哈桑,Ihab Hassan
1)Ihab Hassan哈桑
1."Silent Avant-garde" and "Plural Postmodernity": Studies on Ihab Hassan's Postmodern Criticism of Literature;“沉默的先锋”与“多元的后现代”:伊哈布·哈桑的后现代文学批评研究
2.Ihab Hassan is a well-known literary critic and one of the earliest postmodern scholars.美国后现代文学批评家伊哈布·哈桑对后现代主义的研究是从先锋派文学开始的,他认为先锋派是后现代主义这个交响乐中必不可少的前奏。

1.Hassan al Turabi and "the Islamic Experiment" in Sudan;哈桑·图拉比与苏丹的“伊斯兰试验”
2.An Approach to Ideas and Works of Hassan Fathy哈桑·法赛创作思想及建筑作品研究
3.Hassan al-Turabi and Sudan's Islamic Experiment哈桑·图拉比及苏丹的“伊斯兰实验”
4."Silent Avant-garde" and "Plural Postmodernity": Studies on Ihab Hassan's Postmodern Criticism of Literature;“沉默的先锋”与“多元的后现代”:伊哈布·哈桑的后现代文学批评研究
5.King Hassan II acceded to the throne on the death of his father in February 1961.父王死后,哈桑二世于1961年2月继承了王位
6.In launching his raid Mr Nasrallah was in fact doing nothing new.哈桑对以色列的突袭其实不是什么新鲜事。
7.Analyzing the Origins of Hasan al-Banna s Islamic Fundamentalism Thoughts;论哈桑·班纳伊斯兰原教旨主义思想渊源
8.Early on March15 th, Hasan says, around20 masked men seized Husen from his house.哈桑说,3月15日晨,大约20名蒙面人将胡森从家里抓走。
9.Fiction.now makes [ language ] the center of its reflexive concern, and explodes in ludic, parodic, ironic forms(Ihab Hassan)小说…现在把[语言]当作其反省关切的中心,分裂为游戏的、模仿的或讽刺的形式伊哈伯 哈桑)
10.SANHA, Malam Bacai马拉姆·巴凯·桑哈
11.And when Hadad was dead, Samlah of Masrekah reigned in his stead.哈达死了,玛士利加人桑拉接续他作王。
12.She has the support of Haakon's parents, King Harald V and Queen Sonja.她还得到了哈康父母,即挪威国王哈拉德五世和王后桑佳的支持。
13.a Nilo-Saharan language spoken by the Songhai people in Mali and Niger.马里和尼日尔的桑海人所说的尼罗—撒哈拉语。
14.Sonny yawned. "What the hell are you, inspecting the barracks?桑儿打了个哈欠,说:“你算什么东西,竟来检查兵营?
15.Pedro Sanchez was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1940.佩德罗?桑奇斯1940年出生于古巴的哈瓦那,
16.Seeking and Transcending --Appreciating the two Protagonists Ayab and Santiago寻求与超越——亚哈与桑提亚哥人物形象解读
17.Kuwabara′s misleading thesis on Bukhara and the An Family桑原骘藏关于安氏家族和布哈拉关系的误解

Ihab Hassan伊哈布·哈桑
1.Based on the theories of postmodernism, especially on Ihab Hassan’s theory of postmodernist literature, this thesis is intended to reveal the postmodern feature indeterminacy in the novel from four aspects of character, plot, symbolic codes and themes.本文在后现代主义理论的基础上,主要借鉴伊哈布·哈桑关于后现代主义文学主要特征的理论,从人物、情节、象征和主题四个方面来分析小说中所具有的后现代特征即不确定性。
3)Hassan II哈桑二世
5)Hassan Fathy哈桑·法赛
1.Hassan Fathy,the Egyptian architect,focused on the building activity and research of the poor population of developing countries through all his life.埃及建筑师哈桑·法赛(Hassan Fathy)一生致力于为发展中国家的贫困人口的建筑活动及研究。
6)Hasofer-Linder method哈桑-林德法
