1.Modeling of product configuration based on class & feature;基于和特征的产品配置建模
2.A Novel Approach to Accessing the Data-members of a Class;一种访问中数据成员的新方法
3.Structure-considered cohesion metric for classes in object-oriented systems;面向对象系统中考虑结构因素的的内聚度量

1.fin, fur and feather鱼, 兽与鸟
2.A category, especially an overly restrictive one.分别分,尤指受过度限制分
4.The main ones are chairs, stools, desks, beds, cupboards and screens.大有椅凳、桌案、床榻、柜架、屏风以及观赏家具。
5.fishes; amphibians; reptiles; birds; mammals.鱼;两栖动物;爬虫;鸟;哺乳动物
6.Public Types/Private Types/Protected Types/Package Types/Friend Types公有型/私有型/保护型/包型/友元
7.The above-mentioned fabrics can be classified into five categories, i.e. plain weave, twill weave, satin weave, leno weave and the velvet.上述织物可以分成五大——平纹、斜纹、缎纹、绞经和起绒
8.Of or relating to human beings or the era of human life.人的,人的,人时期的人的,人时期的,有关人或人时期的
9.Humans have two types of memory.人有两种型的记忆:
10.cholic acid and its salts and esters胆酸及其盐和酯
11.cereal grain suitable as food for human beings.适合做人食物的谷
12.376 kinds of reptiles, 284 kinds of amphibians;爬行376种,两栖284种;
13.cinnamic acid and its salts and esters肉桂酸及其盐和酯
14.cresotic acid and its salts and esters甲酚酸及其盐和酯
15.butyric acid and their salts and esters丁酸及其盐和酯
16.Reptilia and Aves of North America北美的爬虫和鸟
17.International Patent Classification sub-class国际专利分细分
18.ISIC Major divisions国际工业分标准大

1.The concept of category in the logical history of Pre-Qin period mainly explained the character of category from the peculiar attribution of the things that the concepts reflect.先秦逻辑史上的“”概念主要是从概念所反映的事物的特有属性,去把握的规定性;从对概念的实际运用开始,逐渐发展到对“”概念本身的考察。
2.Feuerbach views category as relations among people and the starting point of humanism so that he contends that the nature of category is realized by itself through dialogues between you and me.费尔巴哈把理解为人与人的关系,并以之作为人本主义的出发点,从而认为本质正是在我与你的对话过程中实现自己。
1.Dependence structure analysis-based approach for measuring importance of classes;基于依赖结构分析的重要性度量方法
2.In the paper, an order-assigned strategy of class integration testing is presented and implemented by analyzing the complete dependency relation of classes in OO program.的集成测试顺序决定着测试工作量的大小。
1.The way will be the whole-part of kind, general-particular and example joining to apply in databases design.这一方法是把的整体与部分关系、一般与特殊关系和实例连接应用到数据库设计中。
2.“There is a difference in instruction but none in kind.“有教无”思想是孔子在春秋末年官学下移的背景下提出来的,是孔子教育思想的一个重要组成部分,体现了孔子教育思想的开放性、普及性,开创了平民教育的先河,是历史的巨大进步。
1.The Practical Way of Thinking and "the Species-way of Thinking";实践观点的思维方式与“思维”
2.Species Spirit:THE Necessary Pursuit of Modern Education;精神:当代教育的应然追求
3.The design skill of such common species as Chinese textbox, rating strip, three-dimension cubic box is introduced.介绍了中文文本框、进度条、三维立体框等常用的设计技巧,并给出了相应步骤和程序代码。
1.As the leading method of the logical reasoning in ancient China,what characteristics does Analogy have? This depends on three ancient logics concepts:Reason,Law,and Genus.作为中国古代逻辑的主导推理型,推具有什么性质和特点?这取决于古代三个逻辑学概念:"故"、"理"、""。

(类编)伤寒活人书括指掌图论(类编)伤寒活人书括指掌图论 伤寒著作。10卷(卷首提纲1卷)。宋李知先(元象)编,元吴恕(如心)图论,明熊宗立(道轩)续。李氏原著《活人书括》,成书于宋乾道二年(1166年),后经吴恕重订,融会张仲景《伤寒论》和李知先《活人书括》等内容,增辑若干图表;其后由吴氏门人熊宗立续编为10卷本,内容更有所补充。全书多以诗赋歌括形式和各种图表概括伤寒病证,反映其六经传变受病规律、各种症状、病因、脉象及治法,其下有引经据典之小字注释。书中另设《伤寒遗事》1卷,对《伤寒论》中某些杂证、别名、音释等予以阐析或正误。载方200多首。续编载伤寒补遗经验良方多首,其中包括妇人产后伤寒方和小儿伤寒方等。现存明万历十七年(1589年)金陵书坊唐少桥刻本及其他明刻本。