黄苏子,Huang Suzi
1)Huang Suzi黄苏子
1.Start Different;End the Same——A Comparative Analysis of Branche in A Streetcar Named Desire & Huang Suzi in Where I Begin Is Where I End殊途同归——《欲望号街车》中布兰奇与《在我的开始是我的结束》中黄苏子的比较(英文)
2)Su Shu and Huang Tingjian苏黄

1.Zhu Bian's Evaluation of Su Shi and Huang Tingjian and Its Influence in the Jin Dynasty朱弁对苏黄的评价及其在金代的影响
2.Contribution of HUANG Ting-jian s Calligraphical Theories upon the Shu School Study of Song Dynasty;黄庭坚书画理论对宋代蜀学的贡献——从苏黄对比谈起
3.Jiangsu Shenhua Pharm. Co., Ltd. (Former Jinhu Xanthan Gum Factory Jiangsu)江苏神华药业有限公司(原江苏金湖黄原胶厂)
4.A Tentative Analysis of Su Shi s State of Mind in Huangzhou;雨洗东坡月色清——浅析苏轼黄州心态
5.Researches on construction and management of Huangdun Lake Flood Detention District of Jiangsu Province;江苏省黄墩湖滞洪区建设与管理研究
6.On Su Yuan-jun and His"Story of Taosit Priest Lu s Goldoen Millet Dream;论苏元俊和他的《吕真人黄粱梦境记》
7.Look at the Differences among Su、Huang and Mi s Calligraphies from the Techniques of Their Writing;从笔法角度看苏、黄、米书法之不同
8.The prefiace of The Guidance and Appreciation of Sushi s Representative Work in Huangzhou;《苏轼黄州代表词赋导读与审美》前言
9.On SU Shi s Poems of Odes to Flowers in Huangzhou;独笑深林谁敢侮——说苏轼黄州咏花诗
10.Ameliorative Effects of Jute on Coastal Solonchak in Dongtai,Jiangsu黄麻对江苏东台滨海盐土的改良效应
11.Huanghe River Captured Huaihe River and Agricultural Settlement in North Jiangsu Coastal Area in the Historical Periods历史时期黄河夺淮与苏北沿海的农垦
12.As His Ci Is,So Is He--The artistic style of Su Ci in his works during Huangzhou period;词如其人:从苏轼黄州时期的词看苏词的艺术风格
13.The Connections and Similarities of Style Asthetic between Su shi and Sikong Tu;苏轼之风格论与司空图的相似性——苏轼《书黄子思诗集后》风格论意义
14.Course of Thought Development of Su Dongpo --The thought of Su Dongpo and his prose writing when he is in Huangzhou;苏东坡的心路历程——浅论苏轼在黄州时期的思想与散文创作
15.Effect of Dendritic Cells in Spleen of Lewis Lung Cancer-bearing Mice of Sumu and Sumu+Huangqi苏木 苏木+黄芪对Lewis肺癌荷瘤鼠脾树突细胞的干预作用
16.We have two Miss Huangs─ Jenny Huang in Accounts and Susan Huang in Sales. Which Miss Huang do you want?(6) 我们有两位黄小姐─计部的黄珍妮及业务部的黄苏珊。你要找哪一位黄小姐呢?
17.Lampetra japonica could migrate to the Yellow Sea region and freshwater in Jiangsu Province.日本七鳃鳗可以迁移到黄海及江苏省淡水中。
18.Students returning from Japan worship Su Man-shu;Western returned students admire Huang Kung-tu.东洋留雪生捧苏曼殊,西洋留学生捧黄公度。

Su Shu and Huang Tingjian苏黄
3)Suqin yellow chickens苏禽黄鸡
1.Eleven kinds of biological preparations were added to basal diet to study the effect on immune performance of Suqin yellow chickens.试验通过在日粮中分别添加11种生物制剂,研究其对苏禽黄鸡免疫机能的影响。
2.The study analyzed the fingerprinting of 20 microsatellite loci with high polymorphism of Suqin yellow chickens.利用经过筛选的20个微卫星标记对苏禽黄鸡各代次7个群体进行微卫星指纹检测。
4)esteem for Su Shi and Huang Tingjian崇苏黄
5)Oil-soluble yellow苏丹黄
