流浪汉小说,Picaresque novel
1)Picaresque novel流浪汉小说
1.An embodiment and breakthrough of Picaresque Novels——Analyzing the artistic form of novel Huckleberry Finn;流浪汉小说的体现与突破——解析小说《哈克贝里·费恩》的艺术形式
2.Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, on the Road and Picaresque Novel;《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《在路上》与流浪汉小说
3.Mythic symbol and mythic space-time, together with the Narrative and Civilian traits of the picaresque novels of the Eighteenth century have profound influenc.全文从小说的历史发展过程中解读狄更斯人物创造的方式,探求他对神话和18世纪流浪汉小说的继承与发展,并对其人物是否属于"典型"范畴置疑。

1.An episode in a picaresque novel.流浪汉小说中的一个片断
2.The Tradition of Picaresque Novels and Fielding s Art Innovation;流浪汉小说传统与菲尔丁的艺术创新
3.On The Catcher in the Rye and American Picaresque Novel;《麦田里的守望者》与美国流浪汉小说
4.Comparative Study of Journey to the west and Western Picaresque Novel;《西游记》与西方流浪汉小说之比较
5.On Henderson the Rain King's Inheritance of and Transcendence Over Traditional Picaresque Novel论《雨王汉德森》对传统流浪汉小说的继承与超越
6.Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, on the Road and Picaresque Novel;《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》、《在路上》与流浪汉小说
7.The Interrelation Between The Posthumous Papers of Pickwick Club and Picaresque Novel;《匹克威克外传》与流浪汉小说的“姻缘”窥视
8.Mr.Muo s Traveling Couch:Dai Sijie s Picaresque Novel~①;戴思杰的流浪汉小说《莫先生的飞行躺椅》(英文)
9.A Modern Picaro in Spiritual Exile--Reading Henderson the Rain King as a Picaresque Novel;当代精神世界的流浪汉——评《雨王汉德森》对传统流浪汉小说的继承与超越
10.in the second chapter, it exhibits the conventional characteristics of Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and On the Road;第二章具体分析这两部小说具有的传统流浪汉小说的基本特征;
11.The Development of the 18~(th)-century Realistic Novels in England and Spanish Picaresque Novels;英国18世纪现实主义小说的发展与西班牙流浪汉小说
12.An embodiment and breakthrough of Picaresque Novels--Analyzing the artistic form of novel Huckleberry Finn;流浪汉小说的体现与突破——解析小说《哈克贝里·费恩》的艺术形式
13.On "the Catcher in the Rye" on the Succession and Beyond Traditional Picaresque Novel;《麦田里的守望者》对传统流浪汉小说的继承与超越
14.Different Definition of Value on Tramping in the Metroplis and Survival Struggling -On the Tramps Novel of the 90 s of the 20th Century;都市漂泊与生存奋挣的不同价值定位——论20世纪90年代的“流浪汉小说
15.It adds up,"said the hobo.这就对上号了,"流浪汉说道。
16.His broker answered and the bum said," Hundred dollars.流浪汉对接电话的掮客说:“一百美元。
17.Poor little dog,@ the tramp said sadly.“可怜的小狗,” 流浪者难过地说。
18.On the Sense of Tramping in Saul Bellow s Novels;论索尔·贝娄长篇小说中的流浪意识

3)American picaresque novel美国流浪汉小说
4)The Brief Discussion of Picaresque Novel流浪汉小说简论
5)Spanish picaresque novel西班牙流浪汉小说
1.Theyespecially absorb helpful experience of Spanish picaresque novels and createa lot of excellent works with realism.英国18世纪上半期的小说家在继承本国优秀文学传统的同时,广泛接受欧洲各国文学的影响,尤其是吸取了西班牙流浪汉小说的有益经验,创作出了大量具有现实意义的优秀作品。
1.On the Art of Narrate of Ai Wu Vagrant-novel;艾芜流浪汉小说的叙事艺术
2.From the happy vagrant and anguished exiled prisoner to anxious inquirer, the poetic subject shows the change of Wen Yiduo s poetic emotions.主体经过了快乐的流浪汉、痛苦的"流囚"到焦灼的拷问者这三个阶段的变化,从而展现了闻一多诗歌情绪的变化过程。
3.Based on the extensive background of world literature,the author,from the angle of vagrants,compares two literary figures that come from different times,countries and cultural backgrounds.从福斯塔夫与阿Q在精神流浪这个视角入手,将不同时代、不同国度,不同文化背景下产生的两个文学形象放在世界文化这个大背景中进行考察,通过比较分析,对他们作为流浪汉的生存价值、生存方式进行新的文学观照,从而发现他们的人生,实际上也是生命苦囚般的体味和经验,是生命存在的方式,作为人类一种独特的文化现象,可视为人类生存困惑的象征。
