故事从女主人公的死继续往下展开。
17.Contrastive study on the causes of death of the heroines in The New Year′s Sacrfice and Death in the Woods《祝福》与《林中之死》女主人公死因之比较
18.An Analysis on Norma and Its Heroine;析歌剧《诺尔玛》及其女主人公的形象

1.In Wuthering Heights, there are two heroines playing important roles throughout the plot development, i.在《呼啸山庄》整个故事情节发展过程中,有两个地位独特的女主人公,即凯瑟琳和凯西。
2.The heroines in her works were brand new at that time and attracted readers at any time.她作品中的女主人公不同于以往作品的描写,给人以全新的形象。
3)heroine image女主人公形象
4)the tragedy of the heroine女主人公悲剧
5)the heroine Aida女主人公阿依达
6)female gothic heroine/hero女性哥特女(男)主人公

答洛阳主人【诗文】:平生白云志。早爱赤松游。事亲恨未立。从宦此中州。主人亦何问。旅客非悠悠。方谒明天子。清宴奉良筹。再取连城璧。三陟平津侯。不然拂衣去。归从海上鸥。宁随当代子。倾侧且沈浮。【注释】:【注释】:主人亦何( 一作何发 )问。【出处】:全唐诗:卷83_19