否定主题,negative theme
1)negative theme否定主题
2)negative proposition否定命题
1.In the history of philosophy and logic,some scholars regard negative proposition as something occasional and subsidiary.在哲学史和逻辑史上 ,有学者认为否定命题是某种偶然的、副次的东西。

1.Thinking about the Reverse of Existential Negation Proposition From the Point of View of Relation Logic;从关系逻辑的观点看特称否定命题的换位问题
2.It show us how the human could be from the negation of fact with essence go to the affirmation of value with existence.它昭示了人如何从萨特哲学对本质所界定的事实性否定命题通向对存在所设想的价值性肯定命题。
3.The positive or negative character of a proposition.命题的性质命题的肯定或否定的性质
4.Propositional Negation and Modal Negation:a Probe into the Types of Yes-noRhetorical Questions in Ming and Qing Chinese命题否定与情态否定:明清汉语是非诘问句类型探讨
5.a logical proof of a proposition by showing that its negation leads to a contradiction.通过否定一个命题得出矛盾结果的逻辑证明。
6.The essence of negative sentence pattern to express affirmative proposition is to link two negative forms together for a positive sense.汉语表达肯定命题的否定句式的实质是连用两次否定形式并表达一个肯定意义。
7.It can judge if a proposition is valid.它既可以判定一个命题公式是重言式、盾式或协调式,也可以判定命题推理是否有效。
8.To learn using this way is specially important to judge the validity of determining proposition inference.掌握真值表化简方法对判定命题推理是否有效显得尤为重要。
9.On Logical Meaning of Adjective "No";否定副词“不”的逻辑功能——试论自然语言中性质命题的规范化
10.Usage of Quantifiers Functioning as Adverbials in Negative Statements in Japanese;作副词用的数量词在日语命题否定句中的特殊表现
11.A Real Economic Topic versus A Scholarly Negation with False Evidence--Review Valuc Transformation:A False Problem by Mr.Feng Jinhua一个真实的经济学命题和一个伪证的学术否定——评冯金华《价值转形:一个伪问题》
12.Whether there is life on Mars is an interesting question.火星上是否有生命是一个有趣的问题。
13.Specifies if a CommandButton is the Cancel button.指定命令按钮是否为“取消”按钮。
14.Marcuse s Negative Dialectic & Its Historical Fate;马尔库塞否定的辩证法及其历史命运
15.Scope is among the many problems concerning negation.否定伴随着许多问题,否定辖域就是其中之一。
16.On the negation in A Passage to India;浅析否定词及否定句对《印度之行》主题的帮助
17.The Decisive Factor of Negtive Scope in Chinese Singular-Topic Paratactic Sentences;同一话题流水句否定辖域的决定因素
18.Returns a value specifying if the command is enabled in the current context.傳回指定在目前文件中是否啟用命令的數值。

negative proposition否定命题
1.In the history of philosophy and logic,some scholars regard negative proposition as something occasional and subsidiary.在哲学史和逻辑史上 ,有学者认为否定命题是某种偶然的、副次的东西。
3)propositional negation命题否定
1.The ambiguity of ma de in Japanese negative sentences results from context on the one hand and the double interpretations of Japanese negative sentences (including predicate negation and propositional negation) on the other hand.在否定句中“まで”产生歧义的原因一方面在于语境的不明确性 ,另一方面在于日语否定句有谓词否定和命题否定两种解释。
4)negative;negative proposition否定; 否定命题
5)prepositional negation命题否定句
1.The present paper discusses quantifiers functioning as adverbials in prepositional negation in Japanese sentences.可是本文通过对命题否定句中的作副词用的数量词进行考察,发现当否定焦点为该数量词时有可能出现两种情况,这两种情况表明作副词用的数量词既可以成为句子的补充成分,同时也可以成为句子的附加成分。
6)negative particular proposition否定特称命题

否定否定negation  否定l碑朗ti阅;。,仙“e] 一种逻辑运算,对一个给定的命题A,执行这种运算就得到命题“非A”.在形式语言中,命题A的否定记作二A,一A,面,一A,A‘(读作:“非A”,“A不真”,“A不成立”,等等).从语义上说,命题A的否定意味着由假设A能推出矛盾(。mm山。tion).在经典二值逻辑中,否定运算的作用由如下真假值表(trutll table)给出:{B .E._K。撰沈复兴译