1.The Chinese Fuiyoshi members emerged in the 1980s due to the decline of Japanese ACG (Anime,Comic,Game), Mature in the popularity of Chinese network industry.中国同人女的产生始于20世纪80年代,源于日本动漫的传入,成熟于大陆网络的普及。
2)The eaual structure of "Humanitarianism-Feminism""人道-女权"同构
5)intrigue with a woman同某女人私通
6)female homosexual女同

1.China implements the principle of men and women enjoying equal pay for equal work.中国实行男女同工同酬。
2.A woman who attends a coeducational college or university.男女同校的女学生上男女同校的学院或大学的女人
3.A homosexual person;a gay man or a lesbian.同性恋者男同性恋者或女同性恋者
4.International Lesbian and Gay Association国际男女同性恋协会
5.I want to go to a coed school .我要上男女同校的学校。
6.It isn't enough to have schools for girls, now they want to have co-ed schools too!"有了女学堂还不够,又在闹男女同
7.Studies on the Lesbian Subject of the Lesbian Novels in Taiwan in 1990s;九○年代台湾女同志小说中的女同志主体研究
8.Lesbian love(女性间的)同性爱
9.Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value (Equal Remuneration Convention )男女工人同工同酬公约(同酬公约)
10.Of, relating to, or being a lesbian.同性恋女子的同性恋女子的、与同性恋女子有关的或作为同性恋女子的
11.a female homosexual.一个搞同性恋的女性。
12.Women's Rights: the Responsibility of All妇女权利:共同责任
13.The girl with long hair is my classmate.长头发的女孩是我同学。
14.Compare with me, ye women,你,女士们,同我来比比,
15.Headquarters for the Promotion of Gender Equality男女共同参画推进本部
16.Grass-roots Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood妇女共同努力基层组织
17.Have an amour with...同。。。有不正当的男女关系
18.a mixed school(男女生同校的)学校

The eaual structure of "Humanitarianism-Feminism""人道-女权"同构
5)intrigue with a woman同某女人私通
6)female homosexual女同

波斯匿王女金刚丑女念佛改形【波斯匿王女金刚丑女念佛改形】 (传说)见贤愚经二波斯匿王金刚品,经律异相三十四,杂宝藏经二,百缘经。