硬汉形象,code hero
1)code hero硬汉形象
1.At the same time, he created a "code hero" who shows "grace under pressure".同时,他给人们展示了在“压力下保持优雅风度”的“硬汉形象”。
2.The main character in the novel Santiago became the famous code hero in literature.小说主人公桑提亚哥也成为文学史上著名的硬汉形象,这部作品充分展现了人类的一种精神,充分表现了人类的智慧、刚毅和坚韧。

1.On Santiago's Code Hero in The Old Man and The Sea论《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的硬汉形象
2.Ernest Hemingway.Cuban Fisherman.and the Classical Heroic Character in "The Old Man and the Sea"海明威、古巴渔夫与《老人与海》的经典硬汉形象
3.Grace under Pressure : Hemingwey′s "Code Hero;重压下的优雅:海明威的“硬汉”形象
4.A Further Study of the "Code Hero" in Ernest Hemingway s Works;再论海明威作品中的“硬汉”形象(英文)
5.A Study of the “Code Hero” in Ernest Hemingway s Works;论海明威作品中的“硬汉”形象(英文)
6.The Development of Hemingway s “Code Heroes”;海明威笔下“硬汉”形象的成长轨迹
7.Iron man" Image and "Weak man" Image: Santigo and Juan Sheng;“硬汉子”精神与“软汉子”形象——桑提亚格与涓生人物形象比较分析
8.Elegance under Heavy Pressure;重压下的优雅——论海明威小说中的“硬汉”形象
9.On the Presentation and Configuration of Jesus Image in Hemingway s Code Hero Novels;耶稣意象在海明威硬汉小说中的呈现及变形
10."Hard Man"by Hemingway and "Strong-will People"by Jack London;海明威与杰克·伦敦小说中“硬汉子”形象比较
11.Nothingness, or Image of the Code Hero?--Another Defence of the Characters in Hemingway′s Fiction;是虚无,还是硬汉?——再论海明威笔下的人物形象
12.On the Portrait of "the Man of Iron" in Hemingway's Novels in View of The Old Man and the Sea从《老人与海》看海明威小说“硬汉”形象的塑造
13.Thoughts Beyond The Undaunted Spirit --A reinterpretation of the image of Santiago in " Old Man And Sea"硬汉精神背后的思考——重读《老人与海》中的圣地亚哥形象
14.Another Impressively Touching Tough Guy Image--character analysis of Thomas Hudson“硬汉”系列中又一感人至深的形象——托马斯·赫德森性格分析
15.The "Masculine Spirit" From Feminism Perspective--Re-interpreting Santiago in "The Old Man and Sea";女性主义新视角解读硬汉精神——重读《老人与海》中圣地亚哥形象
16.On the Creativeness & Philosophy in the Old Man and the Sea;茫茫大海中的“雄狮”——试论《老人与海》中“硬汉”形象的创新性及哲理内涵
17.A Lost Man of Iron --On the Characterization of Henry in “Farewell to Arms”;迷惘的硬汉子——试析《永别了,武器》中主人公亨利的形象
18.Pioneer of“stout man”character in USA Literature History --Preface of“concentration of Jack London s story”;开美国文学史上“硬汉”形象之先河——序《杰克·伦敦中短篇小说精选》

brave and strong man硬汉子形象
1.The male spirit in the verses is not only the image of brave and strong man in the west,but also the symbol of Chinese nationality.它通过自强不息的硬汉子形象和雄性意象展现出的雄性精神不仅是西部坚挺的雄性气质的象征,也是华夏民族生生不息精神的写照。
3)a classical heroic character经典硬汉形象
1.Ernest Hemingway s "The Old Man and the Sea"creates a classical heroic character-Santiago in the world literature history through the real life experience of an ordinary Cuban fisherman.富恩特斯的真实经历,塑造了世界文学史上的经典硬汉形象———桑提亚哥。
4)image of Chinese language汉语形象
5)Image of"boors""莽汉"形象
6)figure of traitor to China汉奸形象

硬汉1.坚强不屈的男子。 2.强横霸道的人;狠恶的人。