梅尼普讽刺,Menippean satire
1)Menippean satire梅尼普讽刺
1.Change from Dialectical Dialogues to Literary Dialogues——More Exploration of "Socratic Dialogues" and "Menippean Satire"辩证法对话向文学性对话的转变——关于“苏格拉底对话”与“梅尼普讽刺”的再探析

1.Change from Dialectical Dialogues to Literary Dialogues--More Exploration of "Socratic Dialogues" and "Menippean Satire"辩证法对话向文学性对话的转变——关于“苏格拉底对话”与“梅尼普讽刺”的再探析
2.Queen Elizabeth to the Shah of Iran: “Yes, Nixon once visited me, he took a spoon.注:讽刺美国总统尼克松道德上不过关。
3.To ridicule or satirize in or as if in a lampoon.嘲讽用讽刺作品或好象用讽刺作品嘲弄或讽刺
4.A Comparative Study of Lu Xun s Gushixinbian and European Mennippean Satire Literature;鲁迅《故事新编》与欧洲“梅尼普体”文学
5.make a burlesque of...滑稽[讽刺]地模仿…
6.a satirical play, poem, sketch, etc讽刺剧、 诗、 小品等.
7.it prove you have a good memory, for it must be about ten years since we last met."布沙尼这种镇定、讽刺和大胆的态度使卡德鲁斯踉跄地倒退了几步。
8.Daniel comes to judgment.好一个丹尼尔,好公正的清官〔现在一般用作讽刺语〕。
9.ROY KEANE has taken a swipe at Arsenal by calling for anti-DIVING wristbands.罗伊·坚尼呼吁制作“不要假摔”腕带讽刺阿仙奴(球员的假摔行为)。
10.Yet the biggest irony of all is the Greek tragedy of his own disease," says Price.然而,最具有讽刺意味的是,他自身的疾病就是希腊悲剧,”普赖斯说。
11.a studied smile; a note of biting irony and studied insult- V.L.Parrington.有意的微笑;尖锐讽刺和故意攻击的帖子-V.L.普瑞同。
12.A clever, often sarcastic remark;a gibe.讽刺语机智,经常含有讽刺意味的评论;嘲讽
13.His speech had some relish of sarcasm.他的演讲带着些许讽刺 [有讽刺的味道] 。
14.Irony with Strong Feeling and Calm Feeling--To Compare the Irony of Gulliver’s Travels and Animal Farm;激动的讽刺与平静的讽刺——比较《格列佛游记》与《动物农庄》的讽刺手法
15.Satirizing Wisdom or Satirizing Folly--On the Satirical Themes of Folly Literature;讽智还是讽愚——简论愚人文学的讽刺主题
16.a sarcastic person, tone, remark好讥讽的人、 讽刺的语调、 挖苦的话.
17.He was easy game for satirists.他是讽刺作家嘲讽的对象。
18.On Irony and Absurdity of ZHANG Tian-yi’s Novels;反讽与悖论——张天翼小说讽刺艺术论

Meinipu genre梅尼普体
1.The article,on the basis of “Meinipu genre” and from the aspects of fantasy,myth and legend,dream,and weirdness,etc.这里拟以梅尼普体为其研究根源 ,从幻想、神话传说、梦幻、怪诞等方面全面系统地阐述这部小说的体裁特点。
1.Irony in Pride and Prejudice about Characters;论《傲慢与偏见》中人物的讽刺因素(英文)
2.The Food and Drink Irony about Unofficial History of the Scholar;《儒林外史》的饮食讽刺
3.Jane Austen s Art of Irony --Irony used in Characterization and Structure in Pride and Prejudice;简·奥斯汀的讽刺艺术——析小说《傲慢与偏见》在结构和人物性格中讽刺的运用
1.On the use of satire in Invisible Man;浅析《看不见的人》中讽刺手法的应用
2.Mark Twain: From Humor to Satire;马克·吐温:从幽默到讽刺(英文)
3.Mild Humor and Bitter Satire;温厚的幽默与辛辣的讽刺——再读《大卫·科波菲尔》
1.These fables revealed the dark reality,satirized the ugly phenomena,blazoned forth the Confucius and Mencius thoughts,and served as the bailment of people s ideals.他的寓言继承了先秦、两汉、唐宋寓言的优良传统,揭露黑暗现实,讽刺丑恶现象,宣扬孔孟之道,寄托人生理想。
2.LU XUN, LAO SHE and QIAN ZHONG SHU are three modern writers of entirely different personalities, but they are all famous with the writing style which is humor and satirize.鲁迅、老舍、钱钟书是三位性格迥异的现代作家,但他们都以幽默讽刺的写作风格著称。
1.His deep revealing and bitter sarcasm to the corrupted court and bureaucrats are also found in abundance in these poems.南宋诗人洪咨夔是五言律诗的高手,创作了不少忧国忧民的诗歌,对当时的弊政和贪官予以深刻的揭露与辛辣的讽刺。
2.This paper illustrates generating of the narrative style about regionalism satirical,sarcasm and curry favour with emperors of the Ming Dynasty in Xi Hu Er Ji based on the author experience,socially circumstances and development about the history of novel.从作者经历、社会情况、小说史发展状况三个方面论述《西湖二集》地域性色彩、讽刺色彩及“好颂帝德”等叙事品格的生成原因,深化了小说文本研究。
3.A Handful of Dust is famous for sarcasm.《一捧尘土》是一篇以讽刺手法著名的长篇小说。
