流散写作,diasporic writing
1)diasporic writing流散写作
1.Diaspora is a necessary consequence of the process of globalization over the last hundred years,which has also given rise to the birth of diasporic writing.流散现象是近百年来全球化进程中的一个必然产物,这种现象的出现造就了流散写作的诞生。

1.Diaspora Writing and Culture Translation;流散写作:文化的翻译——以林达、薛涌为例
2.Brilliant and Splendid,Founding and Meaningful--Writing Function of Spectacle in Prose;流光溢彩 熔铸隽永——论场面在散文中的写作功能
3.He writes liquid prose.他散文写得很流畅。
4.He wrote a composition or (he) read an essay.他写作文或读散文。
5.prose writing that is not fictional.非小说类的散文写作。
6.A short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise.作文短小的散文,尤指写成的作业练习
7.Diasporic Writing and National Identity:Speculation also on Identity Issues in Chinese American Literature;流散书写与民族认同——兼谈美国华裔流散文学中的民族认同
8.Analysis of Overall Classic Reply Wisdom in Contemporary Prose Writing;现代散文写作全局经典应对智慧分析
9.A Marginal Writer s Spiritual Resources--On Zhou Tao s Prose;边缘写作者的精神资源——周涛散文论
10.Noble Writing with Golden Heart: Mei Jie s Prose;圣洁的心灵与圣洁的写作——论梅洁散文
11.Island Consciousness: The Writing Situation of Imperial Diaspora Intellectuals;孤岛意识:帝国流散群知识分子的书写状况
12.On the Description of Love Stories in Yuan Dynasty s Dramas and the Communication of Plural Cultures in This Era;试论元散曲爱情闺怨描写与元代多元文化交流
13.The Using the Discourse Structure of the Essays as Writing Style by Intellectuals in Late Qing Dynasty;论作为知识分子写作方式的晚清散文话语建构
14.Diaspora,Hybridity and Full-sense Translation:The Joy Luck Club as Example;飞散、杂合与全息翻译——从《喜福会》看飞散文学写作特色及翻译理念
15.Drawing Pictures on Daily Life,Write Simple and Ordinary Essays;绘常态生活 做平凡散文——大学生散文写作取向研究
16.On "The Intellectual Writing" as a Poetry School;论作为诗歌流派的“知识分子写作”
17.A usually specified number of lines of prose or verse to be written out by a pupil as punishment.罚写,罚抄诗作为处罚而让学生抄写的一定行数的散文或诗
18.Ordinary speech or writing, without metrical structure.散文体普通的言语或写作,没有韵律结构

scatter write operation分散写操作
3)assembly line writing流水线写作
4)He writes with facility.他写作流利。
5)write dirt写下流作品
6)operation,serial digit分散写出操作
