东方民间文学,oriental folk literature
1)oriental folk literature东方民间文学
1.Folk literature of oriental countries altogether constitutes the essential content of oriental folk literature,thus becoming the basis of work description and theoretical discussion.东方民间文学是东方文学的重要组成部分。
2)folklore in the Northeast东北民间文学

1.The Function of Folklore in Northeast to the Northeast Tour Culture;论东北民间文学在东北旅游文化中的教益作用
2.Action of North-east Folktales to the North-east Tour Economy and Culture;东北民间故事在东北旅游经济与文化中的作用
3.Ethnic cultural infusion and northeast ancient literature;民族文化融合与东北古代文学的发展
4.Talking about Folklore and Folk Literature through Readingof Northwest Minorities Research读《西北民族研究》说到民俗学与民间文学
5.The region cultural cognitive value of north-east folk art "ErRenZhuan;东北民间艺术“二人转”的地域文化认识价值
6.Western & Eastern Annotation of the Deified Monkey in Travel to Buddhism Western Paradise;西游神猴的东西方诠释——从民间文学到比较文学
7.A Research on Organizing,Founding and Relocating Dates of Northeast University of the CPC in the Republic of China民国中共东北大学筹建、成立、迁校时间考
8.Literature, Religion, Gender and Ethnicity: England, Middle East and China in the Middle Ages.文学、教、别和民族:中古时代的英国、东、国》台北:联经。
9.Braving the Journey to the Northeast of China and Changes of Folk-customs Resulting from immigrants;“闯关东”与东北民间社会风俗的嬗变
10.Shaman music--The original of the national and folk music of Northeast China;萨满音乐——东北民族民间音乐之源
11.Yuan Hongming: A Praiseworthy Man of Folkloric History of Dongguan袁洪铭:东莞民间文学史上值得一提的人
12.Summarization on the Collection of the Hakka s Folk Literature in Guangdongin the First Half of 20~(th) Century;20世纪上半叶广东客家民间文学搜集情况概述
13.National Consciousness and Life Consciousness of the Literary Group of the “Exile" --On the Local Novels of “North-East Writer Group";“流亡”文学群体的民族意识与生命意识——论“东北作家群”的乡土小说
14.Entertainment,Desire and Shadow: the City Image of Dongjing of the Northern Song Dynasty in the View of Citizen Literature娱乐、欲望与阴影:市民文学视野中的北宋东京都市意象
15.A Comparative Study of Time Allocation of Residents in Beijing and in Tokyo北京和东京居民的时间分配比较研究
16.Characteristics of Edge Mingling in Northeasten Jiangxi Local Music;论赣东北民间音乐的“地缘交融”特色
17.The Analysis on the Rural Civil Financial Markets in Northeast China我国东北地区农村民间金融市场分析
18.Discussing the Birch Bark Culture of Northeastern Minority Nationality论东北地区少数民族的桦树皮文化

folklore in the Northeast东北民间文学
3)oriental literature东方文学
1.Historical Construction of the Discipline of Chinese Oriental Literature;中国东方文学学科的历史性建构
2.On the Influence of the Religious Culture to the Ancient Oriental Literature;论宗教文化对古代东方文学的影响——东方文学比较研究之一
3.The author begins with the question the influence of oriental literature on Pound s poem,introduces the manifestation of the portrayal and appreciation of typical characters in the traditional western theory in Pound s poem and illustrates Pound s theoretical contribution to imagist poems.东方文学对于庞德诗歌理论的影响,2。
4)Eastern Literature东方文学
1.Influence of Islamic Culture in Arab Upon Eastern Literature;阿拉伯伊斯兰文化对东方文学的影响
5)folk literature民间文学
1.Illustration of the relationship between folk literature and constructing advanced culture;论民间文学与先进文化建设的关系
2.Features of the Spreading of Kazak Folk Literature in Written Form;哈萨克族民间文学的书面传承特点
3.Impact and Culltural Fertilization of Folk Literature on Childhood Literature in Yunnan;云南民间文学对云南儿童文学的文化渗透和影响
1.Several Basic Questions about Subject Construction of Folklore;试论民间文学学科构建中的几个基本问题
2.The thesis makes an analysis of American folklore in depth, discussing its cultural back-ground, heritage, genres, values and norms with a view to helping Chinese understand American culture bet-ter and raise public awareness of our own folklores.通过对美国民间文学的概况、传承、类别和特点的介绍与比较深入细致的分析,从其历史发展的角度讨论美国民间文学的文化特征,揭示了美国民间文学的思想意义和时代影响,有助于了解美国文化遗产,对保护我们自己的民间文化遗产也有一定的借鉴作用。
3.The folklore have some peculiar attributes because of the influence of the traditional cultural elements.民间文学因为受传统文化因素的影响而表现出诸多特殊属性,加之其他方面的一些原因,许多国家或地区的版权法并不保护民间文学或者并不对民间文学赋予特别的保护。
