耶稣故事,Jesus story
1)Jesus story耶稣故事
1.This paper use the relevant methods on comparative literature to analysis Jesuits\' rewriting on Jesus story in Gospels and from the mainstream culture of late Ming in the context to analysis the causes of this situation.本文采用比较文学影响研究的相关方法,着重分析晚明耶稣会士对福音书中耶稣故事的改写,并且从中国晚明主流文化背景中分析这种情况产生的原因。
2)the story of the Nativity耶稣诞生的故事
1.Jesus:A Revolutionary Desire Perfect World耶稣:一个期待完美世界的革命者

1.Love your neighbor as yourself. -- Jesus Christ爱邻如己。-- 耶稣
2.the Saviour,Our Saviour Jesus Christ救世主(耶稣基督).
3.the Holy Sepulchre,ie the one in which Jesus Christ was laid圣墓(耶稣的墓).
4.in the year of our Lord 1986在耶稣公元 1986 年
5.The sayings of Jesus not in the Bible.耶稣言论耶稣未见于圣经的言论
6.having qualities characteristic of Jesuits or Jesuitism.有耶稣会士或耶稣会教义特性的。
7.Little Brothers of Jesus and Little Sisters of Jesus耶稣小兄弟会和耶稣小姊妹会
8.the Apostle who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes.耶稣的使徒,不相信耶稣的复苏直到他亲眼见到耶稣
9.God is not Jesus, and Jesus is not God.2 Even Jesus himself rejected this.真主不是耶稣,耶稣亦非真主。2即使耶稣本身也如此认为。
10.Christmas Day is Jesus' birthday.圣诞节就是耶稣的生日。
11.Jesus's birthday is Christmas day.耶稣的生日就是圣诞节。
12.Epiphany morning comes.耶稣受洗节的早晨来了。
13.a servant of Jesus Christ,eg a Christian priest耶稣基督的忠仆(如牧师).
14.Is Jesus mad at you?耶稣对你恼火了吗?
15.image of cross on which Jesus died.耶稣死的十字架的图像。
16.Judas betrayed Jesus to his enemies.犹大将耶稣出卖给敌人。
17.shepherds trade写田园诗耶稣的业绩
18.the(Blessed)Virgin the Virgin Mary, mother of Christ童贞女马利亚(耶稣之母)

the story of the Nativity耶稣诞生的故事
1.Jesus:A Revolutionary Desire Perfect World耶稣:一个期待完美世界的革命者
4)Jesus Christ耶稣
1.From the point view of the Holy Bible,the writer of the paper reads the image of Jesus Christ from Santiago s story.对这个人物从圣经的角度进行解读,笔者认为这一人物的描写被赋予了很多圣经中受难耶稣的形象。
1.Image of Chinese Women in the Eyes of Jesuits in Early Qing Dynasty;清初在华耶稣会士眼中的中国妇女形象
2.The Jesuits Did Not Obstruct the Copernican Theory s Publicity in China-A Re - review on the Early Stage Publicity of Western Astronomy in China;论耶稣会士没有阻挠哥白尼学说在华传播——西方天文学早期在华传播之再评价
3.On "Solid Learning" in China and That in the West: Jesuits Influence Upon Chinese Culture during Ming & Qing Dynasties;中西“实学”之辨——明清间来华耶稣会士对中国文化的影响
6)Jesus Christ耶稣基督
1.It can be definitely concluded from the records of Jesus activities in the Bible that Jesus Christ is the first to treat women in an unprecedently unconventional way,imparting them with dignity and liberty.从《圣经》的几部福音中对耶稣基督的记载,可以清楚看出耶稣基督第一个以全新的、反时俗的姿态对待妇女,赐予她们以自由与尊严。
2.Lawrence and Jesus Christ, the article tries to probe into the theme and soc ial significance of the novel from the view of religious parallels and implicati ons.本文分析比较赫伯特·劳伦斯的代表作《儿子与情人》中主人公保罗与耶稣基督的诸多相似之处,从宗教象征意义角度入手来更深入地理解小说的主题和时代意义。
