1.Intertwining Women Consciousness and Political Consciousness——on the duality of Ding Ling s literary creations;女性意识与政治意识的交结——谈丁玲创作中的两重性
2.On the duality of the value func tion in mass culture;论大众文化价值功能的两重性
3.Observing and mirroring secularity from divinity: Another interpretation of the duality of Dante s Divine Comedy;从神圣观照世俗——对但丁《神曲》“两重性”的另一种理解

1.Achievements have a dual character and so have mistakes.成绩有两重性,错误也有两重性
2.The quality or state of being twofold or double.两重性具有两方面的性质或状态
3.A bad thing has a dual character--good as well as bad.坏事有两重性,一重是坏,一重是好。
4.In this sense, there is only one aspect to their nature, not two.在这个意义上来说,他们没有两重性,只有一重性。
5.The war demonstrates the duality of the anti-terrorism campaign and the strength of superpowers.战争显示了超级大国反恐的两重性及力量的两重性
6.On the Duality of Man and the Duality of Education--Comments on Kants Educational Philosophy;人的两重性和教育的两重性——康德教育哲学思想探析
7.The national bourgeoisie is a class with a dual character.民族资产阶级是带两重性的阶级。
8.The car also has a curious ambivalence.小汽车还具有令人奇怪的两重性
9.As is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon.常言说,知识是一种具有两重性的武器。
10.A Study on the Ambivalence of the Golden Pot of E.T.A. Hoffmann;论霍夫曼艺术童话《金罐》的两重性
11.The Double Sides of the Philosophy of "Official-turned Businessmen" Seen from Ming-Qing Novels;从明清小说看明末仕商思想的两重性
12.The double character and operate pattern of the agriculture information service;农业信息服务的两重性及其运行模式
13.India s Post-Cold War Diplomacy: To be Mature and to be Immature;略论印度外交成熟与不成熟的两重性
14.Interpretation on Duality of Happiness and Pain Produced by Sports;体育产生“快乐”和“痛苦”两重性释义
15.Dualism of Modern Capitalist Society and Economy and its Revelation;当代资本主义社会经济两重性与启示
16.Dual Influence of Market Economy upon Democracy;论市场经济对民主政治作用的两重性
17.Dialectical Thoughts on Duality of Chinese Traditional Physical Culture;中国传统体育文化两重性的辩证思考
18.The Practical Unity of the Duality of Marxist Philosophy;论马克思主义哲学两重性的实践统一

1.But because of the need of advocating Li and law,he overemphasized the evil side of human nature,which results in the contradiction of dualism and the theory of evil nature.荀子关于人性的含义隐含有善与恶的两重发展倾向,并将之贯彻到其整个人性论中,但出于隆礼重法的需要,荀子过于强调性恶,从而造成了两重性与性恶论的矛盾;与孟子相比较,两人的人性论都具有两重性,但荀子以情论性,孟子以心论性,强调的重点有所不同,并因此导致二人朝着相似的目标走出了不同的途径。
2.This paper applies aesthetic response and concept of perception to de-structure dualism in the narrative structure, characterization and psychology of the characters.从比较两个电影版本改编的逻辑性入手,应用接受美学理论、知觉概念,对文本的叙述结构、人物性格及心理特征进行了分析,从而解构作品的两重性,从一个新的视点展示了成就这部伟大作品的原因。
3.According to Jiang Ze-min,the economic globalization has both natural and class characters,which determine the dualism in its tropism of value.在江泽民看来,经济全球化具有自然属性和阶级属性两重性,由此决定了其在价值导向上也具有正面和负面效应两重性
3)dual nature两重性
1.In order to seek a world-wide expansion and hegemony, the American government has VOA news broadcasting bear the following features: mass media serving special politics, globalization, supreme time efficiency, cultural penetration, dual nature of being realistic and cheating.它具有工具性特色、全球化特色;具有高时效性和文化渗透性、真实与欺骗的两重性
2.The dual nature of the relations between religions and socialism determines that religions will exist for a long time and constantly perform their positive social functions.宗教与社会主义关系的这种两重性决定了它将在社会主义条件下长期存在,并不断发挥积极的社会功能。
4)organization dualism组织两重性
5)Physical and psychological duality身心两重性
1.By using dialogic to comprehend Inequality between Politics and Economy by Deng xiaoping to defend logically for the works Speech in the South and Socialistic Market Economy of Deng xiaoping.重申应用辩证逻辑观点对马克思《资本论》进行解读的合理性;在汲取西方马克思主义对经济哲学研究的新成果的基础上,表明马克思主义经济学与西方主流经济学两者并非简单地相互排斥;应用“两重性逻辑”解读邓小平的“政治—经济不等式”,为邓小平“南方讲话”和“社会主义市场经济”进行逻辑辩护。

两重性  毛泽东对事物都是对立统一的客观实际所作的概括。两重性的观点是唯物辩证法的基本观点。两重性和毛泽东所说的两点论、两分法有同等意义,都是要求人们全面地辩证地观察事物,不但要看到事物的正面,也要看到它的反面,看到事物矛盾双方在一定条件下相互转化,反对片面地、僵死地、形而上学地看问题。    毛泽东在《矛盾论》中全面系统地论述了对立统一规律亦即两重性的思想。在社会主义时期,毛泽东结合中国革命和建设的丰富经验,又明确提出和使用了两重性一词,并作了深刻的阐释和发挥。他指出,世界上一切事物无不具有两重性,帝国主义和一切反动派有两重性,它们是真老虎又是纸老虎;成绩有两重性,它能够鼓励人,同时会使人骄傲;错误、失败也有两重性,它使人倒霉,使人着急,同时也是很好的教员,失败是成功之母,在失败中包含着胜利的因素;坏事有两重性,一重是坏,一重是好,坏事里头包含着好的因素,好事里头也包含着坏的因素,在一定的条件下,坏的东西可以引出好的结果,好的东西也可以引出坏的结果;每个民族有其长处也有短处;人们对真理的认识,既是相对的又是绝对的,等等,这些都是事物两重性的表现。