牛虻,The Gadfly
1)The Gadfly牛虻
1.The Dilemma of Humanity——The Artistic Tension of "The Gadfly";人性的两难——评《牛虻》的艺术张力
2.An Analysis of the Personality Weakness of The Gadfly: An New Aesthetic Angle of View;牛虻人格“弱点”的分析——一种新的审美视角

1.Approaching Gadfly --Reflections on the Feelings of the Leading Character of Gadfly by Voynich;走近牛虻——试探《牛虻》主人公情感世界
2.The Gadfly's endurance was failing him at last.牛虻的忍受力也终于不能维持了。
3."The Gadfly, Martin Eden, Pavel Korchagin, and...."“牛虻,马丁-伊登,保尔-柯察金,还有……”
4.Character Deformation in Li Liangmin s 1953 Chinese Version of the Gadfly;《牛虻》1953年李俍民译本中的人物变形
5.The Dilemma of Humanity--The Artistic Tension of "The Gadfly";人性的两难——评《牛虻》的艺术张力
6.Memory Pointing to the Bible--Rereading the Gadfly;指向《圣经》的记忆——重读《牛虻
7.A Study of the Deletion as to the Characters in the Chinese Version of the Gadfly;《牛虻》中译本中人物形象的删节研究
8.In her misery the cow passed over the strait which divides Europe and Asia.她派一只牛虻去攻击牛犊,使她颠沛流离。
9.Bravery, selfishness, and endurance are the characters which can be found easily on the Gadfly.勇敢、无私和意志力在牛虻身上都表现得很突出。
10.Loss and Restoration of the Information in the Gadfly under the Manipulation of Ideology in Literary Translation;意识形态操纵下《牛虻》译本中信息的失落与还原
11.An Analysis of the Personality Weakness of The Gadfly: An New Aesthetic Angle of View;牛虻人格“弱点”的分析——一种新的审美视角
12.A Comparison of the "Revolutionary Theme"in the Love Stories of Gadfly and White Deer Champaign《牛虻》与《白鹿原》中爱情故事“革命性”的比较
13.Egypt is a pretty heifer, But a horsefly is coming from the north it is coming!耶46:20埃及是肥美的母牛犊.出于北方的毁灭〔灭或作牛虻)到了、到了。
14.Egypt is a beautiful heifer, but a gadfly is coming against her from the north.埃及是肥美的母牛犊。但出于北方的毁灭(作牛虻)到了。来到了。
15.“your Eminence was always famous for truthfulness,”the Gadfly put in bitterly“主教大人是一直马诚实出名的。”牛虻挖苦地插进来。
16.Struggles Between the Human Nature and the Divine Nature--To"Gadfly"in Chinese and Mongolian Image Vivid Prototype Explanation;在人性与神性之间挣扎——对《牛虻》中蒙太尼里形象的原型阐释
17.Rewriting in Fiction Translation and Character Deformation--A Case Study of the Chinese Version of The Gadfly小说翻译中的改写与人物变形——《牛虻》译本个案分析
18.The Reshift of Female Writing:from Gender Fighters to Social Gadflies--A Case Study of Ah Mao’s Literary Creation女性写作再转向:从性别斗士到社会牛虻——以阿毛的创作为例

1.A Comparison of the "Revolutionary Theme"in the Love Stories of Gadfly and White Deer Champaign《牛虻》与《白鹿原》中爱情故事“革命性”的比较
2.Memory Pointing to the Bible——Rereading the Gadfly;指向《圣经》的记忆——重读《牛虻
4)The Gadfly《牛虻》
1.Rewriting in Fiction Translation and Character Deformation——A Case Study of the Chinese Version of The Gadfly小说翻译中的改写与人物变形——《牛虻》译本个案分析
2.On The Gadfly Li Liangmin's Version of from the Angle of Medio-Translatology从译介学看李良民的《牛虻》译本
5)gadfly spirit牛虻精神
6)translating The Gadfly翻译《牛虻》

牛虻牛虻(horseflies)虻的俗称.昆虫纲(Isecta)双翅目(Diptera)虻科牛 虻  虻科昆虫属双翅目,为中形到大形的种类,强壮而有软毛,通常称为牛虹。东北林区俗称“瞎碰”或“瞎虻”,头大,半球形,或略带三角形。复眼很大,某些雄虫接眼式或离眼式;棵出或常有毛,常有绿红及其它金属闪光;单眼有时消失。触角有长、有短,多向前伸出,基部二节分明,端部3-8节愈合成角状。口器适于刺螯及吸收。下颚阔叶状;下颚须2节,片状有毛;上颚强大;下唇或喙直而短或有细长者。胸大有毛。翅大透明,或着色彩。亚缘室二个,后室五个,基室大形,臀室一般封闭,前缘脉围绕全翅缘,腋瓣大形。足强壮,胫节有时扁阔,中胫有二距,后胫有时缺距,有爪垫及爪间突。腹部宽有毛,扁形、7节,交尾器隐蔽。卵长针状,产叠成块并盖以胶质,易被黑卵蜂类所寄生,往往被误认为三化螟卵块。  幼虫稀有陆生的,一般为水生或半水生,纺锤形。除一小头外,11节。每节有一隆起环,以便移动,末端有一呼吸管。肉食性,捕食小动物。  成虫白天活动,以午时为活动高峰。善飞翔。池边、水傍常见,飞行迅速。有时吸取花蜜,但最普通为好血性。雌虫有强度螯刺能力、牛马等厚皮动物亦易受其侵袭,雌虻每次数分钟,即能充满血液于腹部。温血动物,包括人类在内都受其害。东北林区,有时能飞快地,袭击颈部露出部分,啄取大块皮肉而逸去。据报道,小型虻咬伤一次失血可达40毫克,最大型的虻,如虻属、瘤虻属的某些种类则一次可使动物失血200毫克。曾记载一头家畜在一个夏天可失去100毫升的血。不仅如此,某些虻还能传播牛羊等家畜的炭疽病。我国西北的骆驼及南方的牛马的伊氏锥虫病,就是由虻传播了原虫所致。虻还可传播边虫病、土拉伦斯热等。因此,虻类为重要畜牧业害虫。