当代文学,contemporary literature
1)contemporary literature当代文学
1."Expected Frustration" and Its Overcoming:Probing into Comprehension of Poetry Teaching Text of Contemporary Literature;“期待受挫”及其克服——当代文学诗歌教学文本解读初探
2.Contemporary Literature Teaching and Patriotism Ideological Education;当代文学教学与爱国主义思想教育——高等学校当代文学教学管见

1."Alcohol" in Contemporary Literary Works;当代文学与酒——当代文学意象研究之二
2.Studies on Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature中国现代、当代文学研究
3.On the Relationship of Contemporary Literature with Middle School Students and Middle School Chinese Teaching;论当代文学与中学生及中学语文教学
4.He posted himself up in the literature of the day.他了解当代文学动向。
5.Theory of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature ?中国现当代文学思潮
6.View on the Future of Literature from the Cultural Character of Contemporary Literature;从当代文学的文化品格看文学的未来
7."Tea" in Contemporary Novels--The Third Research on Dietary Culture in Contemporary Literature;当代小说中的“茶”——当代文学食文化研究之三
8."Wine" in Contemporary Novels--Diet Culture Research Ⅱ in Contemporary Literature;当代小说中的“酒”——当代文学食文化研究之二
9.“Diet”in Contemporary Novels--Research on Diet Culture in Contemporary Literature;当代小说中的“吃”——当代文学食文化研究之一
10.See the Contemporary Literature Communicate Officially the Wording Learns from "the Language Experiment";从“语言实验”看当代文学行文措辞学
11.A Cultural Poetic Perspective in Studies of the History of Modern Chinese Literature;中国当代文学史研究的文化诗学视角
12.The Position of Taiwan and Hongkong Literature in the History of Contemporary Literature of China;台港文学在中国当代文学史上的地位
13.Comparison Disciplinarity Difference between Modern Chinese Literature and Contemporary Chinese Literature试比较现代文学与当代文学的学科性差异
14.The “Discourse” Not to Be Ignored about Contemporary Chinese Literature --Influences of the Pre-Soviet Literature on Contemporary Chinese Literature;当代文学不应忽视的“话语”——前苏联文学对中国当代文学的影响
15.Whose is New Time Literature? What does the Modern Literature Have to Use?--On the Modernity of Literature谁的新时期文学?当代文学史何为?——兼谈文学“当代性”诸问题
16.Contemporary Literature Teaching and Patriotism Ideological Education;当代文学教学与爱国主义思想教育——高等学校当代文学教学管见
17."Newly Recomposed Stories": The Present Destiny of the Modern and Contemporary Literary Classics;“故事新编”:现当代文学经典的当下命运
18.Brief Descriptions of "Modernity" in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature简述中国现当代文学中的“现代性”

modern literature当代文学
1.Whether in analogy or contrast,the abundance and complexity of the Chinese modern literature cannot be manifested.深入研读《文艺报》,我们可以发现:意识形态与中国当代文学的关系是极其复杂的,无论把二者简单地对立起来还是简单地等同起来,都无法充分呈现出中国当代文学本身的丰富性与复杂性。
2.The study of "literature history" should be the root of all study of "literature",the responsibility of literature history is painting the hidden track of human spirit in the literature development,"the self-conscious establishment of human modern recognition" should be the core support of modern literature,The New Modern Chinese Literature History provide a entirely new truss for present study.“文学史”研究应当是全部“文学”研究的最终落脚点,文学史的根本责任也正是要勾画出文学演进过程中所隐含的人的精神轨迹,“人的自觉的现代意识的确立”应当是作为独立学科的当代文学的核心支撑点,《中国当代文学史新稿》一书在这方面为我们现有的研究确立了一种全新的构架。
3.The modern literature in the Southwestern Frontier,a literature category neglected by the mainstream literature,refers to the literature in the provinces in the southwest in China as Yunnan,Guizhou and Guangxi.西南边疆当代文学主要是指中国西南地区以云南、广西、贵州为主的边疆省份的当代文学
3)contemporary Chinese literature当代文学
1.<Abstrcat>Idealism is the most important spiritual value of contemporary Chinese literature. 理想主义是当代文学最重要的精神价值。
2.Modern and contemporary Chinese literature belongs to second-class discipline.按照学科分类,中国现当代文学属于"二级学科"。
4)the contemporary literature当代文学
1.The joint of the history and literature——the reflection on the contemporary literature and its history writing;“历史”与“文学”的共构——当代文学及其历史书写问题的反思
2.It has kept in constant touch with political culture context in the beginning,and also,during the different background,the evolution of the contemporary literature classics has distinguished in front and behind.当代文学经典是在特定的历史条件下产生的,这不但使当代文学经典在开启之初就与时代政治文化的语境密不可分,同时,也造就了不同历史背景下所谓当代文学经典在流变过程中前后的并不一致。
5)Contemporary astronomy当代天文学
6)contemporary literature history当代文学史
1.The article discuss the awkward situation of writing about contemporary literature history from four aspects.论文从四个方面来探讨当代文学史书写所面临的尴尬处境。
2.The difficultest thing of writing contemporary literature history is the eatablishment of value standard.当代文学史写作面临的最大困难是价值标准的确立。

《中国当代文学研究资料》丛书  为中国当代文学研究和教学工作者提供的一套比较系统的大型参考资料。由茅盾、周扬、巴金、陈荒煤、冯牧担任顾问,中国社会科学院文学研究所与苏州大学、复旦大学、杭州大学等30多个单位协作编纂,福建人民出版社、江苏人民出版社、浙江文艺出版社、解放军文艺社等20多家出版社出版。资料收录范围,上起1949年中华人民共和国成立,下迄各专集成书之日;跨代作家,辑录其全部活动资料,以保持全貌。丛书有以下六类专集:①作家研究专集,包括作家的生平和创作、评论文章选辑、作家著译系年目录、评论文章目录索引;②按文体编辑的综合研究资料专集,包括综合评论文章选辑、重要作品作者简介、评论文章选辑、各种文体作品目录索引和有关评论文章目录索引;③文艺运动和文艺论争研究资料专集;④建国30年文学大事年表;⑤文学期刊目录索引;⑥中国当代作家作品总目索引和中国当代作家作品评论文章总目索引。全套丛书共200余种,从1978年开始筹划,1986年编辑完毕,现已陆续出版。茅盾为这套丛书撰写了序文,指出:"这是一桩很重要、很有意义的工作,属于文学研究领域中的基本建设。"它的出版,"填补了解放以来文学研究工作中的一个空缺","将引来一个竞相研究作家和作品的百花怒放的高潮"。