1.Application of complexity and wavelet packet transformation to motion recognition;复杂度和小波包变换在运动模式识别中的应用
2.Using complexity measurement to study the electrocorticogram of increased intracranial pressure;颅内压增高皮层脑电的复杂度分析
3.A study on the depth of anesthesia monitoring based on EEG complexity;基于脑电复杂度分析的麻醉深度监测研究

1.chemical complexity化学复杂度[用化学方法测定的复杂度]
2.A Study of the Effects of Task Complexity on Oral Production Accuracy and Complexity;任务复杂度对口语输出准确度及复杂度的影响
3.The Structure and Complexity of MAX-MU(2);MAX-MU(2)的结构和复杂度
4.Improvement of statistical complexity to measure the complexities of two-dimensional arrays二维数组复杂性测度的统计复杂度改进
5.Complicated Rock Fracture Image Processing and Geometry Complicity Analysis;复杂岩石节理裂隙图像处理及几何复杂度分析
6.Research on Low-Density Erasure Codes and Trellis Complexity;低密度纠删码和网格图复杂度的研究
7.Research on the Methods of Complexity and Similarity of 2D Engineering Graphic二维工程图复杂度和相似度方法研究
8.This increases the complexity of administration and integration.这就增加了管理和集成的复杂度
9.The previous best algorithm uses O(n 2logn) time to compute the optimal translocation sequence transforming one oriented genome into the other.以前最好的算法时间复杂度为o (n2logn) .
10.On the Measure of Complexity复杂性究竟有多复杂?——论复杂性的测度
11.Highly developed or complex.高度发达的,复杂的
12.New Way to Quantify and Measure Program Complexity--Improved McCabe Method程序复杂程度定量量度新法——改进McCabe法
13.The instantaneous center method of plane complex linkages;平面复杂机构速度分析的速度瞬心法
14.a very complicated voting system一种非常复杂的选举制度
15.The eye is a complex and highly developed photosensitive organ.眼是复杂而且高度精密的感光器官。
16.The genetic background of seed hardness is very complicated in pomegranate.石榴种子硬度的遗传背景十分复杂。
17.The strength of glass fibres presents a more complex picture.玻璃纤维的强度情况很复杂。
18.bewildering speed, complexity令人晕头转向的速度、 复杂性.

1.The perplexity measuring methods of language model are quantificationally expressed from entropy angle with information theory.运用信息论理论,从信息熵的角度对统计语言模型的复杂度度量方法进行了定量化的推理与描述,得出了语言模型对语言熵的估算值越小,说明该模型对语言的描述越精确以及两个n-1元文法模型插值形成的新模型,其性能好于n-1元文法模型,但不及n元文法模型的结论。
2.From the point of view of perplexity of language model,this paper discusses the efficiency of four kinds of methods on probabilities of sparse date.本文研究了N元文法(N gram)统计语言模型中的4种插值平滑算法,在中文语言模型中进行了应用,从语言模型复杂度的角度比较了该4种方法解决零概率问题的效率。
3)complex[英]['k?mpleks][美][k?m'pl?ks, 'kɑm,pl?ks]复杂度
1.The SPT curves were analysed using complex method from the constitution theory.原位试验数据的数学物理关系与规律性探索是目前较难解决的问题,基于此利用组成论中的复杂度分析方法对标准贯入试验曲线进行了分析,并依据最复杂原理从数学关系上推导证明了分布函数的具体表达式。
2.The CPT curves were analysed by using the complex method which comes from the constitution theory.利用组成论中的复杂度分析方法对静力触探试验曲线进行了分析,并依据最复杂原理从数学关系上推导证明了分布函数的具体表达式。
3.The unconfined compression strength data and curve were analysed by using complex method from the constitution theory.岩土工程试验数据的数学物理关系与规律性探索是目前较难解决的问题,基于此利用组成论中的复杂度分析方法对无侧限抗压强度试验曲线进行了分析,并依据最复杂原理从数学关系上推导证明了分布函数的具体表达式。
4)complexity degree复杂程度
1.Its complexity degree can be quantitatively evaluated using fractal dimension that can describe geometrical irregularity.其复杂程度可以用描述几何不规则性的分维来定量评价。
5)C0 complexityC0复杂度
1.In this paper, a practical EEG examination method based on C0 complexity is introduced for brain death determination.C0复杂度判断指标能够利用脑电信号中的复杂度特性帮助临床诊断中对于脑死亡和脑昏迷状况的鉴别。
2.Aim: To quantify the EEG data in the brain death patients with ApEn and C0 complexity expecting to obtain a new criteria with high sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of brain death.目的:运用近似熵(ApEn)和C0复杂度对脑死亡患者脑电图(EEG)进行非线性定量分析,期望寻找一种可靠而又敏感的脑死亡诊断标准。
3.In the paper,a prediction algorithm based on the second-order C0 complexity was proposed to predict epileptic seizures.文章提出了一种基于二阶C0复杂度的预测算法用于预测癫痫发作。
6)KC complexityKC复杂度
1.To measure the brain activity variations under different depth of anesthesia(DOA),and investigate whose influence on electroencephalogram(EEG) of the SD rat,the KC complexity(C(n)) and the spectral entropy(H) were introduced to analyze EEG and four components under different DOA.为了研究大鼠在不同麻醉深度下大脑活动的变化,探测麻醉深度对其脑电信号(EEG)的影响,采用KC复杂度和谱熵对不同麻醉深度下的EEG及其4个主要频段信号进行了复杂性分析。

安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶药物名称:安那度尔英文名:Alphaprodine别名: α-普洛丁;阿法罗定;安那度;安侬痛 ,阿那度尔,安那度尔,甲替啶 外文名:Alphaprodine ,α-Prodine, Nisentil, Prisilidene适应症: 用于需短时止痛(镇痛起效比吗啡迅速,皮下注射5min即见效),如小手术时以及手术后的止痛,又可与阿托品合用于胃肠道、泌尿道等平滑肌痉挛性疼痛的止痛。 用量用法: 皮下注射:1次10~20mg,1日20~40mg。 静注:1次20mg。 极量:1次30mg,1日60mg。 注意事项: 1.亦有成瘾性,不宜久用。 2.有眩晕、无力、多汗等不良反应。 3.分娩时慎用,可能会引起胎儿窒息。 规格:注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、20mg(1ml)、40mg(1ml)。 类别:镇痛药\阿片受体激动药