家庭剧,family plays
1)family plays家庭剧
1.Between the 1970s and the 1980s, Shepard finished writing a series of family plays, namely Curse of the Starving Class, Buried Child, True West, Fool of Love.从早期的先锋戏剧实验到后期的家庭剧创作,谢泼德一直都在努力探索戏剧内容与形式的平衡。
2.Hellman s family plays not only follow the tradition of European dramas structurally, but also show her concern on the significant social and political events in different periods in the American history.莉莲·海尔曼是美国现当代最重要的女剧作家之一,她的作品中有大量的家庭剧,论文中讨论的三个剧本《小狐狸》,《遥望莱茵河》与《阁楼上的玩具》是她不同时期的代表作,在美国戏剧史上产生过重要而又深远的影响。

1.Study of Family Dramas and the Ethical Culture on Family in the Dramas of Yuan Dynasty;元杂剧家庭剧与元人家庭伦理文化探究
2.Research of Fleeing Theme in Cao Yu and Ibsen's Dramas曹禺与易卜生家庭剧中出走主题探微
3.On the Cultural and Mental Reason Why Korean Family Teleplays Are Popular in China;韩国家庭剧在中国流行的文化心理探因
4.domestic bliss, unrest, upheavals, etc家庭的欢乐、 不宁、 剧变等
5.I like comedy movies, especially family comedies.我喜欢喜剧电影,尤其是家庭喜剧片。
6.The Creating and Cultural Meanings of Yuan Tsa-chu s Family Ethics Tragedy;元杂剧中家庭伦理悲剧创作及其文化意义
7.Dysfunctional Family: A Study of Three Major American Plays戏剧舞台上的问题家庭:三部美国经典剧作研究
8.Don't you want to see part two of the serial @The Big Family@?你不想看连续剧“大家庭”第二集了吗?
9.It's curious-a family failing.真是奇怪,一场家庭的悲剧。
10.Yet he suffered a terrible family tragedy.但却遭受了一场可怕的家庭悲剧。
11.Money was the tragedy of the family. It made an old woman of me before my time.钱财对于家庭是个悲剧,使我未老先衰。
12.I was a domestic comedy with a devastating difference.这是一部风格独特的家庭喜剧。
13.Family and Love in Tennessee Williams s Major Plays;威廉斯主要剧作中的家庭观和爱情观
14."Family Play" in the Early Chinese Film and Drama;中国早期电影和话剧中的“家庭戏”
15.The Style of the Family Ethnic TV Plays during These Years;近年家庭伦理电视剧的审美风格初探
16.Replace the businessman s marriage home life yuan as for yuan of zaju;从元杂剧看元代商人的婚姻家庭生活
17.The Absence of Independent Character --The Formation of the Tragedy of the Family in Cold Night;独立人格的缺失——《寒夜》家庭悲剧成因
18.An Analysis of Ruan Dacheng's Tragedy According to His Family Life明朝阮大铖人生悲剧的家庭成因分析

Family Drama家庭剧
1.Loss in Reality and Tracing of History——Representation of paternity in family drama from double perspectives现实的失落与历史的追寻——家庭剧对父性表现的双重视野
3)family tragedy家庭悲剧
1.However, most of the researchers abroad and at home mainly focus on analysis of the cultural identity, characters image, textual construction and cultural conflict, no one has studied deeply the family tragedy which runs through the whole novel and the root causes of the tragedy.国内外学者对这部小说的研究主要集中在剖析文化身份、人物形象、文本结构和文化冲突等方面,而没有人去研究贯穿于小说的家庭悲剧以及导致这种悲剧产生的深层原因。
4)Korean family teleplays韩国家庭剧
5)the Family Ethics Opera家庭伦理剧
6)family soap opera家庭肥皂剧
