深层内涵,the profound connotation
1)the profound connotation深层内涵

1.An Analysis of the Connotation of “Home” in the Works of Female Chinese-Indonesian Authors;印华女作家对“家”的书写及其深层内涵
2.Connotation and Limitations of Science Culture论“科学文化”的深层内涵及其局限
3.Death and Change: Connotations of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dawllory, To the Lighthouse and The Waves死与变:《达洛维太太》、《到灯塔去》与《海浪》的深层内涵
4.The Connotation of Thunderstorm and Cao Yu s Horror Complex About Human Destiny;《雷雨》的深层内涵与曹禺对人类命运的恐惧情结
5.Dialects provide the proof for the research of national cultural history and each dialect word may have a romantic history.方言于民族习俗之中折射出民族文化的深层内涵
6.Return to Hun-dun s State:the Other Possibility of Baochai and Daiyu s Syncretism--On the Deep Connotation of Xiangling and Discuss Xiangyun Simultaneously;回归浑沌:“钗黛合一”的另一种可能——香菱形象的深层内涵兼论湘云
7.Wine from Luscious to Bitter--On the depth connotation of the wine aesthetic image in Qing zhao s poem;从甘酸澧酪到苦涩的白干——论清照词中酒的审美意象的深层内涵
8.Art: Having a Meaning Form --The Deep Meaning of Art Education in Polytechnic School;艺术:有意味的形式——谈职业中专艺术教育的深层内涵
9.The Profound Connotation of The Whole Composing Process of Every Book In The Four Bibliographic Divisions--Deep Exploration on the Summary of Compilary Style in a Critical History of Institutions: Confusian Classics Kao;四部群书“纪著作本末”的深层内涵——《文献通考·经籍考》辑录体解题探微
10.Historic Stripping of the "Riddle of History" and the Deep Connotations of Marxist Philosophy;“历史之谜”的历史性剥离与马克思哲学的深层内涵
11.Understanding of the deep cultural connotation of the hajj, the pilgrimage that we can gather as a Muslim outreach practice.理解朝觐文化的深层内涵,我们认为朝觐可以视为穆斯林复命归真的一次实践。
12.The superflows man" of an epoch soul and body of the conflict;时代的“零余者” 灵与肉的冲突——谈郁达夫小说中抒情主人公形象的深层内涵
13.Intension and essence of civilian art were deeply discussed.深层次挖掘民间艺术的内涵及本质.
15.Spring Were Gone with Glide and Shatter Deeply Mentality Connotations in Novel Yu Qingsao;流水落花春去也——《玉卿嫂》悲剧的深层心理内涵
16.Clear Misunderstandings:A Reflection on the Essential Meaning of Lifelong Education;走出理解误区——对当代终身教育理论内涵的深层思考
17.The Duara Study Strategy Connotation and Result Analysis--A Close Reading on Culture,Power and the State;杜氏研究策略的内涵及成果分析——《文化、权力与国家》的深层阅读
18.The Deep Implication of Water Margin Viewing from the Image of LU Zhi-shen从鲁智深形象的塑造看《水浒传》的深层思想蕴涵

profound connotation深刻内涵
3)deepen the connotation of深化内涵
4)connotation stratifi cation plane内涵层
5)three significances三层内涵
6)level and content层面内涵
