1.Odd graceful labeling of some union graphs;几个并图的奇优美标号(英文)
2.Research on Prime Labeling and FFI Set of Some Graphs;若干图的素标号和FFI集问题研究
3.Novel fast pixel labeling method for binary image一种新的图像连通域快速标号算法

1.end-of-volume label (EOV label)卷结束标号;卷结束标号;卷尾标号;卷尾标号
2.labelled field of symbolic instruction符号指令的标号字段
3.The Research on (d, 1)-labelling and (2, 1)-labelling in Some Graphs;若干图的(d,1)全标号和(2,1)标号的研究
4.Graceful and Harmonious Labelings of Graph C_n · P_3;图C_n·P_3的优美标号与调和标号
5.beginning-of-volume label (VOL)卷标的开始;卷标的开始;卷开始标号;卷开始标号;卷头标;卷头标
6.multidefined case label多重定义分情形标号
7.statement label required for format statement格式语句要求语句标号
8.end of first file section label第一个文件结束标号
9.multi-reel unlabelled file多卷磁带无标号文件
10.A tape that has no labels.一种不含有标号的磁带。
11.multi-reel labelled file多卷磁带有标号文件
12.labeled series-parallel network有标号序列平行网络
13.rules for drafting symbol and code standards符号、代号标准编写规定
14.a system of symbols and symbolic representations.符号和符号标示的系统。
15.Phonetic symbols represent sounds.语音符号是标音的符号.
16.C. I'm sending Grandpa an e-card.七、读一读,标序号。
17.A written or printed symbol used for punctuation;a punctuation mark.标点符号书写或打印的用作标点的符号;标点符号
18.Punctuation marks such as the period (.), colon (:), semicolon (;), and comma (,) are not recognized during a search.在搜索中不能识别标点符号,例如句号(.),冒号(:),分号(;),逗号(,),等等。

1.The theory of shortest path problem with turn penalties and prohibitions (SP Turn) was introduced, and its state of the art approaches, including method of expanded network, dual network and arc labeling, were reviewed, while a new node labeling algorithm was proposed for comparison.阐述了带转向延误和限制的最短路径问题 (SP Turn)的基本原理 ,系统介绍了现有的求解方法 ,包括扩展网络法、对偶网络法和弧标号算法 ,并提出了一个节点标号算法用于对比 。
2.When n=2k+2,4k,4k+2,4k+4, the graceful labels of 2C4k∪Pn are given, and their gracefulness is proved.对两个圈与路的不交并图2C4k∪Pn的优美性进行研究,构造性地给出了n=2k+2,4k,4k+2,4k+4时2C4k∪Pn的优美标号,证明了它们的优美性。
3.Then,the label algorithm is utilized to assign an exclusive label to each object in the image.算法首先对输入的染色体图像进行了预处理,接着用标号法给图像中的每个对象赋予惟一的标号
1.Since they are gracefol, labellings are complicated.在解决了二个星之并、三个星之并(二个星之并、三个星之并不全是优美图)四个星之并的优美性问题之后,证明了任意五个星之并都是优美图,因其优美标号的构造很复杂,故分成多种情况逐一加以解决。
2.A k-balance labelling of a graph G of order p and size q is a bijection f:V(G)∪E(G)→such that there exists a fixed integer k to keep(fu)+f(v)=k+f(uv)for any edge uv∈E(G).k-平衡标号是关于顶点数为p,边数为q的图G的一个映射f:V(G)∪E(G)→[p+q],使得在这个映射下,存在一个整数k满足uv∈E(G)都有f(u)+f(v)=k+f(uv)成立。
3.) A one-to-one mapping f:X→{1,2,…,|X|} is called a labelling of H.设H=(E1,E2,…,Em)是集合X上的一个超图,一个1-1映射f∶X→{1,2,…,|X|}称为H的一个标号
5)signal label信号标号
6)symbolic label符号标号
