1.Women,Freedom and Transgression:A Perspective on Ibsen’s Plays A Doll’s House and Ghosts女性,自由与僭越——易卜生戏剧《玩偶之家》与《群鬼》解读新视角(英文)
2.Their dramas, King Oedipus, Ghosts and Thunderstorm are the model of this technique, and they can be regarded as the trilogy of the structure of tracing type in .他们的剧作《俄狄浦斯王》、《群鬼》和《雷雨》堪称是这一手法的典范性作品,可看作中外戏剧文学历程中"追溯式"结构的三部曲。

1.Women,Freedom and Transgression:A Perspective on Ibsen’s Plays A Doll’s House and Ghosts女性,自由与僭越——易卜生戏剧《玩偶之家》与《群鬼》解读新视角(英文)
2.There are, of course, those who are "ghost-fearing" and those who are not.在社会变革中,当然有怕“鬼”和不怕“鬼”的一群。
3.yelled the crowd. "You coward!"人群叫了起来,"你们这些胆小鬼!
4.Why should she feed this horde of hungry men?她干吗要养活这群饿痨鬼呢?
5.Gui Fang: A Herder Husbandry Group of People in the Northern Shanxi and Shaanxi Region during the Shang-Zhou Period;鬼方:殷周时代北方的农牧混合族群
6.This is the apartman, the demoniac dreamer.这是一个离群索居的人,被魔鬼迷住的梦想者。
7.`The herd of possessed swine could have had no worse spirits in them than those animals of yours, sir.“先生,有鬼附体的猪群,还没有您那些畜生凶呢。
8.Jn.7:20 The crowd answered, You have a demon! Who is seeking to kill You?约七20群众回答说,你有鬼附著,谁想要杀你?
9.derisive laughter; a jeering crowd; her mocking smile; taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'.嘲笑;发出嘲笑的人群;她嘲弄的笑;嘲笑他是‘胆小鬼’、‘娘娘腔’。
10.She uses her abilities to call upon carnivorous bats and long dead spirits to lay to rest all who still pump blood through their veins.她能够召唤食腐蝠群和孤魂野鬼,用它们来杀死那些活著的人类。
11.Mt.8:31 And the demons entreated Him, saying, If You cast us out, send us into the herd of hogs.太八31鬼央求耶稣说,你若赶我们,就打发我们进入猪群吧。
12.So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.鬼就央求耶稣说,若把我们赶出去,就打发我们进入猪群去吧。
13.And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.鬼就央求耶稣说,求你打发我们往猪群里附着猪去。
14.The demons begged Jesus,“ If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.鬼就央求耶稣说:「把我们赶出去,就打发我们进入猪群吧!
15."Go to the devil, you old hag," he half muttered as he stared round upon the scattered company.“见你的鬼去吧,你这个老母夜叉,"他盯着四周分散的人群,低声咕哝着。
16.And Jesus asked him," What is your name?" And he said," Legion"; for many demons had entered him.路8:30那稣问他说、名叫甚麽.说、名叫群.是因为附著他的鬼多。
17.And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him.耶稣问他说,你名叫什么。他说,我名叫群。这是因为附着他的鬼多。
18.Curse me, if my sheep have not both teeth and claws; I renounce being their shepherd.见鬼,如果我的羊群没有尖牙和利爪,我不会做他们的羊倌。

"Ghosts Fighting"《群鬼斗》
1.The Canterville Ghost in the atmosphere of The Bible-The image of Wilde s ghost and the value of aestheticism being dispelled;未走出《圣经》的《坎特维尔的幽灵》——王尔德笔下的鬼形象及其对美的消解
2.The Formative Characteristics of Ghost in Northern Shanxi Dialects;晋北方言中"鬼"的构词特点
4)the Kingdom of Hell鬼王鬼僧
5)secretive; furtive鬼头鬼脑
6)ghost reflection鬼波
