1.In classical fairy tales, step-mothers always play an evil role.在古典童话里,继母几乎是清一色的坏蛋。

1.She harboured resentment against her stepmother.她对继母怀有怨恨。
2.For once the step-mother had nothing to say.这一次继母没话说了。
3.And their stepmother had died.继母这时也已经去世了。
4.This will be fine,@ said his stepmother.“这里可以了,”继母说。
5.Their stepmother woke them up at the crack of dawn.继母天一亮就叫醒他们。
6.They happened to hear what their stepmother had planned.碰巧听到了继母的打算。
7.Where is her stepmother?她的继母到哪儿去了?
8.His stepmother is kind to him.他的继母对他很好。
9.as well as waited on her stepmother and stepsisters.以及听候她继母和两个继姐妹的差遣。
10.They grew up in one-parent families or with stepmothers and stepfathers.他们在单亲家庭里长大或是继父继母带大的。
11.If a child 's parents divorce , or If one parent dies , the child may be adopt by a step - father or step - mother如果孩子的父母离婚或一方死亡,孩子可被继父或继母收养
12.If a child's parents divorced, or if one parent died, the child may be adopted by a step - father or step - mother.如果孩子的父母离婚或一方死亡,孩子可被继父或继母收养。
13.If thou hadst a step-mother and a mother at the same time, thou wouldst be dutiful to thy step-mother, but still thou wouldst constantly return to thy mother.如果你同时有继母和生母,你应该对继母尽你的职责,但同时也应该经常回去看望你的生母。
14.It began when my mother quarrelled with his stepmother and broke us up.自从我母亲跟他继母闹翻以后,我就常常哭。
15.a maternal trait.从母亲继承来的品性
16.or has stepparents or stepchildren.继父母、前夫(妻子女。
17.After drinking a cup of tea mother proceeded to cook the dinner.喝杯茶后,母亲继续做饭。
18.On Perfecting Legislative Flaws in Stepparents Adopting Stepchildren;论继父母收养继子女立法缺陷的完善

Original strain母种继代
1.On Perfecting Legislative Flaws in Stepparents Adopting Stepchildren;论继父母收养继子女立法缺陷的完善
2.The Relationship between Stepparents and Stepchildren in a Comparative Context;从比较法角度看继父母子女关系
4)widowed mother继母型
