1.This paper studies the popular classic Rebecca and its two rewrites—Mrs.本文分析了经典通俗小说《蝴蝶梦》与其两个重写本——《德温特夫人》、《另一位丽贝卡》。

1.Rebecca broke (forth) into laughter.丽贝卡突然大笑起来。
2.Rebecca plunged into the pool.丽贝卡跳进了游泳池。
3.It's all due to her, to Rebecca.这全是丽贝卡的功劳。
4.Rebecca was defamed of sorcery丽贝卡被指挥玩弄巫术。
5.Rebecca is a pigeon with no pigeonhole.丽贝卡是一位难以形容的漂亮姑娘。
6.I correctly recollect Rebecca MacGregor's reckoning.我准确地记起丽贝卡麦格拉歌的账单。
7.The Return of "Rebecca": On Canonization of Paradigmatic Romance“丽贝卡”归来:浪漫小说范式的经典化
8.Rebecca, give him your knife. Take it out to those men and divide it up. Rebecca, make some biscuits and coffee for the men.丽贝卡,把刀给他,让他拿过去和那几个把它分了,丽贝卡,给这几个人准备点饼干和咖啡。
9.Rebecca gets a videotape from the Boston School of Music.丽贝卡收到波士顿音乐学校寄来的录像带。
10.I shut off the recorder and Rebekah sighed deeply.我把收录机关了,丽贝卡深深地叹息了一声。
11.Rebekah wanted me to come immediately with a blank tape.丽贝卡要我立即送一盒空白磁带到她那儿去。
12.We named the lake Rebecca in memory of her.为了纪念她, 我们把这个湖命名为"丽贝卡"。
13.Rebecca Martin is executive director of the Expeditions Council.丽贝卡?马丁是探险家委员会的执行总裁。
14.Rebekah was only 32, admitted for chemotherapy after breast-cancer surgery.丽贝卡只有32岁,她作过乳腺癌切除手术,现在正住院作化疗。
15.Rebekah shut her eyes tightly and murmured a prayer until it was over.丽贝卡紧紧地闭上眼睛,低声念着祷词直到我给她打完针。
16.Rebecca disdains the idea of having to arrive home by10∶00 PM.丽贝卡对晚上10点以前必须回家的想法嗤之以鼻。
17.So Rebecca, during her stay at Queen's Crawley, made as many friends of the mammon of unrighteousness as she could possibly bring under control.丽贝卡在女王的克劳莱住了一阵子,尽量地结交了许多有钱的朋友。
18.Rebecca Martin says the Expeditions Council supports the work of citizen scientists.丽贝卡?马丁表示探险家委员会资助平民科学家们的工作,

GAGHEN, Rebecca L.丽贝卡·加格亨
3)Rebecca is a woman of the town/street.丽贝卡是个娼妓
4)pink floss-silk tree (Ceiba speciosa)美丽吉贝
5)Annabel Lee《安娜贝尔·丽》
1.His humanistic ideas found theirexpression in his literary wors, particularly in the three leading characters of The Divine Comedy:Virgil ,Beatrice, and God.通过对维吉尔、贝阿特丽采、上帝三个人物形象的分析,阐发了但丁文学上的进步性:即处于具有双重文化意味的历史环境中的但丁,以他特有的文化智慧,冲玻了中世纪宗教文化的樊篱,使其思想和作品闪耀着人文主义的光芒。

吉贝  木棉科(Bombacaceae)吉贝属落叶高大乔木。 又名爪哇木棉。分布于亚洲、非洲和美洲热带地区。主产国有印度、巴基斯坦、印度尼西亚、柬埔寨等。中国海南、广东湛江及福建、云南南部有少量栽培。植株高约30米。有大而轮生的侧枝,幼枝有刺。叶为掌状复叶,小叶5~8片。花黄白色,多簇生于上部叶腋间。蒴果木质,长椭圆形,5裂,果瓣内密生丝状物吉贝纤维。种子圆形,黑色。      吉贝为速生阳性树种。在年均温度22℃以上的无霜地区可以开花结果,气温降至1℃时叶片枯黄脱落。要求1200~1500毫米的年降水量和肥沃、土层厚、排水良好的砖红壤。因根系浅,木材质地松脆,不耐强风的袭击。用种子或插条繁殖。种后2~4年开始结果,6~7年进入盛产期。经济寿命达30年以上。果瓣纤维长0.8~3厘米,比重轻,浮力大,外壁不透水,具光泽,富弹性,适于做垫褥、救生衣等的填充材料;国防上可用作火药原料。种子含油20~25%,可供食用或工业用。根叶可入药。