1.The Defamiliarization of Akhmatova's Lyrics阿赫玛托娃抒情诗歌的陌生化审美
2.Re-examine and reflect the developmentof Chinese literature on the 20th century, we can not neglect the most famous poet Akhmatova on the Silver Age.重新审视和反思20世纪中国文学的发展道路,我们无法回避白银时代最著名的诗人阿赫玛托娃

1.On the life of Li Qingzhao and ANNA浅谈李清照和安娜·阿赫玛托娃的创作道路
2.Amazing Courage of the Great Poet Anna Akhmatova-Shown through Her Requiem;伟大诗人的惊人勇气——初读阿赫玛托娃的《安魂曲》
3.The Mass in Poem--A Shallow Discussion on Religious Display in Arhematowa s Poem;诗的弥撒——浅议阿赫玛托娃诗歌中宗教性的表现
4.An Undertaker of Russia s Tragic Fate--Beatific Akhmatova;俄罗斯悲剧命运的承担者——幸福的阿赫玛托娃
5.An Analysis of Cultural Connotations in Poetry by Akhmatova;浅析阿赫玛托娃诗作中词的文化伴随意义
6.Mandelshtam perished in the purges of the 1930s, Akhmatova remained silent.曼杰利什坦姆在30年代的清洗中死去,阿赫玛托娃也销声匿迹。
7.To Interpret A Poem Without Hero by Anna Akhmatova from Its Title,Preface and Three Versions of Dedication;初读阿赫玛托娃《没有主人公的长诗》——诗题、代序和献词部分
8.Deep Love of Russia;背负沉重十字架 深情眷恋俄罗斯——浅析阿赫玛托娃诗歌中的悲剧美
9.Among her children, but not by Hephaestus, were Eros, and Anteros, Hymen, and Hermaphroditus.阿佛洛狄忒的孩子厄洛斯、安忒洛斯、许墨恩和赫耳玛佛洛狄托斯,都不是与赫费斯托斯所生。
10.Hertogh, Maria: Riots 1950玛丽亚·赫尔托赫:1950年叛乱(新加坡)
11.The young son of Hector and Andromache who was killed when the Greeks conquered Troy.阿斯提阿那克斯:赫克托耳与安德洛玛克的幼子,希腊人攻占特洛伊时被杀。
12.Isaac: You resurrected the castle, Hector. Bravo.阿:你恢复了这座城堡!赫克托,盖帽了!
13.u must be Hector.do u know who i am?阿:你一定是赫克托耳。你知道我是谁?
14.Mary was clutching her doll to her chest.玛丽把洋娃娃抱在怀里.
15.Homer with all his wars and warriors ? Hector, Achilles, Ajax,荷马描述其战争与勇士??赫克托、阿基里斯、埃阿斯,
16.Then she left the cow to the care of a hundred eyed monster, Argus.赫拉便将牛犊托付给百眼魔鬼阿刚斯看管。
17.Geological Characteristics of Aleinuer Molybdenite Deposit in Sühbaatar Province, Mongolia;蒙古国苏赫巴托尔省阿雷努尔钼矿地质特征
18.A Trojan prince, the eldest son of Priam, killed by Achilles.赫克托耳:特洛伊王子,普里阿摩斯的长子,被阿喀琉斯杀死。

1.On the Orthodox Thinking in Ahematowa s Poetry;阿赫玛托娃诗歌中的东正教思想
2.Anna·Ahematowa (1889-1968) was praised as "Russian s outstanding Anna" for her ability in expressing lots of rich and profound psychology in love.安娜·阿赫玛托娃(1889~1968)曾被誉为是“全俄罗斯才情卓越的安娜”,因为她能在短短的诗行中表达丰富而深刻的各种爱情心理。
3)Anna Akhmatova阿赫玛托娃
1.Amazing Courage of the Great Poet Anna Akhmatova-Shown through Her Requiem;伟大诗人的惊人勇气——初读阿赫玛托娃的《安魂曲》
2.To Interpret A Poem Without Hero by Anna Akhmatova from Its Title,Preface and Three Versions of Dedication;初读阿赫玛托娃《没有主人公的长诗》——诗题、代序和献词部分
4)Zuohala Shahemayiwa左哈拉·莎赫玛依娃(1934~  )
1.The two heroines Tess and Maslova in Tess d Urbervilles and Resurrection had the similar experiences, but had different fates because of their different social backgrounds, thoughts and characters and ideological systems of the writers.《苔丝》和《复活》中的两位女主人公苔丝和玛丝洛娃,她们有着相似的遭遇,但由 于她们的所处的社会环境、思想性格的不同以及作家的思想体系的不同,导致了两位女主 人公不同的人生结局。
6)Arachis pintoi cv.Amarillo阿玛瑞罗平托花生
1.Arachis pintoi cv.阿玛瑞罗平托花生适应性强,具有多年生、匍匐、耐荫、耐瘠、耐旱、病虫害少、四季常绿、花期长等特点,是适宜我国热带、亚热带地区种植水土保持、园林绿化、饲用的新型兼用草种,2003 年通过全国牧草品种审定。
