蛇意象,snake images
1)snake images蛇意象
1.Most snake images in the art are influenced by the Bible.西方艺术中"蛇意象"大都受《圣经》影响。
2.The complicated meaning of snake images is also volatile in the course of humun culture and literary.蛇意象的复杂意蕴在人类文化和文学的演进过程中又是多变的。
3.In Western art,snake images are usually cunning and evil,and the prototype of them is Satan in the Bible.在西方艺术中,蛇意象大都是狡猾、邪恶的,其原型是《圣经》里的撒旦。

1.An Interpretation of Snake Images in the Art Influenced by the Bible;《圣经》影响下的文学艺术中蛇意象探源
2.Cultural Explanation on the Image of Snakes in the Tales of Mystery before Tang Dynasty;唐前志怪故事中拟人化蛇意象的文化阐释
3.The Reappearance of the Image of Snake During the Phase of the Whole Human Shape in the Tales of Mystery and the Supernature before Tang Dynasty;"全人型"阶段蛇意象在唐前志怪小说中的再现
4.Snake as Live Factor Participating in the Integration of Images:The Cul tural Meanings of the Providence of Snakes Er, Cao and Jian蛇:参与神灵形象整合的活性因子——珥蛇、操蛇、践蛇之神的文化意蕴
5.On the Symbolic Images in Xu Xiaobin s The Feathered Serpent;神界的“黄昏”——谈徐小斌小说《羽蛇》中的象征性意象
6."Eagle" and "Snake": the Two Important Images in Turgenev s Love Works;“鹰”与“蛇”:屠格涅夫爱情作品中的两个意象
7.Of, resembling, or characteristic of a viper.毒蛇的,似毒蛇的象毒蛇的或具有毒蛇特征的
8."The important forms of Chinese Wushu are taijiquan, or taiji boxing, Snake boxing, Xiangxing boxing, Xingyi boxing, bagua boxing, Shaolin boxing, and so on."中国武术有太极拳,蛇拳,象形拳,形意拳,八卦拳,少林拳等拳术类别。
9.The Original Probe into the Changes and Deduction of Qingshe Image in the Legend of Baishe;《白蛇传》青蛇形象的流变及演绎初探
10.New Breakthrough the Cultural Anthropology Bring to Classic Culture Imago Research--Continued Recommendation on the Snake and Cross by Antian-xixian;文化人类学对经典文化意象研究的新突破——安田喜宪《蛇与十字架》读评
11.Apprehensions and Symbolizations: The Snake Taboos and Snake Witchcrafts of Yunnan Ethnic groups;恐惧与象征:云南少数民族的蛇禁忌与蛇巫术
12.having a twisting or snake-like or worm-like motion.扭曲的、蛇形的或象虫的运动。
13.The renegade is the first cousin to a rattlesnake.叛徒象响尾蛇一样地毒狠。
14.The eyes are black and gleam like a snake's.它的眼睛象蛇眼一样又黑又亮。
15.huge creature of the sea resembling a snake or dragon.海中巨大象蛇或龙的怪物。
16.A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature, and an elephant is very cumbersome.大蟒蛇很危险,大象又十分的笨重。
17.The Symbol of Sword to Cut Snake (斩蛇剑) and the Individuality of Emperor Liubang s Establishing Han Dynasty;“斩蛇剑”象征与刘邦建国史的个性
18.Probe into the Merger and Acquisition Symptom of the Immediate Merger and Acquisition;“蛇吞象”式并购易发生的并购症状

Look out for snake.注意有蛇。
3)white snake image白蛇形象
4)the snake蛇的形象
1.By the study of the image and genesis of the snake, we found that the form and evolution of that special image revealed the spirit of hominid, and the image of the snake took the important role in inner structure of primal thinking.通过对蛇的形象和起源的分析,发现"人首蛇身"形象的形成和演变,体现的原始人类的精神。
5)the snake lady image蛇女形象
1.By analysing the snake lady image and characteristics of the multiple-meaning subject in .本文通过对《蛇性之淫》中复杂的蛇女形象以及作品的主题多义性特征的分析,探讨了《蛇性之淫》中文学对权力的隐形抗争及其深层原因。
6)Qingshe image青蛇形象
