观物方式,Methods of observing the physical world
1)Methods of observing the physical world观物方式

1.Vimalakirtinirdesasutra and the development of the methods of observing the physical world of the scenic poems in the middle ancient times of China;《维摩诘经》与中古山水诗观物方式的演进
2.From Thinking Mode of View Thing to Thinking Mode of View Human;从“观物的思维方式”到“观人的思维方式”
3.Comparative Study between Open and Closed Ecological Landscape Display of Natural History Museum;自然博物馆开放式和封闭式生态景观陈列方式的比较研究
4.Research on vegetation landscape design method and factor of lufengshan forest park炉峰山森林公园植物景观设计方式与要素研究
6.The particular appearance, form, or manner in which an underlying substance, or a permanent aspect or attribute of it, is manifested.程式某种特殊的外观、形式或表现方式,在其中潜在物质或其持久方面或属性显现出来
7.The Exorcism Culture is the senior stage of the developing Wizard Culture;巫文化是人们在万物有灵观念、鬼神观念、图腾观念支配下的活动方式及其成果。
8.The Development and Improvement of the Theory of Asia Production Mode to Marxis Historical Materialism;亚细亚生产方式理论对马克思唯物史观的发展和完善
9.On the Way of Examination of Biology Course of Qualities Education;关于素质教育观下的中学生物课程考核方式探讨
10.Stress relaxation characteristics in brachial plexus of experimental animals using function as description method以函数为描述方式观察实验动物臂丛神经的应力松弛特性
11.This style is beautiful and graceful.这种样式既美观又大方。
12.one-way viewer system单向观察镜认人方式
13.The Study on "Macro-micro" Thinking Mode of Chemistry Discipline;化学学科“宏观—微观”思维方式研究
14."By studying body morphology of the living organisms, try to find out any adaptive features."尝试透过详细观察动植物的形态,从而找各种动植物所采用的适应方式。
15.A transparent object, especially a photographic slide that is viewed by light shining through it from behind or by projection.透明物一个透明物体,尤指那种通过用光从后背照射或投影的方式来观看的幻灯照片
16.The Japanese way of looking at things is instructive in illuminating situations which confound Westerners.日本人观察事物的方式对于阐明引起西方人混乱的情况是有指导意义的。
17.Sketch and Schemata-an Exploration on the Observation Method of Western Paintings;写生与图式—西方绘画观察方法探幽
18.Consciousness and subconsciousness have three identical ways of reflecting the life, that is, subjective, conceptual and perceptual.意识与潜意识有三种相同的反映现实生活的方式:主观虔诚方式、自由思考方式和感性观照方式。

observocontrol mode观控方式
1.The result shows that the essential of calculus is observocontrol mode,and that invariance is the kernel of calculus.结果表明,微积分的实质是观控方式,不变性是它的内核。
3)the way of observation and reflection观照方式
1.This paper made a station about the utilization "ofImpression art"through the following four points:the way of observation and reflection,abstraction,use of color and short comments etc.与西方绘画的求"实"精神不同,中国绘画异常重视对"虚"的把握与运用,这源于中国绘画的哲学底蕴以及在此基础上产生的独特的审美趣味,本文从"观照方式"、"取象"、"用色"、"题跋"几个方面论述"虚"在中国画中的具体运用。
4)Conceptual way观念方式
5)observing method观察方式
6)viewing mode观测方式
1.Multi-direction viewing mode(axial,radial,axial attenuation and radial decay) was selected for each element with less spectral interference.各元素选择光谱干扰少、准确度高的多向观测方式(轴向、径向、轴向衰减、径向衰减),结合多元光谱拟合技术校正光谱干扰,改善方法的检出限及精密度。
2.A method for the determination of major and minor elements, including SiO2, CaO, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, Na2O, MnO, TiO2 , P2O5 and SO3, in carbonate samples by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) with multi-direction viewing mode was reported.各元素选择光谱干扰少、准确度高的多向观测方式(轴向、径向衰减),改善方法的检出限和精密度。

油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas field  a垃d gas月e卫d) 、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl