1.Job and Ivan;约伯和伊凡——从《圣经》视野解读西方文学系列论文之四
2.Kant-Job s Comforter ——Kant on Nature;康德:约伯的安慰者——康德论自然
3.On the Significance of the Effect of Job s Character Upon the Change of the Ideas About Crime and Punishment;约伯性格对罪与罚理念转换的意义

1.Job got very restless.约伯再也无法镇定了。
2.Job was greatly tried.约伯受了不少磨难。
3."and Job said in answer to the Lord,"于是,约伯回答耶和华说,
4.But he said to her," You speak as one of the foolish women speaks.伯2:10约伯却对他说、说话像愚顽的妇人一样。
5.Job Legh took the candle up, and began a leisurely inspection.约伯举起了蜡烛,仔仔细细地对着她看。
6.'But Wilson has not come, 'said Job, in dismay.“可是威尔逊还没来呢,”约伯失望地说。
7.Job's words do not come from knowledge; they are not the fruit of wisdom.约伯说话没有知识,言语中毫无智慧。
8."and he took a broken bit of a pot, and, seated in the dust, was rubbing himself with the sharp edge of it."约伯就坐在炉灰中,拿瓦片刮身体。
9.But yet the spirit of Job, was in a better tune;然而约伯底精神则调高一格。
10."What man is like Job, a man who freely makes sport of God,"谁像约伯,喝讥诮如同喝水呢?
11."and the Lord made answer to Job out of the storm-wind, and said,"那时,耶和华从旋风中回答约伯说,
12.Arab League Defence Treaty阿拉伯联盟防御条约
13.Pact of the League of Arab States阿拉伯国家联盟公约
14.Yorkshire and the Humber约克夏和亨伯河流域
15.Robert Johnson faced off the ball.罗伯特 约翰逊开了球。
16.the Hebrew Bible希伯来语圣经((圣经旧约))
17.Relation to the Berne Convention与《伯尔尼公约》的关系
18.After he served in the army, Berlin returned to New York.退役全,伯林返回纽约,

1.A Comparison on Luotuo Xiangzi and Job;《骆驼祥子》与《约伯记》比较分析
2.Under the influence and revelation of Job, Mu examines the agonies the individuals suffered from and chaotic existential situations they were in from divine views, and he regards these suffering experience and chaotic existential state as the truth of faith.在《约伯记》的影响和启示下,穆旦以神性的眼光来看待个体生命在社会历史境域中遭遇到的痛苦与混乱,使之变成了信仰领域中的真理,从而超越了现代启蒙思想的桎梏,超越了同时代人,为个体生命拓展出了一片全新的生存空间。
4)John W. Burton约翰 伯顿
5)John Berger约翰·伯格
1.John Berger is a storyteller, essayist, novelist, screenwriter, dramatist and art critic.约翰·伯格,当代英国艺术批评家、小说家、剧作家、画家。
6)The Book of Job《圣经·约伯书》
1.Analysis of Communicative Problems in The Book of Job Through Approach of Pragmatics;从语用学角度分析《圣经·约伯书》中的交际问题

魏伯阳(约100~约170)  中国东汉后期的著名炼丹家。会稽上虞(今浙江省上虞县)人。他是公认为留有遗作的最早的炼丹家。后人称他为云牙子。他出身于封建社会的上层家庭,喜欢神仙道术。他著有《周易参同契》,是世界上最古的炼丹术理论性著作,对中国的炼丹术有重大的影响。书中记录当时炼丹所使用的化学药品,如汞、硫黄、铅、胡粉(即碱式碳酸铅)、巐砂(即氯化铵)、铜、金、云母、丹砂(即硫化汞)等。还可看出,他在炼丹过程中已掌握不少化学知识。例如,他认识到下列的化学事实:    ① 水银容易蒸发,并容易与硫黄化合。《周易参同契》中载有"河上姹女,灵而最神,得火则飞,不见埃尘......将欲制之,黄芽为根"("河上姹女"指汞、"黄芽"指硫黄)。这几句话表示出下列反应:  Hg+S─→HgS另有一种解释:"黄芽"为铅,产物为铅汞齐。    ② 碱式碳酸铅能被炭还原成铅。《周易参同契》中载有"胡粉投火中,色坏还为铅"。    ③ 黄金很不容易氧化。《周易参同契》中有"金入于猛火,色不夺精光"。    ④ 几种物质起化学变化时的比例很重要,否则反应操作会失败。《周易参同契》中有"分剂参差,失其纪纲"。    ⑤ 当时的炼丹术已使用升华方法。《周易参同契》中有"丹鼎歌"。丹鼎就是炼丹所用的鼎炉,它是升华过程的重要工具。    参考书目   陈国符著:《道藏源流考》,中华书局,北京,1963。