1.Existence of destiny and absurdity——On Li Rui s novels and human confrontations;宿命与荒诞的生存——试论李锐小说对人类存在困境的追问
2.For"evolutionism"has been strengthened,this destiny has been changed quickly,but it has resumed again in the 1990s,especially in the writing conception and language expression.然“进化论”的强化打破了这种宿命性,随着它的淡出,奇书理念在90年代长篇小说中又复活了。
3.When manifesting the theme of destiny, he sings the praise of the life value with passion.在揭示一定的宿命主题时,以抒情的笔调讴歌了生命的价值,用流水的意象表现对生命的终极关怀,那种关怀是热烈、饱满而又奔放的。

1.a believer in Buddhism [fate]佛教徒 [宿命论者]
2.Of or relating to fate or the Fates.命运的或宿命的命运的或宿命的,关于命运的或宿命
3.relating to or implying fatalism.关于宿命论的或包含宿命论的。
4.One who believes in the doctrine of predestination.宿命论者相信宿命论的人
5.believing in or inclined to fatalism.相信或倾向于宿命论的。
6.Believing in or based on the doctrine of predestination.信仰宿命论的,依据宿命论的相信宿命论教义的或以宿命论教义为基础的
7.The quality of being doomed to disaster.宿命注定有难的性质
8." Fatalism" is just a less happy word for faith.“宿命”是对命运的一种不甚快乐的称呼。
9.Tess s Tragic Fate and the Realization of Hardy s Fatalism;苔丝的悲剧命运及哈代的宿命论意识
10.Life s Impermanence and Having No Alternative Towards Fate --On Lofu s Drift Wood;生命的无常和宿命的无奈——洛夫《漂木》论
11.The Miserable Destiny--On Xiao Hong s thinking of females destiny;苦难的宿命──论萧红对女性命运的思考
12.Destined freedom and free fatality--A comparative study between Sartre s concept of freedom and Kafka s;宿命的自由与自由的宿命——萨特与卡夫卡“自由”观的比较研究
13.Do all Oriental philosophies lean towards fatalism?所有东方的哲学都倾向于宿命论吗?
14.That is really pagan fatalism.这是名符其实的异教宿命论。
15.Strictly speaking, however, fatalism is not a form of determinism.严格说来,宿命论并不是一种决定论。
16.Earthquakes and typhoons are a recurring feature of life in Taiwan.地震和台风,是台湾生存循环的宿命.
17.Fatefully, she runs over and kills a woman.有如宿命一般,她开车辗死了一位妇人。
18.Are you superstitious? I guess I am a fatalist.你迷信吗?我猜我是个宿命论者。

1.To the pedagogic research in China, the ignorance of the humanistic nature of education will not completely eliminate the negati ve effect caused by the political ideology, and instead it will lead the researc hers to the fatalism of becoming mentally the victim to some western theories.对我国教育学研究来说,忽视教育自身的人文特性不仅无法真正消解以往所受政治意识形态的不良影响,又容易导致研究者陷入心智上被西方某些理论俘虏的宿命
2.So her prose is filled with the literary flavor of fatalism.至亲之人过早离世,影响着简女贞的生命观,在她的心中刻下一道伤痕,因此她的散文涂抹上浓重的宿命论色彩。
3.The Return of the Native is written from the prototypical allusion of mythology, fully displaying Hardy s unique view on fatalism.《还乡》在写作上选择了神话原型暗示的角度 ,体现了哈代独特的宿命
1.Destined freedom and free fatality——A comparative study between Sartre s concept of freedom and Kafka s;宿命的自由与自由的宿命——萨特与卡夫卡“自由”观的比较研究
2.fatality or Transcendence ——A Comparison of A Native of Beijing in New York and the Class of Green Card;宿命还是超越——《北京人在纽约》与《绿卡族》之比较
3.A cultural fatality or a modernistic thirst?;文化的宿命与现代性的渴慕
1.Consider the ways of struggling with the fate of the heroine of the Gold-lock s Story in the desperate background;论《金锁记》主人公抗争宿命的绝域之路
2.Jane s leaving is a kind of fate,preliminarily decided both by her self-respect and self-contempt.简·爱的经历,形成了她高度自尊后面潜抑着深深的自卑这一独特的心理特征;而简的出走应该是一种宿命,是她自尊与自卑的性格事先决定了的,疯女人的存在只是为简的出走提供了契机;简的愤怒来自于出身地位的不平等和超越自卑的焦虑,实则是她心中自卑与自尊的较量。
1.The works of Annie s treasure with apathetic but have special language of invoke sex,explain in the city thing desire with drift on water the erratic life,one part of young standing alone crowds rebels to the ex- isting morals mode,struggling between the predestination and the freedom of the antinomy exist appearance,the body appears the creations style of the special attractiv安妮宝贝的作品以冷漠的却具有召唤性的独特语言,诠释了在城市物欲与漂泊不定的生活中,一部分年轻的孤独人群对现有道德模式的反叛,在宿命与自由之间挣扎的矛盾生存状态,体现出独特的绮丽颓靡的创作风格。
2.The type of "leading language" also lets the work express poetic emotion,tension and the charm of predestination.同时,“导语”式的结构方式也让作品更强烈地表现出了诗性的情感张力和宿命的韵外之致。

宿命【宿命】 (术语)宿世之生命也。佛谓世人于过去世皆有生命,或为天或为人,或为饿鬼畜生,展转轮回,谓之宿命。能知宿命者,谓之宿命通。