短篇小说,short story
1)short story短篇小说
1.Vivid Elaborate,Varied——On the plot construction of English short storys;神工鬼斧 异态纷呈——浅析英语短篇小说的情节构建
2.Probing into the plot blank of the short story;短篇小说情节“空白”探微
3.Condensed Beauty of Literature——Why does Akudagawa chooses the short story to be created;凝练的文学美——芥川龙之介缘何选择了短篇小说创作

1.A short story or novella.短篇小说,中篇小说
2.select a title for a short story为短篇小说选个篇名
3.Dash off a short story匆匆写出一篇短篇小说
4.Would you rather read a novel than a short story?你喜欢看长篇小说还是短篇小说
5.The Awakening & Other Short Stories觉醒及其它短篇小说
6.Prize-Winning Stories From China中国获奖短篇小说
7.Best Chinese Stories中国优秀短篇小说
8.Stories of Old China中国古代短篇小说
9.Saul Bellow' s Short Stories索尔·贝娄短篇小说
10.I like reading stories.我喜欢阅读短篇小说
11.a machine-made short story情节陈套的短篇小说
12.a sampler of American short - story writers.美国短篇小说作家集锦
13.Incomplete statistics show that over the last two decades and more, Short Story International has carried over thirty outstanding Chinese short stories, beautifully rendered into English, which had been previously published in Chinese Literature.二十年来,《国际短篇小说
14.Short stories should not run over 3, 000 words.短篇小说不应超过3000字。
15.His short stories sparkle with amusing moments.他的短篇小说妙趣横生。
16.are short stories in vogue today?短篇小说现在流行吗?
17.I like reading short stories.我喜欢看短篇小说
18.He enjoys reading short stories.他喜欢读短篇小说

short stories短篇小说
1.Story plots and subject thoughts of O·Henry s short stories;欧·亨利短篇小说的故事情节及主题思想
2.On the female figures in SUN Li′s short stories;论孙犁短篇小说中的女性形象
3.Irony and highly finished jars——Analyzing the short stories by Bi Fei-yu;反讽,精制的瓮——毕飞宇短篇小说分析
3)short novels短篇小说
1.Misery Love——An Analysis of the characters love in Hardy s short novels;凄苦的爱情——哈代短篇小说人物爱情探析
2.Love Theme in Short Novels by Lu Yao;论路遥爱情题材的短篇小说
3.Thomas Hardy s short novels are less in amount but richer in contents,mentioning many aspects of social life,including many characters of different areas and stadiums,with soil smell perhaps because most of the stories happened in Wessex.哈代的短篇小说尽管数量不多,但内容却非常丰富,涉及了社会生活的许多方面,人物也涵盖了多个领域和阶层,而那些命运不掌握在自己手里的各色小人物更是哈代短篇小说的亮点,他们性格各异,经历也不尽相同,生活在威赛克斯这片古老而神秘的土地上,演绎着他们简单而又曲折,平淡而又精彩的人生。
4)short fiction短篇小说
1.Understanding Grotesquery in Poe s Short Fictions;爱伦·坡短篇小说中的怪诞
2.Phunin’s short fictions in the field of style vision文体视域下的布宁短篇小说
3.Porter is a famous American short fiction writer,expert in using stream of consciousness techniques.波特是美国著名的短篇小说家,善用意识流手法,在其意识流小说代表作《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中,她娴熟地运用了多视角叙述、自由联想、内心独白和间接内心独白、时间蒙太奇等多种意识流技巧,生动、逼真地揭示出了韦瑟罗尔奶奶临终前复杂的内心思想,多角度地塑造出了韦瑟罗尔奶奶立体的、丰满的艺术形象,充分展示了意识流技巧在其小说中的艺术魅力。
5)short novel短篇小说
1.The short novel describes 3 poor artists from the bottom of the USA to get well touch with one another and it shows that their friends in need are friends indeed.美国著名短篇小说作家欧。
2.Tiening is fond of short novels; the scene theory she brought forward is very distinct, her short novel is a successful practice which conducted by the theory.铁凝对短篇小说情有独钟,她所提出的“景象说”,见解独到,成一家之言。
3.The thesis analyses the structure of Hardy s love and marriage short novels,concludes the writing style of the novels,and points out that Hardy overturns the romantic convenion of British love and marriage novels by his special style.本文通过对哈代爱情与婚姻题材短篇小说的结构分析 ,找出了哈代此类小说的一种恒定结构模式 ,正是借助这种结构模式 ,哈代实现了对于英国爱情与婚姻小说的浪漫传统的颠覆。
6)a short-story writer短篇小说家
