1.A Study of Piaget s Theory of the Moral Development of Children;皮亚杰儿童道德发展理论研究
2.A review of Piaget′s hypothesis of topological primacyon the children′s conception of space development;皮亚杰儿童空间概念发展的拓扑首位论点述评
3.The Metastudy of the Ideas of Cognitive Development of Piaget and Vygotsky;皮亚杰与维果茨基认知发展观评价的元研究

1.of or relating to or like or in the manner of Jean Piaget.属于、关于或象皮亚杰的,或以皮亚杰的方式的。
2.Analysis on Piaget s Theory of the Cognitive Development Stages and the Cognitive Development Mechanism;皮亚杰认知发展阶段论与机制观辨析
4.A Comparison of Piaget s and Kohlberg s Theories on Moral Development;皮亚杰与科尔伯格道德发展理论比较
5.The practice of Neo-Piagetian theory in the school--Rightstart program;新皮亚杰理论在学校中的应用——Rightstart方案
6.Piaget s Theory Basis of the Research on Children s Theory of Mind;儿童心理理论研究的皮亚杰理论基础
7.On Perspective Taking and Piaget s Decentration;论观点采择与皮亚杰的去自我中心化
8.Educational idea based on Psychology--Piaget s thoughts about teachers;基于心理学的教育观——皮亚杰论教师
9.Piaget s Methodology : System , Advantage and Inspiration;皮亚杰的方法论:体系、优势与启示
10.Comment on Piaget s Concept of Children s Egocentricism;皮亚杰“儿童自我中心主义”概念评析
11.Jean Piaget is a relationalist of Practical materialism;皮亚杰应是实践唯物主义的关系论者
12.The New Formalizational Theory of J.Piaget: A Review on Translations of Piaget′s Essential Works Edited by Li Qiwei;熠熠生辉的“皮亚杰新形式化理论”——评李其维策划《皮亚杰发生认识论精华译丛》
13.Piaget's new summary of the experience theory and rationalism battle皮亚杰对经验论与唯理论之争的新总结
14.The Study of Chemical Education Using the Piaget s Cognitive-Developmental Theory;化学教学中应用皮亚杰认知发展理论的研究
15.The Comparison between Piaget s and Kohlberg s Theories on Moral Development;皮亚杰与科尔伯格道德发展理论的比较研究
16.A Continuous Study on Genetic Epistemology--The Explore of Piaget s Theory;一脉相承的认识发生研究——皮亚杰理论探析
17.Negative Priming Effect in a Numerical Piaget-like Task;类皮亚杰数量守恒任务中的负启动效应
18.Jean Piaget s Genetic Theory of Moral Responsibility and Its Educational Implications;皮亚杰的道德责任发生论及其教育意蕴

Jean Piaget皮亚杰
1.Jean Piaget s Genetic Theory of Moral Responsibility and Its Educational Implications;皮亚杰的道德责任发生论及其教育意蕴
2.Jean Piaget s Cognitive Development Theory and Its Application in Quality Education;皮亚杰认知发展阶段理论及其在素质教育中的应用
3.Jean Piaget s Cognitive Development Theory and its Inspirations on Teaching;皮亚杰认知发展阶段理论及其对教学的启示
3)Jean Piaget (1896~1980)皮亚杰,J.
4)Piaget's model皮亚杰模式
1.The Sociologicalized Watson's and Piaget's model may be used to analyze the government responsibilities.心理学的"华生模式"和"皮亚杰模式"实现"社会学转向",可用以分析政府的责任问题。
5)Piaget's theory皮亚杰理论
1.A review of Recent studies on Piaget's Theory皮亚杰理论新近研究综述
2.It is well known that Piaget′s theory is very c omplicated,but we still see the sense of his theory to direct the present course s reforming .皮亚杰理论的脉络十分庞杂,但是我们仍然能够看到他的理论对于当前的课程改革的指导意义。
6)Piagetian school皮亚杰学派
