1.Blessing, a Cultural Interpretation of Women s Emancipation;《祝福》妇女解放思想的文化解读
2."Blessing" is this kind of profound article.《祝福》就是这样一篇深刻的文章。
3.The blessings for the early birth of a son,the happy,rich and harmonious lives,the lifelong devotion to each other and the avoidance of evil spirits are often expressed by means of mascots.传统婚俗的主要内容诸如祝子、辟邪、祝福新婚夫妇美满和谐、白头到老、生活富裕等,往往都是通过吉祥物来表现的。

1.-Good luck.-You, too.-祝好运 -也祝福你...
2.Thanks. And just the same!谢谢,同样祝福你!
3.The Lord bless thee and keep thee.主祝福你,照顾你。
4."I send it to her by you.“我通过你祝福她。
5.They said, @We hope you will be very happy.说:“我们祝福你俩幸福,
6."May you be blessed, have strength and prosper!" said the children gratefully.“祝福您健康和幸福
7.Rich Blessing for health and aBundant happiness in my wish for you in the coming year!千万次的祝福,祝你来年福寿无疆!
8.Many happy returns of this special day. All our best wishes go to you on your birthday.祝你生日快乐,给你我们所有的祝福!
9.Thank you. And I wish your family the same.谢谢你的祝福。我也祝你家人好。
10.Best wishes for a wonderful new year.献上最诚挚的祝福,祝您新年恰愉快。
11.Much love and best wishes for a happy New Year!献上我的爱心与祝福,祝你新年快乐!
12.Here is my sincere Blessing to you, my teacher.老师,我衷心地祝福您。
13.Eat dumplings. Say New year greetings.吃饺子,也说祝福的话。
14.his well-wishing supporters.为他祝福的支持者们。
15.Let us drink to the health of our father.让我们举杯为父亲祝福
16.I'll give her your best wishes,我会转告她你的祝福
17.I wish happiness to all my friends.我祝福所有的朋友们。
18.Good ti-dings to you,把我的祝福送给你,

1.A Brief Comparative Remark on Misery and Blessing;《苦恼》与《祝福》比较略论
2.On the Change of Lu Xun s Ideas of Enlightenment——Starting with a Discussion on Blessing;论鲁迅启蒙主义观的转变——从《祝福》说起
3.“Potential Religious Dialogue” in Blessing: A Textual Interpretation from the Perspective of Religious Anthropology;《祝福》中的“宗教潜对话”——一个宗教人类学的文本解读
3)ZHU FU《祝福》
1.A Comparison between Misery by Chekhov and ZHU FU by LU Xun;一样孤苦 两种诉说——契诃夫《苦恼》与鲁迅《祝福》之比较
4)A blessing;a benediction.赐福;祝福
5)festival bless节日祝福
1.As a useful communicative implement, cell phone short message has changed people s writing and communication habits in lots of aspects like entertainment and festival bless.手机短信作为一种时尚有效的交流工具,运用于节日祝福、娱乐等方面,正日益改变着人们的书写和交流习惯。
6)the film The Sacrifice电影《祝福》
1.The details of Xiang linshao s "shoes" in the film The Sacrifice helps to show vividly the intrinsic theme of the novel.电影《祝福》的编导在片中增添和充分运用“鞋”的细节的艺术,鲜明生动地表现了深刻的主题,如祥林嫂的喜与悲;家庭悲剧的自然狼与社会狼 ;精神创伤的心灵创伤与社会疾病以及带着希望和憧憬的死亡等,有力地渲染了悲剧的气氛,给人以荡气迴肠的艺术魅力。
