1.This article mainly probes into the origin and present situation of the clergymen of the Tus,and holds that the religion of the Tus contains the multireligious culture and has the integrative characteristics.文章主要探讨了土族神职人员的来源及发展状况,认为土族的信仰融入了多种信仰文化,具有融合性的特点。
2.Because of the long-time indoctrination of religious theology,these clergymen have developed a double-sided nature.通过对双重人性的分析,揭示神职人员们在人性与神性的斗争中挣扎的悲剧现实,阐述宗教对人性的迫害。

1.of or relating to the clergy.神职人员或与之相关。
2.the regular clergy受教规约束的神职人员
3.A man of the cloth, ie a clergyman一位神职人员(传教士)
4.To ordain or admit to the priesthood.使成为神职人员任命或接受…作为神职人员
5.The body of people ordained for religious service.神职人员被任命做宗教服务的人员
6.Of or having to do with the lower order of priests.初级教士的神职人员中职位较低
7.A woman who is a member of the clergy.修女神职人员中的女性成员
8.A man who is a member of the clergy.牧师神职人员中的男性成员
9.go into the Army, the Church, Parliament从军、 当神职人员、 当国会议员
10.clergymen collectively (as distinguished from the laity).全体神职人员(区别于俗人)。
11.The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.新的建议与神职人员和俗人都有关系。
12.Hindu holy man stands on the banks of the Ganges in Varanasi, December 3, 2001.图为一名印度教神职人员站在恒河边。
13.The policy was condemned from the pulpit.该项政策受到神职人员的谴责.
14.the proper form of address for a cleric. What is神职人员讲话的适当形式。。
15."Why, surely a man of his holy profession would not deceive us!"“象他这种神职人员,是不会骗我们的
16.All the clergy have opposed the plan.所有的神职人员都反对那个计画。
17.Guatemalan Confederation of Clergy危地马拉神职人员联合会
18.whole body of priests(esp of a particular Church or country)全体神职人员(尤指某一教会或国家的)

clerical duties神职人员的职责
3)benefit of clergy神职人员的特典
4)clerical garb.神职人员的服装
5)the Spanish priesthood西班牙神职人员.
6)Clerics considered as a group.神职人员的总称
