中国古典诗词,classical Chinese poetry
1)classical Chinese poetry中国古典诗词
1.Application of Cohesion in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry;中国古典诗词英译的衔接应用
2.A Study of Metaphors in Classical Chinese Poetry;中国古典诗词的隐喻研究
3.A Semiotic Approach to the Fuzziness in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry;中国古典诗词英译模糊性的符号学翻译研究

1.Studies on the Common Images in Classical Chinese Poetry and Their Translation;中国古典诗词中常见意象的英译研究
2.A Study on Imagery Transference in C-E Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry;英译中国古典诗词中的意象翻译研究
3.The Observation of the Image "Clothing" in Chinese Classical Poems in the Opinion of Symbol;从符号的角度看中国古典诗词中的“衣”
4.A Tentative Probe into the Transference of Artistic Ideorealm in the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry;中国古典诗词翻译中的意境问题刍议
5.An Inquiry Into the Unsettled Questionsin Research on Ancient Chinese Poetry;中国古典诗词研究中的“悬案”刍议
6.Reproduction of "Three Beauties" in the Classical Poetry Translation from Chinese to English;从中国古典诗词的英译看“三美”的再现
7.A Contrastive Study of the Textual Features of Some Chinese Classical Poems and Their English Version;中国古典诗词及其英译语篇特征对比
8.The Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry from the Perspective of Cultural Context文化语境视角下的中国古典诗词翻译
9.Poems Express Will, Songs Intone Emotion--On the lyrical art of China s classical poetry;诗言志 歌咏情——谈中国古典诗词的抒情艺术
10.A Comparative Study of Chinese Classic Poetry and Imagist Poetry;中国古典诗词与意象派诗歌的意象对比研究
11.Xu Yuan Zhong's Poetic Translation Theories and Reduplication Translation in Chinese Classical Poetry许渊冲的诗歌翻译思想与中国古典诗词中叠词的翻译
12.The moon image is one of the most important images in Chinese classical poetry.月亮意象是中国古典诗词中的重要意象。
13.The Transformation of Chinese Classical Poetic Art in Beijing School Fiction;中国古典诗词艺术在“京派”小说创作中的转化
14.The Cultural Context in Translating Classical Chinese Poetry;文化语境在中国古典诗词英译中的体现
15.The Image of Cricket Representing the Culture of Sorrowful Autumn in China s Ancient Poems and Lyric Songs;中国古典诗词中蟋蟀意象的悲秋文化内涵
16.Role of classical Chinese poems in quality-oriented education;让中国古典诗词在素质教育中发挥作用
17.Amazing Aesthetic Function and Its Presentation in the Classic Chinese Poetry and Ci-poetry;惊奇的审美功能及其在中国古典诗词中的呈现
18.Question "The Stream Of Consciousness In Classic Chinese Poetry;质疑“中国古典诗词中的意识流”——与屈光先生商榷

classic Chinese verse中国古典诗词
1.Metrical translation and unmetrical translation are two major approaches to the translation of classic Chinese verse,each having its advantages and disadvantages.诗体译法和散体译法是翻译中国古典诗词的两种主要方法,各有其利弊。
2.Lin Yutang s English translation of classic Chinese verse has its distinguishing features.林语堂英译中国古典诗词别具特色 ,本文联系林氏的翻译理论并结合中英诗歌之异同 ,从多个角度分析原诗 (词 )的意境之美、音韵之美和形式之美如何体现在其译诗中。
3)the translation of Chinese ancient poetry中国古典诗词英译
4)Chinese classical poetry art song中国古典诗词艺术歌曲
5)Chinese Classical Poetry Songs中国古典诗词歌曲
1.Chinese Classical Poetry Songs is a dazzling pearl in the treasure of Chinese Vocal Music.中国古典诗词歌曲是我国声乐作品宝库里的一颗璀璨明珠,它独具特色的内容和艺术价值在声乐作品中独树一帜。
6)ancient Chinese poems中国古诗词
1.The present paper discusses the problems and difficulties arising in the process of translating ancient Chinese poems into English.本文讨论了中国古诗词翻译成英文时所存在的问题和障碍。

古典与新古典资本流动动因论古典与新古典资本流动动因论  古典与新古典资本流动动因论古典资本流动理论认为国际资本流动的主要原因在于各国资本要素的价格(即利率)存在着差异该理论假设各国的商品和生产要素市场是完全竞争市场,资本要素的国际流动没有任何障碍.有充分的流动性;同时.各国资本要素察赋的存量或相对供给量不尽相同。在这种情况下,如果A国资本比B国更为稀缺,则A国资本要素的价格即长期利率必定高于B国,因此,B国的资本必将为A国的高利率所吸引而流向后者。这种流动将持续到两国的利率水平相等时为止。新古典资本流动理论则认为国际资本流动的主要原因在于各国资本边际生产力的不同及预期报酬率的差异。该理论认为,资本的边际生产力是指每追加一个单位的资本所能带来的产出品价值的增加量。一般来说,在资本丰饶的国家,资本的边际生产力较低,而在资本稀缺的国家,资本的边际生产力较高。资本总是倾向于从边际生产力较低的国家或地区流向边际生产力较高的国家或地区。资本在国际间自由流动之后,将使资本的边际生产力在国际上平均化,从而可以提高世界资源的利用效率,增加全世界生产总量和提高各国的经济效益。