1.The misfortunes of the women in the Tang Dynasty viewed from the poetry of war;从战争诗看唐代妇女的悲惨命运

1.suffer the buffets of a cruel fate遭受悲惨命运的打击.
2.He wept over his sad fate.他为他的悲惨命运而哭泣。
3.She wept her sad fate.她为自己的悲惨命运而哀哭。
4.We are deeply concerned over the plight of the refugees .我们对难民们的悲惨命运感到十分忧虑。
5.The Tragic Fate of the Monster in His Search of the Self in Frankenstein;《弗兰肯斯坦》怪物自我寻求中的悲惨命运
6.A Witness and Sufferer of War:in Anti-Japanese War Phase;抗战时期的桂林:难民悲惨命运的见证及承载者
7.Those whose lives were taken did nothing to deserve their fate.也没有一条被这横祸无辜夺去的生命应该承受这样的悲惨命运
8.The Chinese people fought tenaciously to change their miserable destiny.中国人民为改变这种悲惨命运,进行了顽强的抗争。
9.This occurred due to the sad fate of a nuclear annihilation over Atlantis.这是由于亚特兰提斯核毁灭的悲惨命运而发生的。
10.Life of Ma Parker" depicts Ma Parker's tragic life by means of two modern techniques such as interior monologue and free association.帕克大妈的一生》通过内心独白和自由联想两种现代创作技巧描绘了帕克大妈的悲惨命运
11.To those peoples in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery,对于那些居住在茅屋与村落里正奋力挣脱集体悲惨命运的另一半地球民族,
12.complained about their miserable destiny;抱怨他们悲惨的命运;
13.Pure woman,tragic fate--An analysis of Tess tragic fate;纯洁的女人 悲惨的命运——苔丝悲剧命运解析
14.The young man wept over his sad fate.那年轻人为自己的悲惨的命运而哀哭。
15.(usually followed by `to') determined by tragic fate.(通常接“to”)被悲惨的命运所决定。
16.Mr Yeltsin's had been a“ tragic fate”, said Mr Gorbachev.他说,叶利钦一生的“命运是悲惨的”。
17.The girl wept over her sad fate.那女孩为自己悲惨的命运而哭泣。
18.that was the greatest of sacrifices, the most poignant of victories, the last step to take;多么悲惨的命运,这是最伟大的牺牲,最惨痛的胜利,最后的难关;

a tragic lot悲惨的命运
4)tragic fate悲剧命运
1.On the tragic fate of homosexuals in Bai Xianyong s novellas;白先勇小说同性恋者的悲剧命运探微
2.The tragic fate of the three women in happy and unhappy fate;试论《啼笑姻缘》中三个女性的悲剧命运
3.Difficult Choices of Where to Go——Comments on Gao Jialin's Tragic Fate in the Novel Life何去何从的艰难抉择——《人生》高加林悲剧命运评析
5)tragic destiny悲剧命运
1.Discussion of Xiangzi s tragic destiny origin in " Camel Xiangzi " came from two respects of social tragedy and personality tragedy mostly,however,the article carrys on the discussion to Xiangzi s tragedy from another three angles and thinks that his tragic origin lies in these three respects: excessive reliance on the health;demanding and misunderstanding the sex and self-sufficient concept.对《骆驼祥子》中祥子的悲剧命运根源的探讨,大多是从社会悲剧和性格悲剧这两个方面来讨论的,而文章从另外的三个角度对祥子的悲剧进行了探讨,认为他的悲剧根源在于:对身体的过分依赖;对性的需求和错误认识以及自给自足的思想观念这三个方面。
2.Xiangzi’s tragic destiny stems from social environment of the morbid state and personal factor of the morbid state.祥子的悲剧是力求生存的强者的悲剧,其悲剧命运根源于病态的社会环境和病态的个人因素,而社会环境因素是小说所着力揭示、呈现的。
3.All the factors combine so tightly that lead to the tragic destiny of Macbeth.亚里士多德的极为重要的悲剧理论——悲剧主角的过失论,通过对来自与外界影响因素和麦克白自身因素的分析,得出最终导致麦克白的悲剧命运的是他难以抵抗外界因素的诱惑和自身对权利的极度热衷。
6)tragedy of fate命运悲剧
1.There are mainly two opinions: One regards it as a tragedy of personality, the other regards it as a tragedy of fate.关于莫泊桑的短篇小说《项链》的主题,历来都有不少争论,主要有两种观点:一为性格悲剧说,一为命运悲剧说。

"悲惨的一周"  1919年 1月阿根廷发生的镇压罢工工人的流血事件,又称"流血的星期"。在俄国十月社会主义革命影响下,阿根廷工人阶级争取自身权益的斗争有了新发展。1918年12月,布宜诺斯艾利斯城巴塞纳冶金厂2500名工人举行罢工,抗议厂方解雇工会活动分子,要求实行8小时工作制和增加工资。厂方利用工贼破坏罢工。1919年 1月7~8日,数名罢工工人遭警察枪杀,激起全市工人愤慨。当时的Н .伊里戈延政府屈服于军方压力,听凭军队、警察和便衣打手血腥镇压工人。9日,爆发全市总罢工,商店关门,车辆停驶,数十万人为死难工人送葬,形成声势浩大的抗议示威,结果遭到残酷镇压。对工人的血腥屠杀从 7日起延续一个星期,估计有数千名工人或被杀害,或受伤、被捕,因而被称为"悲惨的一周"。尽管当时工人运动缺乏统一的正确领导,但工人阶级在斗争中表现了大无畏的精神,他们焚烧资本家的工厂,占领军械库,夺取武器,构筑街垒与军警血战。1918年成立的国际社会党(阿根廷共产党前身)曾发表声明支持总罢工,谴责当局对工人的野蛮屠杀。