家族叙事,family narrative
1)family narrative家族叙事
1.Secondly, they tell historical allegory with family narrative and thus express the writers withdrawal into the internal self.其一显示出对民族现代转型的精神关注乃至历史主义的自信 ;其二借家族叙事呈示历史寓言 ,体现当代作家退回内心的忧思 ;也出现了某种“衰败历史的形式”。

1.Family Characters and Their Relationship in Family Narrate Literatures from 30 s to 40 s in the 20th Century;三、四十年代家族叙事文学人物及关系
2.A Dream of Red Mansions and the Family Narrative of the 20~(th) Century;《红楼梦》与20世纪家族叙事文学
3.Legend and Myth:the Subject of Modern Family Narratives;传奇与神话:现代家族叙事主题一种
4.The Clan Narrative of Absalom, Absalom! and Thunder Storm《押沙龙,押沙龙!》与《雷雨》的家族叙事比较
5.Splitting Narration And Gathering Effect--On the Family Narrating of Sons and Daughters of a Rich Man分裂的叙述 聚合的效应——论《财主底儿女们》的家族叙事
6.The Significance of The Image Groups of Modern Oan Literature;现代家族叙事文学生命群像的总体意义指归
7.The Narration of Family Novel and The Modern Enlightening Myth--On The Varying Subject of The Modern Family Novel;家族叙事与现代启蒙神话——论现代家族小说主题的衍变
8.The Imagination and Narration of Ethnicity of "National Writer" of Dong;侗族“民族作家”的族群想象及其叙事
9.Family·Revolution·Female--Sexual Recounts and Contemporary Family Novels;家族·革命·女性——叙事性别与当代家族小说
10.The Fragmental Narration of a Family s Hardship--Commenting on Li Rui s Jiu Zhi;家族苦难的碎片叙事——评李锐的《旧址》
11.The narrative discourse of clan novels is rich in cultural codes.家族小说的叙事话语隐含着丰富的文化密码。
12.Ben - Hua: The Construction of Nation - State Historical Master Narration in the 21th Century《笨花》:建构21世纪国家民族历史的元叙事
13.The Narrative Study on a Tujia Minority Nationality Teacher s Teaching Values;一位土家族教师教学价值观的叙事研究
14.Narratives in Chinese rural literature of new age:from the history of individual to that of family;新时期乡土文学叙事:从个体历史到家族史
15.Hero,Grass & Feminality;英雄·草原·女性——解读邓一光家族小说叙事话语
16.The Ancestry of Red Flag: A Narratological Model of Revolutionarizing the History of New China;《红旗谱》:民族国家的历史革命化叙事范本
18.A Dilemma of Sense or Sensibility--The Contradictory Narrative Mentality of Saga Litera ture;理性与情感的两难——家族文学的背反叙事心态

family narration家族叙事
3)Saga novel家族叙事
1.The changes of saga novels reflect the authors' different imagination about individu.现代家族叙事继承了明清家族文学的传统,记录了家族在现代转型期所经历的由兴盛走向衰败最终崩溃解体的过程,并由此折射出民族国家的沧桑历程;通过对家族中人物命运遭际的描述,展现了一个多世纪中国人的悲喜忧欢,揭示了他们的思想意识和精神面貌的嬗变历程。
4)clan narrative家族叙事
1.The clan narrative of contemporary literature is a literature subjectwhich extends from the modern literature.当代文学的家族叙事是从现代文学中延伸的文学主题,它一直为当代作家青睐,出现了革命历史题材的家族叙事、新历史主义小说的家族叙事等,当代家族叙事在80年代末到90年代达到繁盛,期间产生了大量优秀作品,女性作家的家族叙事也在这个时期出现并迅速成熟,并为当代文学的家族叙事提供了一种独特的形态,即:女性家族叙事
5)Family Narrate家族叙事
1.Family Characters and Their Relationship in Family Narrate Literatures from 30 s to 40 s in the 20th Century;三、四十年代家族叙事文学人物及关系
6)narration of family history家族史叙事
