1.On the spectrum assignment problem for the admissible operator pairs;可容许算子对的配置问题
2.On the spectrum assignment probelm for the controllable operator pairs;可控算子对的配置问题
3.Another prove of spectrum mapping theory in Euclidean space;映像定理在欧氏空间中的另类证明

1.spectral density线[频,光]密度
2.luminescence spectrum发光光,荧光光
3.pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy热解气相色-质
4.An instrument that produces a chromatogram.色仪产生色的仪器
5.gas chromatograph-quadpole mass spectrometer气相色四极质
6.liquid chromatographmass spectrometer液体色与质两用仪
7.liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer(LC-MS)液相色—质联用仪
8.plasma chromatograph-mass spectrometer (PC-MS)等离子色-质联用仪
9.gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer气相色-质联用仪
10.correlation spectroscopy相关光学,相联能
11.chromatography-mass spectroscopic analysis色一质联用分析
12.special low-calorie menu低卡食(低热量食)
13.He never learned to read or write music.他从未学过识和写
14.The Laplacian Spectrum and Distance Spectrum of Some Graphs若干图的Laplace和距离
15.viola clef中音号(=altoclef)
16.music printed or written in any system of notation (e.g., tonic sol-fa, staff notation, numerical symbol, braille)乐,印刷,或手写,用任何一种记法(例如首调唱名法,五线法,简法,盲字记法)
17.Analysis of All Components of Naphtha by GC & GC/MS;色及色/质联用进行石脑油全馏分分析
18.Method of Taking a Clear Spectrum and Measuring the Wavelength of Light with Prism Spectrometer;用棱镜摄仪拍摄清晰光测光波长的方法

1.Relationships of Pseudo-spectra of Dynamis Systems with Spectra of Its Perturbed Systems;动力学系统伪与扰动系统的关系
2.A Research on Relationships for Pseudospectra of Dynamical Systems and Spectra of Its Perturbed Systems;关于动力学系统伪与扰动系统之间关系的研究
1.By using functional method, the asymptotic stabitity of a solution of a repairable standby human-machine system is proved, by studing spectral properties of the operator corresponding to this system.运用泛函分析的方法 ,通过分析系统主算子的特征 ,给出一类具有备用部件的可修人机系统解的渐近稳定性证明 。
2.The conceptions of spectral and module of almost periodic sequence in Banach space are introduced,which are similar to those of almost periodic function in Banach space.引入了Banach空间中与概周期函数类似的概周期序列与模的概念,并证明了概周期序列的与模有与概周期函数与模一样的性质。
3.By using functional analysis method,the asymptotic stability of a solution of a repairable system with singleness components is proved, by studing spectral properties of the operator corresponding to this system.运用泛函分析的方法,通过分析系统主算子的特征,给出了单部件可修系统解的渐近稳定性证明。
1.Non-normal Alkane GC-MS Analysis of Condensate and Its Application in Petroleum Geology;凝析油非正构烷烃色-质分析及其在石油地质中的应用
2.Based on two-phase anaerobic mechanism, a processing reactor was designed;and the waste water with high concentration discharged in the process of production of Chinese traditional medicine is carefully analyzed by the use of GC-MS.依据二相厌氧机理设计实验反应器,采用人工配制水样作为实验用水,利用色-质联动仪分析二相厌氧各阶段水质的特性。
3.EPA 16 priority PAHs are quantitatively analyzed by GC-MS and its size distribution characteristics also discussed.采集北京城乡结合区和郊区冬季12个大气可吸入颗粒物不同粒径样品,用色-质技术分析鉴定了75种多环芳烃化合物,并对各粒径中美国EPA优控的16种多环芳烃做了定量分析,研究其在不同粒径的分布规律。
6)chromatogram-mass spectrum色谱-质谱
1.Steranes and terpanes exist in saturated hydrocarbon component of oil and source rock,and they are usually identified by gas chromatogram-mass spectrum.甾萜类化合物存在于原油和生油岩的饱和烃组分中,通常用色-质法鉴定。

《北词广正谱》  北曲曲谱。明末清初李玉编。系增订徐于室、钮少雅北词谱而成。卷首题"华亭徐于室原稿,茂苑钮少雅乐句,吴门李玄玉更定,长洲朱素臣同阅"。吴伟业为此谱作《序》。徐、钮所作北词谱,今已失传,书名、卷数亦不详。    全书18帙,依6宫11调编次,末附《南戏北词正谬》、《牌名讹》1帙。共录400余个北曲曲牌,采选元人及明初作者所撰北词为例,列举不同格式,分别正字衬字,指出句子不拘可以增损者,注明板式声韵。收罗甚广,辨析精审。《四库全书总目》称其"订正诸调,颇为综覈"(见《雍熙乐府》)。此谱之前,朱权《太和正音谱》为今存最早的北曲谱,但借宫之法,增句之体,犹未能备。《北词广正谱》补其不足,正其失误,实为曲家填写北词的重要依据。乾隆时,周祥钰、邹金生编辑《九宫大成南北词宫谱》,北曲部分多采《北词广正谱》。本书兼有曲选性质,所以具有重要的文学史料价值。    本书今有"青莲书屋定本",刘氏暖红室刻本,以及北京大学印本(据青莲书屋本)。