谍报文学,espionage literature
1)espionage literature谍报文学
1.But there is’t any research paper about espionage literature in the academia till now.二战谍报文学指生活在二战期间的作家的作品,但在学术界,目前,对有关二战谍报文学方面的研究还几乎无人涉猎。
2)economic espionage经济谍报
1.Based on a brief review and analysis of the Microsoft Antitrust Case and the Oracle "Garbage Gate"accident,this paper expounds the difference between competitive intelligence on the one side and business spy and economic espionage on the other side,and emphasizes the legality and morality of competitive intelligence.在简要回顾和分析微软反垄断案和甲骨文公司“垃圾门”事件的基础上 ,阐述了竞争情报与商业间谍以及经济谍报的界定 ,强调了竞争情报的合法性和道德性。
3)Intelligence Activities谍报活动
1.Exposure of the Japanese Troops Military Intelligence Activities through Rad io in China before the July 7th Incident of 1937;七七事变前日军在华无线电军事谍报活动

1.The methods used in clandestine operations such as espionage.谍报技术用于秘密行动,如谍报活动的手段
2.British Army's Espionage in the Opium War鸦片战争中英军的谍报活动及其影响
3.Miss Hall again spied in France.哈尔女士又回到法国开展谍报活动
4.as a unique epic of royal espionage!王室谍报活动中最精彩的篇章
5.Japanese Espionage Activities in China and the Eruption of July 7~(th) Incident;日军在华军事谍报活动与七七事变的爆发
6.Exposure of the Japanese Troops Military Intelligence Activities through Rad io in China before the July 7th Incident of 1937;七七事变前日军在华无线电军事谍报活动
8.Counterintelligence seeks to nullify the enemy's espionage efforts反间谍情报之目的是挫败敌人的间谍活动。
9.Espionage undertaken to detect and counteract enemy espionage.反间谍活动对发现和阻碍敌人间谍活动而进行的间谍活动
10.a Bureau that runs espionage operations.管理间谍活动的部门
11.counter-espionage activities反间谍而进行的活动
12.counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy.通过取缔或删除任何有价值的情报来完成的反间谍活动。
13.The Cox report describes in several places the PRC-style of "spying."考克斯报告中有几处提到了中国风格的间谍活动。
14.un-American activities,eg spying非美活动(如针对美国的间谍活动).
15.Reports suggest that the online intruders were probably engaged in espionage, downloading information The ability to spy is threatening enough报告称这些在线入侵者可能是从事间谍活动,下载信息,这种威胁就已经足够了。
16.She had been hounded by the British intelligence and spy services and by Un-American Activities Committees.她一直受到英国情报部门、间谍机构和美国非美活动委员会的跟踪监视。
17.She' s been arrested on suspicion of spying.她因涉嫌间谍活动而被捕。
18.The Russians think inspection is spying.俄国人认为考察就是作间谍活动。

economic espionage经济谍报
1.Based on a brief review and analysis of the Microsoft Antitrust Case and the Oracle "Garbage Gate"accident,this paper expounds the difference between competitive intelligence on the one side and business spy and economic espionage on the other side,and emphasizes the legality and morality of competitive intelligence.在简要回顾和分析微软反垄断案和甲骨文公司“垃圾门”事件的基础上 ,阐述了竞争情报与商业间谍以及经济谍报的界定 ,强调了竞争情报的合法性和道德性。
3)Intelligence Activities谍报活动
1.Exposure of the Japanese Troops Military Intelligence Activities through Rad io in China before the July 7th Incident of 1937;七七事变前日军在华无线电军事谍报活动
5)an intelligence agent情报员,间谍
