道德剧,morality play
1)morality play道德剧

1.A short farcical entertainment performed between the acts of a medieval mystery or morality play.幕间幽默短剧在中世纪神秘剧或道德剧各幕之间表演的滑稽短剧
2.They look like figures representing gluttony in a medieval morality play.它们看上去象中世纪道德剧中代表暴饮的形象。
3.On the Complication of the Morals in the Tragedies in Yuan Zaju;评元杂剧艺术悲剧作品泛道德的复杂化现象
4.Tragedies of Fate and Ethic;命运悲剧与伦理悲剧——中西方古典悲剧中道德感的比较
5.Divided Moral Self and Robert s Tragedy;分裂的道德自我与罗伯特的人生悲剧
6.Aggravation and Influence of the Social Moral Crisises of Rome Empire in the Earlier Stage罗马帝国前期社会道德危机的加剧及其影响
7.a problem novel,play,etc,ie one dealing with a social or moral problem问题小说、问题剧(探讨社会或道德问题的)
8.The Tragedy of Treating Moral as Laws--Criticize to the Historical Destiny of Confucian道德法律化的悲剧——儒学的历史命运批判
9.The moral tragedy of contradictions--From the perspective of literary ethics “ The Lady of the Camellias ”;矛盾中的道德悲剧——从文学伦理学角度看《茶花女》
10.A Green Interpretation of Henrik Ibsen's The Wild Duck绿色之思 道德之艺——易卜生戏剧《野鸭》的现代阐释
11.On the Phenomenon of the Moral Surrounding Fence in Social Ethics--From Femal Driver s Tragedies;社会公德领域中的道德“围墙”现象——从女司机的悲剧谈起
12.still her tragedy comes from her own bourgeois ethics and religion to a certain extent.而苔丝自身的资产阶级道德与宗教道德意识也在一定程度上造成了自己的悲剧。
13.gave an electric reading of the play; the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale.激动人心的戏剧表演;新领导人对人们的道德施予了有力的影响。
14.The four-act drama Lonely Swain criticizes the inconstant of overseas students.四幕剧《孤鸿》批评了留学生见异思迁、有违传统道德的行为。
15.The Complete Individual Moral but The Flaw Social Ethics--Analysing the Tragedy of Jannie Gerhardt;个人道德的圆满与社会伦理的缺失——《珍妮姑娘》悲剧剖析
16.The Butterfly Dream: A Feminist Reconstruction of the Discourse of Sex and Morality in Chinese Drama;《蝴蝶梦》与中国戏剧中有关性与道德话语的女性重构
17.Coetzee s Poetic Thought:Cothurnus and Ethical Dilemma;库切诗学思想中的道德两难及悲剧性铺设——小说《耻》文本细读
18.Constructing an Ethical Utopia: The Aesthetic Significance of Shakespeare’s Plays;建构崇高的道德伦理乌托邦——莎士比亚戏剧的审美意义

Germanic Opera德国歌剧
1.The Joseph II Innovation With the Influence to Germanic Opera;约瑟夫二世的改革及其对德国歌剧发展的影响
3)German tragedies德国悲剧
1.However, a thorough study and discussion on the overall characteristics of German tragedies from 1850s-1930s with Schiller, Goethe and Lesssing as representatives have not been made.而对于18世纪50年代——19世纪30年代以莱辛、歌德、席勒为代表的德国悲剧的总体特征尚未作出深入的研究和探讨。
4)chɑngde hɑnju常德汉剧
1.Focus case logical thinking:Law shouldn't be block of morality development;热案例冷思考:法律不应阻碍道德发展
2.To exhibit great morality and show modern civilization;弘扬优秀传统道德 促进现代文明
3.Ethics & Morality in Clinical Nursing;临床护理工作中的伦理和道德
1.Moral Ethical Education of Sex of the Adolescent;强化青春期性道德伦理教育
2.Exploration of Moral Construction of Network;网络道德建设的出路探寻
3.Discussion on the Moral Construction of New Socialist Countryside;社会主义新农村道德建设刍议

德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of Germany  Oeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。